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Diterbitkan olehNovia Anggraeni Telah diubah "5 tahun yang lalu
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb At this time we will present our video about the Selomangkleng description Before that let me introduce myself and my friends
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Museum Airlangga in Jl.Mastrip 1 Selomangkleng. This Museum was built by city government kediri in 1990-1992. This Museum is used to store historical objects.
Building Museum of Airlangga Kediri has pyramid roof and the glass wall around it. the Museum nameplate is made of wood posted in front of Museum At right and left corner Museum there are arca guards.
In the middle of this Museum there is a large stone vase and surrounded by relics of other historic objects that are partitioned simply in the section there is also a statue of the great god Vishnu.
While on the left of the Museum there are stone gentong, Yoni, Arca hanari, Ganeca, Durga etc.
And on the right side of the Museum tedapat statu nandi, shiwa vehicles, wara jalat, miniature houses etc.
Unfortunately this Airlangga Museum relics are damaged due to lack of care from the Museum Guard.
The condition around the Airlangga Museum is very supportive to the right of the Museum Airlangga bench benches and surrounded by shady trees that make the air there is very cool and fresh in front of the Museum there is also a children's playground and swimming pool. Not far from the Museum Airlangga there is a cave that is cave selomangkleng. Its location is very beautiful and the location is clean.
Airlangga Museum is very suitable for tours with family, outbound, and akvitas other schools associated with the history here we can complete the facts about the establishment of the Museum Airlangga by majapahit kingdom. Because conditions in the area of Airlangga Museum is very supportive to do these activities began to learn, play, relax and anything else. So no one if this Museum became one of the charm Kediri Tour.
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