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Presentasi berjudul: "Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb “ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS “"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb “ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS “


3  Course Identity: School: SD. Al-Kautsar Kota Pasuruan Grade: 2 nd Age: 8 th Number of Students: 20 students Learners Proficiency: Starter Time Allotment: 2x35 Minutes Meeting: ¼

4  Learning Objective : At the end of the meeting, the students hopefully understand about “Feeling Expressions” through Listening and speaking skills.  Indicators: 1.) Expressing and repeting what teachers said about “Feeling expressions” 2.) Asking and responding teacher and their friends said about “Feeling expressions”

5 Teaching-Learning activities: A. Pre-Activity B. Whilst-Activity C. Post-Activity

6 Pre Activity & Material  TIME: 10 MINUTES  Activities 1.) Greeting: 1.5 minutes 2.) Presence: 1.5 Minutes 3.) Warning up by singing a song “If You’re Happy, Clap You’re Hands” : 7 Minutes  Consideration : We choose singing a song activities in this pre-Activity to warm up their listening skill regarding to the main material of “Feeling” and make them excited with first session.  Assessment: -

7 Whilst Activity & Material  TIME: 50 Minutes A.) Engage 1.) Activities: Introducting material through flashcard which involves students to listen and repeat what teacher says. “Vocabulary’s felling inside the flashcard: Happy, sad, angry, hungry, sleepy, tired. 2.) Times: 15 Minutes 3.) Consideration: W e choose the activity to engange students in understanding the material and catching their attention by showing flashcard. 4.) Assessment : -

8 Whilst Activity & Material  TIME: 50 Minutes B.) Study (and Activate) 1.) Activities: “Asking and responding”. In this acitivity, the teacher asks to students by one regarding to the feeling expression. Then students give responding to what teacher asked. If students couldn’t give the responding, teacher guides the students. 2.) Times: 15 Minutes (7 Minutes for asking and giving activity, 8 Minutes for doing worksheet). 3.) Consideration: We choose the activity to make them feel common or usual with the concepts of Feeling and Make them know how to ask and respond others. 4.) Assessment : Non-test (objective)

9 Whilst Activity & Material Asking: - How do I feel? - How do you feel? Responding: - I’m Happy - I’m Sad - I’m Hungry - I’m Sleepy - I’m Tired - You’re happy - You’re Angry - You’re Hungry - You’re Sleepy - You’re Tired

10 Whilst Activity & Material  TIME: 50 Minutes C.) Activate 1.) Activities: “Guess my expression!”. In this acitivity, the teacher divides students into 4 big groups. In every group, there will be a student who leads their group to guess Feeling expression by showing it from his/her mimics or gestures, then one by one student in the group guess it. If there is a student couldn’t answer the right answer, the student will replace the previous student position. And so on until all students get a part to answer the Feeling question. After that students will be given worksheet about Feeling. 2.) Times: 20 Minutes (1 group with 5 Minutes) 3.) Consideration: We choose the activity to make them active by communicating with their friends. 4.) Assessment : Test (Written form)

11 Post - activity & Material  TIME: 10 Minutes 1.) Activities Reviewing : Teacher asks students what they have learned by asking them what are feeling expression they have learned on that day. Then teacher expresses feeling expression and ask student to guess it. 2.) Times : 2 Minutes 3.) Consideration : - 4.) Assessment : -

12 Thank You Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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