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HABITAT AND ENVIRONMENT Grade 7 – Science Hapsari Kusumaningtyas, S.Pd.

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Presentasi berjudul: "HABITAT AND ENVIRONMENT Grade 7 – Science Hapsari Kusumaningtyas, S.Pd."— Transcript presentasi:

1 HABITAT AND ENVIRONMENT Grade 7 – Science - 2021 Hapsari Kusumaningtyas, S.Pd

2 OUTLINE environmental component biotic components abiotic component interdependence between living things population dynamics human effect in the balance of nature nature preservation (conservation)

3 environmental component (worksheet)

4 Habitat is a place where an organism makes its home (

5 Population is defined as a group of individuals of the same species living and interbreeding within a given area (

6 Community also called biological community, in biology, an interacting group of various species in a common location ( m)

7 Ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscapes, work together to form a bubble of life. (https://www.national

8 Biotic component is a living organism that shapes its environment. In a freshwater ecosystem, examples might include aquatic plants, fish, amphibians, and algae. (https://www.nationalgeographic.or g) biotic components

9 The producers generate food for themselves and others; consumers do not produce anything, instead eating producers, other consumers or both. Organisms that eat only producers (i.e., plants) are called herbivores. Animals that eat only consumers (i.e., meat) are called carnivores. (

10 Autotrophs (or producers) make their own food using light or chemical energy. Examples of autotrophs include plants, algae, and some bacteria.... Animals, fungi, and many bacteria are heterotrophs. Specialized heterotrophs, called decomposers break down dead organic material and wastes. (

11 Food chain is a chronological pathway or an order that shows the flow of energy from one o( interaction between components in ecosystem

12 Make a new food chain! Food chain 1 : Food chain 2 :

13 Food web is a graph that shows all the trophic (eating-related) interactions between various species in an ecosystem. (https://www.khanacade

14 What are differences between food chain and food web?

15 Energy flow is the transfer of energy from the sun and up each subsequent level of the food chain in an environment. (


17 abiotic component are an ecosystem's nonliving elements. This includes things like soil, sunlight, water, and temperature.

18 Water

19 Temperature

20 Wind

21 Sunlight

22 Soil

23 Interdependence between living things (group presentation) Food chain, in ecology, the sequence of transfers of matter and energy in the form of food from organism to organism. Trophic level is the different stages of the food chain



26 What is your opinion about this pyramid?

27 Make some examples of food chains ! Food chain 1 Food chain 2 Food chain 3

28 Food web is a detailed interconnecting diagram that shows the overall food relationships between organisms in a particular environment.

29 List some differencies !

30 Let us discuss about these ! Interaction between organisms Neutral: Predation Competition symbiosis of parasitism symbiosis of commensalism symbiotic mutualism

31 Let us discuss about these ! dependence of animals on plants dependence of plants on animals dependence of humans on animals and plants

32 Population dynamics Is changes in the number of individuals in a population over time. population changes occur because of the birth and death of individuals in the population. a population will increase as individual births increase and mortality decreases. conversely the population will decrease if individual births decrease and mortality increases

33 Population growth and environmental carrying capacity Population growth is the increase in the number of members of the population as a result of a faster birth rate than the death rate. Population growth has a limit, meaning that once the population has reached a certain number, its growth will stop. Population growth has stopped because a balance has been achieved between the number of members of the population and the ability of the environment to support it.

34 the maximum number of population members of a species varies from one place to another. These differences are caused by differences in the ability of the environment to support the life of these living things. the ability of the environment to support life is determined by the availability of natural resources. environmental carrying capacity is the ability of the environment to support a number of individual living things


36 human population density Human population density is influenced by environmental support and the growing number of individuals. If the human population continues to grow and develop but the carrying capacity of the environment decreases, various problems will arise such as lack of food supplies, clean water, clean air, and land availability


38 Human effects on food chain (article) Microplastic

39 Deforestation Illegal hunting

40 Challenge ! Look for one online article related with human effect in food chain last 3 years. Give your opinion about that article !

41 Adaptation (group presentation) Adaptation for survival Adaptations is the way in which organisms fit into their habitat and survive Living organism are adapted in many ways to survive in different conditions


43 Local adaptations Day and night adaptations Nocturnal: active night diurnal: active daytime Seasonal adaptations Dormant: plant survive the winter as seeds, or as bulb below the ground Hibernate: polar bear hibernate Migrate: they leave bad conditions and move to good conditions

44 Adaptation for extreme environments Hot habitats

45 Adaptation for extreme environments Cold habitats

46 Underwater adaptations Underwater plants Everything that relies on photosynthesis needs tobe able float and grow to the top 200 m Seaweed such as kelp fasten themselves to rocks or the seabed Breathing Tiny living organism in the water can get oxygen through their body surface Bigger organisms have special gills Moving Have a sleek streamlined shape o help them swim fast and strong tails which push them quickly Pressure, cold and dark Angler fish produce light, adaptated to living at great pressure.

47 Conservation Conservation is an effort to use natural resources wisely The goal of conservation is to maintain environmental quality such as maintaining a pollution-free environment and ensuring the availability of land for cultivation and the continuous availability of animals and other products

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