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Biliary System Bile, required for the digestion of food, is excreted by the liver into passages that carry bile toward the hepatic duct, which joins with.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Biliary System Bile, required for the digestion of food, is excreted by the liver into passages that carry bile toward the hepatic duct, which joins with."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Biliary System Bile, required for the digestion of food, is excreted by the liver into passages that carry bile toward the hepatic duct, which joins with the cystic duct (carrying bile to and from the gallbladder) to form the common bile duct, which opens into the intestine. Bile, required for the digestion of food, is excreted by the liver into passages that carry bile toward the hepatic duct, which joins with the cystic duct (carrying bile to and from the gallbladder) to form the common bile duct, which opens into the intestine.

2 Gallbladder The gallbladder functions as a resevoir for bile produced by the liver. It is 7-10cm long, 3cm wide at its broadest measure, and has a capacity of 30-50ml. The gallbladder is divided into 3regions : fundus, body, and neck. fundus, body, and neck.

3 Bile produced by the left and right portions of the liver travel through the right and left hepatic ducts (1-2mm in diameter). These two ducts join to form the common hepatic duct. The union of the common hepatic duct and cystic duct forms the common bile duct ( up to 6mm in diameter. Diameter increase 0.5-1mm per decade). The common bile duct passes posterior to the first portion of the duodenum. It then descends via a groove on the superolateral portion of the posterior head of the pancreas, sometimes traveling through the pancreas head. At the head of the pancreas, the common bile duct meets the pancreatic duct, and they exit into the second part of the duodenum, forming the hepatopancreatic ampulla (or ampulla of Vater).

4 (Imaging Modalities) Indirect Imaging: Indirect imaging involves non- invasive radiologic techniques including: Indirect imaging involves non- invasive radiologic techniques including:  US,  plain film,  CT,  (MRCP)  Oral,IV Cholecystography  Nuclear IDA scan (Cholescintigraphy) Direct Imaging: Direct Imaging: involves invasive radiologic procedures, which include: involves invasive radiologic procedures, which include:  ERCP  Operative and T-tube cholangiogram  PTC

5 Choledochal cyst Type I Choledochal cyst Type I

6 Caroli's disease Caroli's disease

7 Anatomic variants in the cystic duct Anatomic variants in the cystic duct

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