Reconstructionism and Education

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1 Reconstructionism and Education
Rocky R. Nikijuluw

2 what do you think about this picture,?
have you ever taken part in a soccer match?

3 If you become a soccer coach, what do you do for the team you lead?

4 so is the topic of our lesson today is the Reconstructionism of Education.
Reconstructionism encourages attitudes toward change that encourage individuals to try better than before.

5 The philosophy of reconstructionism contains two major premises :
1. The social environment requires constant change 2. Changes related to the rebuilding of education and its use in the development of the social environment. Because the same ideas and values cannot be used for an age that must be developed, for this reason, ideas need to be had in order to be able to adjust to the times.

6 Many philosophers have described and thought about human life in the future if there is a change in education. if education is used appropriately, it will become an extraordinary force as an instrument of social change and even change the world. Reconstruction of education is good if the aim is to improve education. but if it is used incorrectly it can be a dangerous weapon of destruction. Adventist education through perfecting faith in Jesus, trying to restore in man the image of his Creator, maintaining in humanity a rational dedication to God's work in the world. Adventist Education is a harmonious development of physical, mental, and spiritual forces. education for eternity and not just world science.

7 Historical background of reconstructionism











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