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Perencanaan Kapasitas

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Presentasi berjudul: "Perencanaan Kapasitas"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Perencanaan Kapasitas
Manajemen Operasi Bisnis Perencanaan Kapasitas Budi Harsanto

2 Jenis Kapasitas Kapasitas desain (design capacity): the maximum theoretical output of a system. Kapasitas efektif (effective capacity): the capacity a firm expects to achieve given current operating constraints. Often lower than design capacity.

3 Utilisasi & Efisiensi Utilisasi Efisiensi
= Output aktual : Kapasitas desain Efisiensi = Output aktual : Kapasitas efektif

4 Mengelola Permintaan Permintaan melebihi Kapasitas
Curtail demand by raising prices, scheduling longer lead time. Long term solution is to increase capacity. Kapasitas melebihi Permintaan. Stimulate market. Product changes.

5 Matching Demand to Capacity
Making staffing changes Adjusting equipment Purchasing additional machinery Selling or leasing out existing equipment Improving processes to increase throughput Redesigning products to facilitate more throughput Adding process flexibility to meet changing product preferences Closing facilities Heizer & Render

6 Pendekatan Ekspansi Kapasitas

7 Metode Analisa titik impas (Break Even Point Analysis) Decision Tree

8 BEP Analysis

9 BEP – Produk Tunggal BEP$ & BEPx ?

10 BEP – Produk Tunggal

11 BEP – Produk Tunggal

12 BEP - Multi Produk

13 BEP - Multi Produk

14 BEP - Multi Produk

15 BEP – Multi Produk

16 Decision Tree Southern Hospital Supplies Example.

17 Decision Tree

18 DT – Expected Monetary Value (EMV) Example

19 Decision Tree

20 Referensi Heizer & Render, 9e. Etc.

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