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Understanding the Production Process Flow Multimedia Products
Describe the multimedia
Understanding the Production Process Flow Multimedia Products
Products - Multimedia Products
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Multimedia production process flow consists from 3 sub: Pre production Production Post Production
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
1. Pre Production In principle, this process includes the process of casting ideas (proposals) product, production process planning, preparation of documentation, preparation of the team, building prototypes, management of copyright and signing of contracts and financing.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pra Produksi
1. Idea & Concept Selection. Is a realization of an idea that thoughts and ideas aimed at to put into visual and audio media.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pra Produksi
Step by step diagram of Concept
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pra Produksi
2. Story Line / Synopsis. Is a summary of the story / film, a form of contraction of a film by taking into account the elements of the film's reflection. a synopsis is an effective way to present a long essay in the film short form. In synopsis, the beauty of style, illustrations, and explanations eliminated, but keep the content and general ideas pegarangnya. Synopsis usually limited by the number of pages, such as one or two pages, one-fifth or one tenth of the length of the film.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pra Produksi
The steps to make a synopsis Noting the main ideas underlined the idea - the idea is important Write a summary based on the ideas Use a solid line, effective, and attractive to assemble the story Dialogue and character monologues written enough content or sought outline only Synopsis not be deviated from the story and the contents of the entire film.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pra Produksi
3. Script / Script scenarios. Making audio-visual design and copywriting treatment in detail the main ideas developed in the synopsis into a story interesting and informative. Begins with an explanation and introduction of each character in the story as a whole.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pra Produksi
4. Shot List & Storyboard. A shoting management techniques. Here is made a list of shots in each scene, and visualized in the form of sketch drawings / storyboards if needed.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pra Produksi
Sample storyboard
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
2. Production This process consists of: 1. multimedia content creation needed 2. content processing 3. programming / software needed 4. integrate content and software 5. APHA building design revised version 6. Revise the software and content based on the evaluation 7. Building a Beta version
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
Directing / directing. Director / Director is the person who led the implementation of the shoting and regulate how the team's duty in making such films: actors, Cameramen, lighting, artistic, editor & special effects artist to perform properly in making a film in accordance with the script / text. And usually didamping by one or more assistant director.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
Mastery Shoting Camera & Engineering. 1. Anggle Is the point of view shots that can be seen from the viewfinder of a camera film / video. Where election anggle crucial element in creating artistic and understanding of the story in accordance with the script scene / script.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
2. Lighting / Lighting In an image capture process required adequate lighting assets. Both were obtained from natural sources (the sun) on shoting exterior / outer space, or through the aid of headlights on shoting interior / in space.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
Composition Technique is the image position settings, size & depth of field, perspective & mood of the scene to produce images in accordance with the demands of the script / scripts.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
Log in / Shoting Notes Necessary to log / notes made clear labeling of each image is finished peradegan taken, complete with time coordinate information (timecode) on the tape used. This process will help accelerate the image editing process.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Produksi
Sample Log / Notes Shoting
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pasca Produksi
3. Post Production Post Production is part of the filmmaking process. This initerjadi in films, television programs, radio programs, videos, audio recordings, photography and digital art.
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pasca Produksi
To illustrate the process of sequentially pre-production: Concept definition Design Production plan Documentation Assembel team Building prototype Clear right Client sign-off and funding
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pasca Produksi
Mengiustrasikan sequential production process: Content creation Content Processing Software creation Integration of content and software Reviise design Freeze design
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pasca Produksi
Revise content and software according to final design Build Alpha version First testin Evalution Revise software and content basedon evaluation Build Beta version
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Pasca Produksi
Illustrates the post-production process sequentially: Beta testing Evaluation Revise software and content Golden Master Release Archive all material production
Contoh Post Production
Pembagian Tahap Post Production
1. Offline: - Capture - Edit
2. Online : - Compositing - Motion Graphic - Visual Effects - Color Grading - Music & Sound FX - Titling - 3D
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Pra Produksi scripting Planning Development of Concept Outline Timeline Plan the Shoot Produksi Shooting Pasca Produksi Editing Iterative approvval process Additional Image / Effect Colour Correction Sound Mix Chart Multimedia Production Stages
Exhibit Audio Visual Production stage
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Audio Visual Production Exhibit Audio Visual Production stage Planning Budgeting Script writing Casting Storyboarding Pra produksi Produksi Shooting Capturing Cutting Editing Produksi Compositing Audio Visual Effect Capturing
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Multimedia Production
Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia – Web Production
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Step 7 Make Multimedia Learning
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Step 1 Analysis and determine the needs of multimedia learning 1. Problem Background Low Student Achievement Lack of motivation to learn Difficulties teachers in delivering learning materials 2. Multimedia Learning Should it? Are there difficulties in teaching and learning? What causes these difficulties? Is it possible to overcome by learning multimedia?
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Type of Multimedia Learning? 1. Multimedia Presentation of Learning Teacher aids in the learning process class (Presentation) Form of a pointer - a pointer material presented (explisit knowledge) plus a linear multimedia to reinforce the impact kesiswa 2. Multimedia Learning Mandiri Learning materials that can be used by students independently A combination of explicit and tacit knowledge. There are features for the training / test / simulation
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Langkah 2 2. Tentukan Tema Bahan Ajar Ambil tema bahan ajar yang menurut kita sangat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman ke siswa dan menarik bila kita gunakan multimedia
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Susunan Alur Cerita ( Story Board)
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Langkah 4 4. Pilih Software Yang Mudah dan Mulai Buat Sekarang Juga!!! Awali dengan software yang paling mudah dipelajari. Explorasi dan kuasai MS Power Point dan Open Office Impress terutama dianimasi dan efeknya
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Langkah 5 5. Gunakan Teknik ATM Usahakan sering melihat contoh – contoh yang sudah ada untuk membangkitka ide. Terapkan metode ATM (Amati, Tiru dan Modifikasi) Gunakan logo, icon dan image yang tersedia secara default.Apabila kurang puas : Cari dari berbagai sumber Buat sendiri apabila mampu
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Langkah 6 6. Tetapkan Target Jaga keseriusan proses belajar dengan membuat target pribadi : lomba, award, produk(kerjasama dengan penerbit), atau jadwal mengajar dikelas Teacher Innovation (Microsoft):April Lomba pembuatan multimedia pembelajaran (Dikmenum) : Oktober Lomba pembuatan multimedia pembelajaran (BPM Pustekom) Elearning Award ( Pustekom) : September Game Technology Competition (BPKLN)
Contoh Memahami Alir Proses Produksi Produk Multimedia
Langkah 7 7. Tiga Tips dari Success Story Berani mencoba Belajar mandiri (Otodidak) dari buku – buku yang ada(investasi membeli buku) Tekun dan tidak menyerah meskipun peralatan terbatas
The end
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