INTERNET & E-COMMERCE Internet Marketing & eMarketing

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1 INTERNET & E-COMMERCE Internet Marketing & eMarketing
Lecturer : Bambang Warsuta, S.Kom, M.T.I INTERNET & E-COMMERCE Internet Marketing & eMarketing S1 Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UPN “Veteran” Jakarta

2 Apa itu Marketing??? Chartered Institute of Marketing (is a worldwide professional organisation committed to the training, development, promotion and practice of marketing with over members worldwide) “Marketing is the management process for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.” American Marketing Association (AMA) in 1985 “Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” Creates opportunity that offer efficiency

3 Prinsip-prinsip dasar Marketing/Pemasaran
Untuk mendapatkan keunikan yang dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah, di dalam ilmu pemasaran/marketing terdapat suatu rumus pemasaran yang biasa disebut dengan Four Ps. Product Price Place/distribution Promotion

4 Four Ps - Product New product development Inovasi Produk Branding
Product management Pengelolaan/peningkatan kualitas produk New product development Inovasi Produk Branding Brand produk

5 Four Ps - Price Pricing Penentuan harga produk yang tepat Discount
Pengelolaan diskon produk

6 Four Ps – Place/distribution
Channel Management Bekerja sama dengan pihak lain Customer Service Pelayanan terhadap pelanggan Physical distribution Distribusi produk

7 Four Ps – Promotion Advertising Sales Promotion Public Relations
Personal selling Merchandising Sponsorship

8 Apa itu Internet Marketing???
Tercapainya tujuan/sasaran marketing/pemasaran dengan menggunakan teknologi digital. Sumber :Internet Marketing Strategy, Implementation, and practice 3rd edition – Pearson education Creates opportunity that offer efficiency

9 Bagaimanakah peluang Internet Marketing / eMarketing untuk Bisnis saat ini???
Creates opportunity that offer efficiency

10 E - Marketing??? E-marketing atau electronic marketing menurut Smith and Chaffey (2005), memiliki arti yang lebih luas dibandingkan dengan Internet Marketing. Electronic Marketing, tidak hanya terbatas pada fungsi penggunaan teknologi digital seperti web, , dan wireless media, akan tetapi penggunaannya sudah termasuk manajemen pelanggan seperti CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Creates opportunity that offer efficiency

11 E - Marketing Mengacu pada The Chartered Institute of Marketing “Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably” Creates opportunity that offer efficiency

12 E - Marketing Smith and Chaffey (2005)
Identifying – the Internet can be used for marketing research to find out customers needs and wants Anticipating – the Internet provides an additional channel by which customers can access information and make purchases Satisfying – a key success factor in e-marketing is achieving customer satisfaction through the electronic channel Creates opportunity that offer efficiency

13 Question???

14 Who’s The Target Customer ?

15 Online Customers The Online Surfer The Online Customer
The Online Prosumer The Online Buyer The Key Online Customer

16 Online Customers The Online Surfer The Online Customer
The Online Prosumer The Online Buyer The Key Online Customer Increase Reputation Objective Passive Use Of The Offer Behaviour “I Will Just Take A Look” Motto

17 Online Customers The Online Surfer The Online Customer
The Online Prosumer The Online Buyer The Key Online Customer To confirm use expectation Objective interactive accompaniment through product and service palette Behaviour

18 Online Customers The Online Surfer The Online Customer
Promote interactively Objective Get involved to the business Behaviour The Online Surfer The Online Customer The Online Prosumer The Online Buyer The Key Online Customer

19 Online Customers The Online Surfer The Online Customer
The Online Prosumer The Online Buyer The Key Online Customer to strengthen confidence Objective activating offer, order, and delivery processes Behaviour

20 Online Customers The Online Surfer The Online Customer
The Online Prosumer The Online Buyer The Key Online Customer to create personal supplemental use Objective to maintain and strengthen the customer relationship Behaviour

21 Question???

22 Where we Can Find Them?


24 Maturity Model for Organizations offering eCommerce Service
Stage D. Information such as general company information, product catalogs,or the job market is provided Stage C. Communication using services such as search functions, , newsletters, newsgroups, FAQs, chat rooms, or discussion forums is realized Stage B. Business transactions are performed with online offer generation, ordering, payment, and distribution Stage A. Personalized products and services, customer connection through one to-one marketing, or individual online order tracking is facilitated, or digital agents are employed for personalized consultation and sales

25 Thank You…

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