Page 1 of 62 ADSL Wireless Modem Router Produk. Page 2 of 62 D-LINK ADSL Produk DSL-2640TDSL-2600U.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Page 1 of 62 ADSL Wireless Modem Router Produk. Page 2 of 62 D-LINK ADSL Produk DSL-2640TDSL-2600U."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Page 1 of 62 ADSL Wireless Modem Router Produk

2 Page 2 of 62 D-LINK ADSL Produk DSL-2640TDSL-2600U

3 Page 3 of 62 DSL-2640T Hardware Interfaces -1 RJ-11 Adsl port -4 RJ-45 10/100BASE T port switch auto MDI/MDIX -WLAN 802.11G -Factory reset button

4 Page 4 of 62 DSL-2640T FEATURE ADSL -Support ADSL 2+ (D/L : 24Mbps U/L : 1Mbps) Wireless -802.11g standard (54Mbps) -Wireless Security (WEP, WPA, WPA2) Router -NAT, Static routing, RIP v1, RIP v2 -DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) -Virtual Server & DMZ Firewall -SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) -DoS attacks Prevention -Packet Filtering (IP Address Source, destination, MAC Address ICMP/TCP/UDP) Network -Multi PVC (PVC1 – PVC7) -PVC/VLAN port Mapping (4VLANs) -Bandwidth Management Base on IP Protocol, Port number, MAC Address

5 Page 5 of 62 DSL-2600U Hardware Interfaces -1 RJ-11 Adsl port -1 RJ-45 10/100BASE T port switch auto MDI/MDIX -WLAN 802.11G -Factory reset button -Power ON/OFF

6 Page 6 of 62 DSL-2600U FEATURE ADSL -Support ADSL 2+ (D/L : 24Mbps U/L : 1Mbps) Wireless -802.11g standard (54Mbps) -Wireless Security (WEP, WPA, WPA2) Router -NAT, Static routing, RIP v1, RIP v2 -DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) -Virtual Server & DMZ Firewall -SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) -DoS attacks Prevention -Packet Filtering (IP Address Source, destination, MAC Address ICMP/TCP/UDP) Network -Multi PVC (PVC1 – PVC7) -QoS 802.11p Priority Queues Application port User-defined (TCP/UDP/ICMP etc.)

7 Page 7 of 62 Lock Bundling Speedy Prepaid 1.Lock MAC Address By DSLAM Installasi seperti biasa, setelah link up dilakukan lock MAC Address di DSLAM. 2.PreInstall Modem Speedy Pelanggan tinggal plug and play, setting perangkat dilakukan pihak telkom.Pelanggan diberikan user untuk melihat status koneksi saja. 3.Assign Configuration at Firmware Konfigurasi dan settingan WAN di masukan langsung di Firmware (username & password sama semua). Dan disable fungsi untuk mengubah WANnya.

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