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Presentasi berjudul: "NOTICE / CAUTION / WARNING"— Transcript presentasi:

Disusun oleh: Ahmad Muhlis (3) Muhammad Wahid (19)

2 INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum / pikiran utama paragraf, tersurat atau tersirat / rujukan kata atau makna kata dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk notice / caution / warning.

3 A.Pengertian notice/caution/warning
Informasi singkat & sederhana yang di tunjukan untuk orang banyak. B.Bentuk notice/caution/warning Kalimat perintah (command) atau permintaan (request), seperti: KEEP OFF THE GRASS Kalimat larangan (prohibition), contoh: DON’T DISTURB Rambu-rambu: NO SMOKING

4 C.Makna notice/caution/warning
Notice/caution/warning umumnya membuat makna tentang hal / tindakan yang harus atau tidak dibolehkan. D.Pertanyaan terkait notice/caution/warning Maksud notice/caution/warning Letak notice/caution/warning Makna kata

5 EXERCISE 1. This notice means.... Throw your rubbish here
Do not throw your rubbish here Bring your own rubbish Do not pick up the rubbish

6 2. The notice means.... We are not allowed to let the door open all the time We are prohibited to enter the room We have to take another door to enter the room We are not permitted to open the door

7 3. This notice means.... We are allowed to cut We are allowed to pick up We must not walk on We must not clean

8 4. This notice means.... You must go surfing You must sell surfing equipment You are not allowed to go surfing You are not allowed to sell surfing equipment

9 5. This notice means.... We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here We have to add chemical materials on food We can put chemicals ain the store room We can only put food in the unit


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