Evaluasi Ujian Ketrampilan dan Laporan. 14:30 – 14:10 : Penjelasan Tugas14:10 – 15:10 : Kerja Mandiri15:10 – 16: 00 : Diskusi Alokasi waktu.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Evaluasi Ujian Ketrampilan dan Laporan. 14:30 – 14:10 : Penjelasan Tugas14:10 – 15:10 : Kerja Mandiri15:10 – 16: 00 : Diskusi Alokasi waktu."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Evaluasi Ujian Ketrampilan dan Laporan

2 14:30 – 14:10 : Penjelasan Tugas14:10 – 15:10 : Kerja Mandiri15:10 – 16: 00 : Diskusi Alokasi waktu

3 Teaching and assessing high- level content Practically oriented Live and practical skills Student : not only subject content but the ability to put their learning into practice in real-life contexts LAMA BARU

4 Teacher centered •Content based Testing (summative) Student centered Outcome (competency based) Assessment (formative) LAMABARU Feedback

5 5 Align the assessment with the educational goals and Do not create too many assessment hurdles Align the assessment with the educational goals and Do not create too many assessment hurdles Assessment Teaching & Learning

6 http://www.gphttp://www.gp training.net/training/educational_theory/adult_learning

7 SKILLSKILL SKILLSKILL DIRECT OBSERVATION, Work Place based assessment WRITTEN REPORTS SIMULATIONS KNOWS KNOWS HOW SHOWS HOW DOES SKILL Authenticity Objectivity Modifikasi dari Miller, 1990., Mehay and Burn, 2009. UK GP training net, 2009

8 Tugas 1.Identifikasi ketrampilan yang dibelajarkan pada program studi masing-masing sesuai mata ajar yang diampu 2.Buat rancangan penilaian salah satu ketrampilan tersebut

9 Learning issue • Evaluasi hasil pembelajaran ketrampilan • Evaluasi hasil laporan mahasiswa • Umpan balik efektif

10 Bahan Bacaan 1.Pickford R and Brown S, Assessing Skills and Practice: Routledge, 2006. 2.Dreyfus HL and Dreyfus SE, Mind over machine, The power of human intuition and expertise in the era of computer, 1956: Chapter 1. 3.Hattie J and Timperley H, The power of feed back, Rev Educ Res, 2007:77:81-112 4.Hewson MG and Little ML, Giving feedback in medical education: verification of recommended techniques. J Gen Intern Med, 1998,13(2):111-6


12 Pembuat soal Reviewer Bagian Topik KlasifikasiPatogenesis/Kausa/Diagnosis/Terapi /Prognosis/dll Learning objective Tujuan asesmen Tingkat kompetensi Dave, Dreyfus, EPA, dll Area kompetensiUtama, Pendukung, Lainnya MahasiswaSemester …., setelah lulus …… Instrumen penilaian Borang ….. (lihat lampiran) NBLBagaimana menentukan NBL Daftar pustaka

13 ten Cate etal., 2010

14 Dave, 1970

15 ten Cate etal., 2010

16 Hewson and Little, 1998

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