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IT in Higher Education Mempersiapkan Lembaga Pendidikan menuju Era Informasi Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Bandung, Jakarta Nopember - Desember 2007.

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2 IT in Higher Education Mempersiapkan Lembaga Pendidikan menuju Era Informasi Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Bandung, Jakarta Nopember - Desember 2007

3 Issues  Mengapa perlu TIK (ICT) ?  Tantangan Pendidikan Indonesia  Implementasi TIK  Saran

4 Mengapa Perlu TIK ? 1

5 Vision: By 2008, all member states in the Asia-Pacific region will have: • A national ICT in education POLICY. • ICT as a component of TEACHER TRAINING. • The beginnings of a process of developing relevant, multilingual and appropriate EDUCATIONAL CONTENT. • NETWORKS for sharing knowledge and experiences. • Key INDICATORS developed and used to monitor progress and to form strategies.

6 Scope of the UNESCO Programme 1. Education Policy 2. Training of Teachers 3. Teaching & Learning 4. Non-Formal Education 5. Monitoring & Measuring Change 6. Research & Knowledge Sharing

7 Monitoring & measuring the impact of ICT in education using performance indicators 5. Monitoring & Measuring Change Scope of the UNESCO Programme

8 ICT and Education ICTs can be used in education to:  improve administrative efficiency  disseminate teaching and learning materials to teachers and students  improve the ICT skills of teachers and students  allow teachers and students access to sources of information from around the world  share ideas on education and learning

9 ICT and Education, continued ICTs can be used in education to:  collaborate on joint projects  conduct lessons from a remote location  Data on availability of ICTs in formal education-- their costs and benefits, their use, equity of access, their impact on educational outcomes useful for educational planning  ICTs play equally major role in promotion of non- formal education– older technologies too!

10 Students Core competencies & skills  The classical 3R's: Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic  The modern 3X's (*) eXploration, eXpression, eXchange IT 's essential for the 3X's (*) Idit Harel - A new necessity for the young clickerati

11 12 Kompetensi SANGAT BARU Berbasis IT 1. Searching, dengan search engine 2. Collecting, MP3, garfik, animasi, video 3. Creating, membuat web, membuat game 4. Sharing, web pages, blog 5. Communicating, e-mail, IM, chat 6. Coordinating, workgroups, mailing list 7. Meeting, forum, chatroom, 8. Socializing, beragam kelompok sosial on line 9. Evaluating, on line advisor 10. Buying-Selling, jual beli on line 11. Gaming, game on line 12. Learning, jurnal on line, riset on line Bernie Trilling, Toward Learning Societies, 2006

12 Tantangan Pendidikan Indonesia 2

13 Posisi Indonesia Dalam Peringkat Daya Saing Di Antara Negara Berpenduduk di atas 20 juta Parameter Nilai (Maks. 100) Peringkat Dari 30 Negara Daya saing bangsa13,328  Indikator ekonomi makro 2824  Kebijakan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan daya saing 16,927  Perilaku inovatif, tanggung jawab, dan profitabilitas perusahaan 6,130  Kontribusi sains, teknologi, dan SDM thd dunia usaha 9,630 Hadjar, 2004

14 Peringkat PT di Tingkat Dunia dan Asia NegaraPT 500 terbaik di dunia NegaraPT 100 terbaik di Asia Amerika Serikat Inggeris Jerman Jepang Kanada Perancis Australia Belanda China Korea Selatan China-Hongkong China-Taiwan India Selandia Baru Singapore Turki Indonesia 159 42 41 36 24 22 13 12 9 8 5 3 2 Belum Ada Jepang Australia China Korea Selatan China-Hongkong China-Taiwan India New Zealand Singapore Turki Indonesia 36 13 9 8 5 3 2 Belum Ada Hadjar, 2004

15 Improve Education Quality Improve Strength :  Saleable Research  Market-Driven Education  Educational Technology

16 Core Backbone INHERENT

17 Teleconference untuk Management dan Pembelajaran  Media komunikasi teleconference untuk berkoordinasi dengan institusi lainnya  Program :  Koordinasi antar fakultas di kampus yang terpisah  Koordinasi dengan Kopertis  Koordinasi dengan Dikti  Koordinasi antar institusi  Kuliah tamu, kuliah online, penelitian bersama, praktikum

18 IMPLEMENTASI TIK DI PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA  Pengembangan IT yang masih bersifat vendor driven/product base (infrastruktur, hardware maupun software)  Komitmen manajemen hanya sebatas kesadaran saja, belum disertai action plan yang jelas.  Kurangnya prosedur kontrol dalam implementasi IT dalam rangka mencapai kesesuaian antara IT dengan kebutuhan Bisnis  Perencanaan sumber daya manusia yang kurang terstruktur  Kurangnya Pendanaan dan perencanaan keuangan  Masih belum membudayanya budaya berbagi informasi dan dokumentasi.

19 Implementasi TIK 3

20 ICT in Education : Groups  Administrative Tools  Information Systems, CRM, Finance, Portal, etc  Teaching / Class Support  On-Line Module, E-Learning, M-Learning, etc  Instruments Tools  Wi-Fi, KIOSK, Notebooks, PC’s

21 Lifetime Student Relationship Management Applicant Prospective Student Student Alumni Potential Revenue Recruitment Phase Enrollment Phase Retention Phase Fundraising Phase Time Recruitment Pain: •Difficult to reach the “right” prospects •Recruitment potential restricted Impact: Lost applicants and potential tuition Enrollment Pain: •Generating the yield •Effective and efficient applications Impact: Lost applicants and potential revenue Retention Pain: •Low student satisfaction •Students transfer or drop-out Impact: Lost students and revenue, increased costs to replace Fundraising Pain: •Lose contact with alumni •Irrelevant communications Impact: Lost fundraising opportunities

22 Executive Information System

23 Systems Integration

24 IT Movement for Classroom  There is only one computer  Not effective  Each group has a computer  Not effective  Each student has a computer  Too expensive ??

25 E-Whiteboard / Screen Highly Interactive Classroom with ICT

26 EduClick Envinronment

27 Mobile Technologies $100 Laptop

28 The Mobile Trend  M-learning, the new ”buzz-word”  Improved mobile terminals (PDA, tablet PCs, advanced mobile phones)  Enormous resources are invested in broadband mobile telephone infrastructures (GPRS, 3G, MMS)  Private wireless networks are affordable and increasingly popular in offices and private homes.  Public wireless networks are available in an increasing number of airports, hotels, restaurants etc.  E-books could replace paper based text books

29 Instruments Tools

30 Summary 4

31 Why are standards and specifications important?  Improved service reliability  Minimum service level entitlement for schools  Interoperability is becoming more important  Management Information Systems  Learning Platforms  Clear understanding for all stakeholders

32 Budgeting Strategy  Self Investment  Outsourcing  Partnership

33 Need Plan !


35 Terima Kasih James F. Tomasouw 081 7527 4007 021 7005 8007 031 7050 2007

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