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Presentasi berjudul: "HUKUM PERDAGANGAN INTERNASIONAL"— Transcript presentasi:

Nandang Sutrisno

2 GATT/WTO Tujuan Anggota Prinsip Dasar Sistem
Terciptanya lingkungan perdagangan internasional yang aman dan pasti bagi komunitas bisnis Melanjutkan proses liberalisasi perdagangan untuk mengembangkan perdagangan, meningkatkan investasi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja Anggota 1986: 90 1991:103 1995:125 2003:145 GATT/WTO Prinsip Dasar Most Favoured Nation (MFN) National Treatment (NT) Proteksi melalui Tarif Tariff Binding Persaingan yang adil Larangan Restriksi Kuantitatif Waiver dan Pembatasan Darurat terhadap Impor Perkecualian untuk Perjanjian Perdagangan Regional Sistem Perjanjian Internasional Forum Pengambilan Keputusan Forum Penyelesaian Sengketa Forum Negosiasi Organisasi Internasional Sekretariat Internasional

3 The Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
2. Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisastion Annex 1A : Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods (GATT 1994) 1B : General Agreement on Trade in Services 1C : Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of International Property Rights (TRIPs)

4 Annex 2 : Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU)
3 : Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) 4 : Plurilateral Trade Agreements 3. Ministerial Decisions and Declarations 4. Undesrtanding on Commitments in Financial Services

5 Implementasi Komitmen Putaran Uruguay Market Access Negara Maju
Textiles & Clothing Phase-out of MFA in 3 stages: 1998, 2001, 2004 Increase quota Growth Rates 10 yrs Market Access Negara Maju Tariffs Tariff Reduction of 40 % overall Tariff Bindings at the Lower Rates 6 yrs AGRICULTURE Tariffication NTBS Tariff Reduction of 36 % Reduction of Export Subsidies of 36 % Reduction of Domestic Support of 20% 6 yrs

6 Implementasi Komitmen Putaran Uruguay
Textiles & Clothing Phase-out of MFA in 3 stages: 1998, 2001, 2004 Increase quota Growth Rates 10 yrs Market Access Negara Berkembang Tariffs Tariff Reduction of 33 % overall Tariff Bindings across the Board 10 yrs AGRICULTURE Tariffication NTBS Tariff Reduction of 24 % Reduction of Export Subsidies of 24 % Reduction of Domestic Support of 13% 10 yrs

7 Implementasi Komitmen Putaran Uruguay
NEW AREAS Services 1. Framework Agreement: -Rules for Trade in Services -Non-discrimination and transparancy basic principles -National Treatment subject to Negotiation -Exemption from MFN to be reviewed 2. Schedule of Specific Commitments for Binding of Market Access by Each Country 3. Further Negotiations after 5 Yrs 4. Time period: Immediate Application

8 Implementasi Komitmen Putaran Uruguay
NEW AREAS TRIPs 1. National Treatment and MFN basic principles 2. Minimum Standards of Practices established for: Copyrights,Trademarks, Patents, Industrial Designs, Integrated Circuits, Undisclosed Information 3. Time Period : - 1 yr for Developed Countries - 5 yrs for Developing and Transition Economies

9 Implementasi Komitmen Putaran Uruguay TRIMs
NEW AREAS TRIMs 1. Notification of Prohibited TRIMs within 90 days 2. Removal of : Local content measures, Trade-balancing Requirements, Foreign Exchange Balancing, Export Limitation Requirements 3. Time Period: 2 yrs for developed countries 5 yrs for developing countries 7 yrs for least-developed countries

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