Past continous tense Past continous tense.

Presentasi serupa

Presentasi berjudul: "Past continous tense Past continous tense."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Past continous tense Past continous tense

2 Definisi : Menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi atau berlangsung pada masa lampau

3 Time clause yang mengikutinya :
When While As Ketika/saat That

4 Kejadian dalam past continous:
1. kejadian pertama ( past continous) 2. kejadian kedua (past tense)

5 Time clause, bisa terletak di depan atau ditengah
Past tense Past continous

6 Rule of past continous tense in Active sentence :
(+) S + To be ( Was, Were) + Verb-ing Was : I, she, he, it, singular Were : You, they, we, plural

7 Examples : Rina was reading a novel, when her boyfriend called her yesterday afternoon. While they were playing game, somebody entered into my room. She walked on the street alonely when I was shopping . We were visiting our garden, while they sat on big tree.

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