1 Professional Ethics Each Profession has following characteristics: Knowledge, expertise, and methods; Professional autonomy; Internal Monitoring to produce.

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1 1 Professional Ethics Each Profession has following characteristics: Knowledge, expertise, and methods; Professional autonomy; Internal Monitoring to produce and evaluate certification for planners; Ethics, both explicit and implicit Each professional code of conduct has standards as a guidelines to protect of integrity of professional judgment; Ethical principles of planning is made to promote social justice, to enlarge options of people, to advocate interests of the disadvantages, and to carry out obligations to the environment.

2 2 Code of Conduct Planning Profession Our Overall Responsibility to the Public ; Our Responsibility to Our Clients and Employers ; Our Responsibility to Our Profession and Colleagues ;

3 3 Prinsip-prinsip Etika Perencanaan (AICP/APA: adopted May 1992) Melayanani kepentingan umum/publik; Mendukung peranserta warga masyarakat dalam perencanaan; Menyadari bahwa keputusan perencanaan berciri komprehensif dan jangka panjang; Memperluas pilihan dan kesempatan bagi semua warga; Memfasilitasi koordinasi melalui proses perencanaan; Menghindar dari benturan kepentingan; Memberikan jasa perencanaan secara cermat dan teliti; Tidak meminta atau menawarkan ‘jasa’ Tidak membuka atau menggunakan secara tidak pantas informasi rahasia demi keuntungan finansial; Menjamin akses yang sama untuk publik kepa laporan dan studi-studi perencanaan; Menjamin pemaparan sepenuhnya pada waktu konsultasi publik; Menjaga kepercayaan publik; dan Menghormati professional codes of ethics and conduct.

4 4 AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Adopted March 19, 2005; Effective June 1, 2005 Section A: A Statement of Aspirational Principles 1.Overall Responsibility to the Public 2.Responsibility to Clients and Employers 3.Responsibility to Profession and Colleagues Section B: Rules of Conduct Contains rules of conduct to which planners are held accountable Section C: The Procedural Provisions of the Code 1.Describe the way that one may obtain either a formal or informal advisory ethics ruling, and 2.Detail how a charge of misconduct can be filed, and how charges are investigated, prosecuted, and adjudicated.

5 5 Empirical Study of Planning Ethics Honesty Conflict of Interest Bribery Doing political favors Violation of law, rules, or contract Duties of Justice To provide independent professional advice Freedom from political pressure on technical judgment Truthfulness Quality of work Freedom of speech To be responsible to the public Fairness Procedural openness

6 6 Empirical Study of Planning Ethics Accountability Keeping confidence Serving the public interest Equity Process Natural environment Transportation Urban design

7 7 Main Elements of Spatial Planning Maximal public benefit; Distributive justice; Preventing harms; Land-use rights; Environmental duties; Obligations to future generations; Life-style choices and community character; Paternalism and risk taking; Expectations and promise keeping; The privilege of land ownership and use; Inter jurisdictional land use obligations; and Fair and equitable political process.

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