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Ra Dewa Matahari
Family Silsilah Keluarga Tree
Ra is the Ancient Egyptian Sun God.
Ra has many different forms and names one of those Heliopolis, meaning “city of the Sun”. Ra’s (Re) appearance is a Hawk or Falcon head man. Symbolic symbols that represent him: sun, falcon, obelisk, pyramid, Udjat (Eye of Horus), Bennu (phoenix) Ra's (Re) adalah rajawali berkepala manusia. Simbolis simbol yang mewakili dia: matahari, rajawali, tugu, piramida, Udjat (Mata dari Horus), Bennu (merak) Ra adalah Dewa Matahari Mesir Kuno. Ra memiliki berbagai bentuk dan nama salah satu kota yang bernama Heliopolis, yang berarti "kota matahari".
Mitologi Ra was the god of the sun and was associated with Horus, the god of the sky. Ra was known as the creator of men by some. An ancient god, Ra was the father of Shu and Tefnut, the grandfather of Ged and Nut, the great-grandfather of Seth, Nephthys, Isis, and Osiris. According to myth, Sebau, Nak, and Apep are monsters that Ra has to defeat in order for the sun to rise, Ra fought and defeated these monsters every night. Apep, the personification of darkness, was the most powerful of the three monsters and was depicted either as a serpent or crocodile. If Apep defeated Ra, then the weather was stormy. If Apep swallowed Ra’s ship then a solar eclipse occurred. The Book of Overthrowing Apep provided incantations and information on how to defeat Apep
I choose RA because I thought it would be interesting because he has so many different Names , Forms and beliefs about what he does. Saya memilih dewa Ra karena saya berpikir bahwa topik ini sangat menarik karena dewa Ra mempunyai banyak nama, bentuk dan kepercayaan yang berbeda mengenai apa yang dia lakukan.
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