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Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi Dalam Pendidikan Bahan Kuliah Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan-S2 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Dosen: Drs.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi Dalam Pendidikan Bahan Kuliah Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan-S2 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Dosen: Drs."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi Dalam Pendidikan Bahan Kuliah Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan-S2 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Dosen: Drs. Muchlas, M.T.

2 Pertemuan Ke-1: Gambaran Umum Peranan IT Dalam Bidang Pendidikan

3 Tujuan: Mahasiswa dapat: mendefinisikan pengertian IT membuat deskripsi umum tentang peranan IT dalam bidang pendidikan menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip tatakelola implementasi IT di lembaga pendidikan menjelaskan faktor-faktor keberhasilan dan cara penilaian implementasi IT di lembaga pendidikan

4 Pengalaman Kita Dengan IT Dalam Bidang Pendidikan?

5 Teknologi Informasi?

6 Teknologi Informasi (TI=IT) Teknologi Informasi adalah cabang dari engineering yang menyediakan dukungan dalam akuisisi, pemrosesan, penyimpanan dan diseminasi informasi dalam bentuk angka, teks, suara, dan piktorial (gambar) menggunakan kombinasi komputasi dan telekomunikasi berbasis mikroelektronika.

7 Teknologi Informasi (TI=IT) Bidang Ilmu Prosedur: manajemen informasi Infrastruktur: komputasi & komunikasi

8 IT Dalam Pendidikan Aktivitas Manajemen Aktivitas Mengajar Aktivitas Belajar

9 Posisi Tata Kelola IT Dalam Institusi

10 PertanyaanTata Kelola IT Apakah kita melakukan hal yang benar? Apakah kita melakukannya dengan cara yang benar? Apakah kita membuatnya bekerja dengan baik? Apakah kita mendapatkan manfaat?

11 Tata Kelola IT: Pertanyaan-pertanyaan Implementasi IT Level Pengelola IT Level Pengelola Lembaga Nilai-nilai Manajemen Lembaga Source: The Information Paradox

12 1.Responsibility; 2.Strategy; 3.Acquisition; 4.Performance; 5.Conformance; 6.Human Behaviour. Page 12 Business Pressures Corporate Governance Corporate Management Evaluate Plans, Policies Performance Conformance Direct Monitor Proposals IT Projects IT Operations Business Needs Model Tata Kelola IT (1): ISO 38500

13 Model Tata Kelola IT (2): Best Practice di MUSC Lihat lebih detil di

14 Model Tata Kelola IT (3): Axin Lihat lebih detil di

15 Model Tata Kelola IT (4): IBM

16 Model Tata Kelola IT (5): COBIT itsm-environment-part-1.aspx

17 Faktor Keberhasilan Implementasi TI 8/24/201417

18 Business Systems and Change Page 18 ProcessStructure People Technology The Business System The Business Context Operating context of the organisation –External –Internal. Four key elements of operating organisations –People – who participate in business events –Process – what business events take place –Structure – where business events happen –Technology – enabling and recording events IT intrinsic to day to day operations –Business process specific - Transactions, Customers, Etc –Generic - Email, Telephony, Information This model is a variant on H.J. Leavitt’s Model of organisational change, published in 1965. 0:25

19 Operating context of the organisation –External –Internal. Four key elements of operating organisations –People – who participate in business events –Process – what business events take place –Structure – where business events happen –Technology – enabling and recording events IT intrinsic to day to day operations –Business process specific - Transactions, Customers, Etc –Generic - Email, Telephony, Information When IT fails, whole organisations and extended organisations stop –Citylink Melbourne, Tuesday 20 Sept 2006 ProcessStructure People Technology The Business System The Business Context Business Systems and Change Page 19 The Business System Technology People Structure Process This model is a variant on H.J. Leavitt’s Model of organisational change, published in 1965. 0:26

20 Business Systems and Change IT is now a fundamental enabler of change and is leading to new business models and new business practices –Eg e-Government Implementing IT enabled change involves attention to every facet of business models and practices –Internal and external factors Page 20 Governing IT Enabled Change involves much more than governing technology activities. ProcessStructure People Technology The Busines s System The Business Context ProcessStructure People Technology The Busines s System The Business Context The Business System Technology People Structure Process “Traditional” IT Change Project Change Program Business System Process Technology Structure People Business Context Process Technology Structure People Changed Process Changed Structure Changed People Changed Technology Change d Busines s System Changed Business Context 0:28

21 Why “Best Effort” is not good enough? “Best Effort”, “Some Progress”, “Improved Performance”… are not measurable. “Performance is improved 10%”, “Time to Market decreased from 100 days to 50 days”, “Customer Satisfaction Rate improves 23 percents”. Those are good measurements. All the measurements must be quantitative!

22 Pengukuran Kinerja Implementasi IT

23 Generic Maturity Model

24 Model Kematangan Responsibility and Accountability [RA ] Goal Setting and Measurement [GSM] Awareness and Communication [AC ] Policies, Plans and Procedures [PPP] Tools and Automation [TA ] Skills and Expertise [SE]


26 Collecting Maturity Model Data Policies, Standards and Procedures Tools and Automation Skills and Expertise Responsibility and Accountability Goal Setting and Measurement 012345 Awareness and Communication

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