IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 1 IF 7047 Kewirausahaan Teknologi Informasi Bagian Pertama: 1.1. Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan.

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Presentasi berjudul: "IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 1 IF 7047 Kewirausahaan Teknologi Informasi Bagian Pertama: 1.1. Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan."— Transcript presentasi:

1 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 1 IF 7047 Kewirausahaan Teknologi Informasi Bagian Pertama: 1.1. Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi 1.2 Metoda dan teknik yang diperlukan di dalam menyusun ‘Business Plan’ Saswinadi SASMOJO Departemen Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung

2 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 2 Bagian Pertama 1.1. Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi 1.2 Metoda dan teknik yang diperlukan di dalam menyusun ‘Business Plan’

3 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 3 Bagian Pertama 1.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi 1.1.1 Perbuatan ekonomi (‘economic conduct’) 1.1.2 Jaringan antar sektor produksi yang terbentuk dari ‘economic conducts’  Matrix Leontiev, Tabel Input-Output 1.1.3 ’Entrepreneurship’, ’entrepreneur’ 1.1.4 ’Entrepreneurship’ dan sistem ekonomi

4 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 4 Bagian Pertama 1.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi 1.1.1 Perbuatan ekonomi (‘economic conduct’) Joseph A. Schumpeter, “The Theory of Economic Development’, Oxford University Press, 1934 On economic facts and economic conducts (1) The social process is really one of indivisible whole. Out of its great stream, the classifying hand of the investigator artificially extracts economic facts

5 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 5 Bagian Pertama I.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi On economic facts and economic conducts (2) The designation of a fact as economic already involves an abstraction, the first of the many forced upon us by the technical conditions of mentally copying reality. A fact is never exclusively or purely economic; other - and often more important - aspects always exist.

6 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 6 Bagian Pertama I.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi On economic facts and economic conducts (3) Social facts are, at least immediately, results of human conduct, economic facts results of economic conduct. Economic conducts may be defined as conducts directed towards the acquisition of goods through exchange and production. By the above definition, we also speak of an economic motive to action, of economic forces in social and economic life, and so forth.

7 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 7 Bagian Pertama I.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi On economic facts and economic conducts (4) If, however, we are concerned only with that economic conduct which is directed towards the acquisition of goods through exchange and production, then we shall restrict the concept of it [i.e. economic conduct] to these types of acquisition, while we shall leave that wider compass to the concepts of economic motive and economic force.

8 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 8 Bagian Pertama I.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi On economic facts and economic conducts (5) The field of economic facts is thus first of all delimited by the concept of economic conduct: A. Everyone must, at least in part, act economically B. Everyone must either be an ‘economic subject’ or be dependent upon one

9 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 9 Bagian Pertama I.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi On economic facts and economic conducts (7) C. As soon as the members of social groups become occupationally specialized, however, we can distinguish classes of people, whose chief activity is economic conduct or business, from other classes in which the economic aspect of conduct is overshadowed by other aspects. D. In this case, economic life is represented by a special group of people, although all other members of society must also act economically.

10 IF-ITB/SAS/25Aug2003 IF7074 – Bagian Pertama Page 10 Bagian Pertama I.1 Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, dan sistem ekonomi On economic facts and economic conducts (8) E. The activity of that group (i.e. the group whose chief activity is economic conduct) may then be said to constitute economic life

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