PROSES PADA WINDOWS Pratikum SO. Introduksi Proses 1.Program yang sedang dalam keadaan dieksekusi. 2.Unit kerja terkecil yang secara individu memiliki.

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2 Introduksi Proses 1.Program yang sedang dalam keadaan dieksekusi. 2.Unit kerja terkecil yang secara individu memiliki sumber daya dan dijadwalkan oleh sistem operasi.

3 Keadaan Proses

4 Konsep Pembuatan Proses Setiap proses diberi nomor khusus sebagai identifikasi yang disebut process identification atau PID berupa angka integer unik. Jika proses selesai (Terminated) maka semua sumber daya yang digunakan termasuk PID dibebaskan kembali. Proses dibuat menggunakan system call fork() yang sering disebut forking proses System call fork() mengkopi proses pemanggil sehingga akan terdapat 2 proses yaitu : 1. Proses pemanggil disebut PARENT 2. Proses hasil kopian disebut CHILD

5 Cont. Proses CHILD identik dengan proses PARENT-nya tetapi memiliki PID yang berbeda. Setelah proses baru (child) berhasil dibuat eksekusi dilanjutkan secara normal di masing–masing proses pada baris setelah pemanggilan system call fork(). Proses pemanggil (PARENT) dapat melakukan forking proses lebih dari satu kali sehingga memungkinkan terdapat banyak proses CHILD yang dieksekusi. Proses CHILD dapat melakukan forking proses seperti halnya PARENT sehingga dapat terbentuk struktur pohon proses.

6 Identifikasi Proses Each Windows process is represented by an executive process (EPROCESS) block. Besides containing many attributes relating to a process, an EPROCESS block contains and points to a number of other related data structures.

7 Structure of an executive process block





12 Viewing Process Information with Task Manager

13 Viewing Process The built-in WindowsXP Task Manager provides a quick list of the processes running on the system. You can start Task Manager in one of three ways: (1) press Ctrl+Shift+Esc, (1) press Ctrl+Shift+Esc, (2) right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager, or (2) right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager, or (3) press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click the Task Manager button. (3) press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click the Task Manager button. Once Task Manager has started, click the Processes tab to see the list of running processes. To display additional details, choose Select Columns from the View menu and select additional columns to be added



16 Description Although what you see in the Task Manager Processes tab is clearly a list of processes, what the Applications tab displays isn't as obvious. The Applications tab lists the top-level visible windows on all the desktops in the interactive window station. (By default, there are two desktop objects—you can create more by using the Win32 CreateDesktop function.) The Status column indicates whether or not the thread that owns the window is in a Windows message wait state. "Running" means the thread is waiting for windowing input; "Running" means the thread is waiting for windowing input; "Not Responding" means the thread isn't waiting for windowing input (for example, the thread might be running or waiting for I/O or some Win32 synchronization object). "Not Responding" means the thread isn't waiting for windowing input (for example, the thread might be running or waiting for I/O or some Win32 synchronization object).


18 T List

19 PsList


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