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Prinsip dasar reproduksi hewan
Kontrak kuliah Prinsip dasar reproduksi hewan
Embriologi organ reproduksi
Tatap Muka 1 Kontrak kuliah dan pendahuluan prinsip dasar reproduksi hewan - Kontrak kuliah - Pengertian dan prinsip dasar reproduksi hewan vertebrata ALF 2 Embriologi organ reproduksi Embriologi organ reproduksi ( jantan dan betina) RAI 3 Anatomi dan fungsi repro betina I Anatomi dan fisiologi organ reproduksi betina I (ovarium, oviduk, dan uterus) 4 Anatomi dan fungsi repro betina II anatomi dan fisiologi organ reproduksi betina II (serviks, vagina, vulva dan kloaka, struktur pendukung saraf dan peredaran darah) 5 Endokrinologi reproduksi betina Endokrinologi reproduksi betina (poros hipothalamus-pituitari-gonad) 6 Regulasi sistem reproduksi betina I Siklus reproduksi (estrus dan menstruasi) 7 Regulasi sistem reproduksi betina II Partus, laktasi dan menopause 8 UTS
Nilai Akhir = 40% UTS + 40% UAS + 20% Tugas
Tatap Muka Pokok Bahasan Topik Dosen 9 Anatomi dan fungsi reproduksi jantan Anatomi dan fisiologi organ reproduksi jantan ALF 10 Regulasi sistem reproduksi jantan 1. Regulasi repro jantan: testis, skrotum, epididimis, vas deferent, uretra, dan kelenjar asesoris 2. Struktur pendukung: jaringan saraf dan peredaran darah 11 Sistem endokrin reproduksi jantan 1. Hormon reproduksi jantan primer dari kelenjar pituitary 2. Gonad dan adrenal korteks 12 Siklus reproduksi jantan 1. Gametogenesis pada manusia dan mammals 2. Perilaku kawin/siklus seksual dan fertilisasi eksternal dan internal 13 Teknik inseminasi buatan (ICSI, IVF, dll 1. Metode koleksi spermatozoa dan oosit 2. Teknik inseminasi buatan 14 Molekuler organ reproduksi 1. DNA, protein, lipid dan glikogen penyusun organ reproduksi jantan 2. Fungsi molekul penyusun sel/jaringan pada organ reproduksi jantan 15 UAS Nilai Akhir = 40% UTS + 40% UAS + 20% Tugas
Reproductive System Sexual reproduction → gametes (the sperm and the ovum → produced by two parents) Each gamete → formed by meiosis 4→ contains only half the chromosomes of the body cells (haploid). Fertilization → results in the joining (male and female gametes) → form a zygote which contains the full number of chromosomes (diploid). The zygote then starts to divide by mitosis → form a new animal with all its body cells containing chromosomes that are identical to those of the original zygote
Fertilisation External fertilization: In most fish and amphibia (frogs and toads) fertilisation of the egg cells takes place outside the body. The female lays the eggs and then the male deposits his sperm on or at least near them. Internal fertilization: In reptiles and birds, eggs are fertilized inside the body when the male deposits the sperm inside the egg duct of the female. The egg is then surrounded by a resistant shell, “laid” by the female and the embryo completes its development inside the egg. In mammals the sperm are placed in the body of the female and the eggs are fertilized internally → develop inside the body of the female → born → milk excreted from the mammary glands and protected by their parents
Sexual Reproduction In Mammals
The reproductive organs of mammals produce the gametes (sperm and egg cells), help them fertilise and then support the developing embryo.
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