TEKNOLOGI WIRELESS Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless.

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1 TEKNOLOGI WIRELESS Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

2 Wireless Communication
Transmisi suara dan data menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik menuju ruang bebas Gelombang elektromagnetik Kecepatan Cahaya (c = 3x108 m/s) Memiliki Frekuensi (f) dan Panjang Gelombang (l) c = f x l Penggunaan frekuensi lebih tinggi umumnya medium meredam lebih besar Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

3 Spektrum Frekuensi 104 102 100 10-2 10-4 10-6 10-8 10-10 10-12 10-14
10-16 Radio Spectrum Micro wave IR UV X-Rays Cosmic Rays 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 1022 1024 1MHz ==100m 100MHz ==1m 10GHz ==1cm Visible light < 30 KHz VLF KHz LF 300KHz – 3MHz MF 3 MHz – 30MHz HF 30MHz – 300MHz VHF 300 MHz – 3GHz UHF 3-30GHz SHF > 30 GHz EHF Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

4 Contoh : Panjang Gelombang
GSM : Frekuensi ~= 900 Mhz Panjang Gelombang ~= 33cm PCS Frekuensi ~= 1.8 Ghz Panjang Gelombang ~= 17.5 cm Bluetooth: Frekuensi ~= 2.4Gz Panjang Gelombang ~= 12.5cm Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

5 Frequency Carrier/Kanal
Informasi yang dikirim menuju receiver dilewatkan pada band frekuensi tertentu Disebut sebagai kanal (channel) Tiap kanal memiliki bandwidth yang tetap (dalam KHz) dan kapasitas (bit-rate) Band frekuensi yang berbeda (atau kanal) dapat digunakan untuk mentransmisikan informasi secara paralel dan independen (konsep multiple access) Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

6 Example Assume a spectrum of 90KHz is allocated over a base frequency b for communication between stations A and B Assume each channel occupies 30KHz There are 3 channels Each channel is simplex (Transmission occurs in one way) For full duplex communication: Use two different channels (front and reverse channels) Use time division in a channel Channel 1 (b - b+30) Channel 2 (b+30 - b+60) Channel 3 (b+60 - b+90) Station A Station B Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

7 Simplex Communication
Normally, on a channel, a station can transmit only in one way. This is called simplex transmision To enable two-way communication (called full-duplex communication) We can use Frequency Division Multiplexing We can use Time Division Multiplexing Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

8 Duplex Communication - FDD
FDD: Frequency Division Duplex Base Station B Mobile Terminal M Forward Channel Reverse Channel Forward Channel and Reverse Channel use different frequency bands Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

9 Duplex Communication - TDD
TDD: Time Division Duplex Base Station B Mobile Terminal M M B M B M B A singe frequency channel is used. The channel is divided into time slots. Mobile station and base station transmits on the time slots alternately Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

10 Example - Frequency Spectrum Allocation in U.S. Cellular Radio Service
Reverse Channel Forward Channel 991 992 1023 1 2 799 991 992 1023 1 2 799 MHz MHz Channel Number Center Frequency (MHz) Reverse Channel 1 <=N <= 799 991 <= N <= 1023 0.030N 0.030(N-1023) Forward Channel 1 <=N <= 799 991 <= N <= 1023 0.030N 0.030(N-1023) (Channels are unused) Channel bandwidth is 45 MHz Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

11 What is Mobility ? Initially Internet and Telephone Networks is designed assuming the user terminals are static No change of location during a call/connection A user terminals accesses the network always from a fixed location Mobility and portability Portability means changing point of attachment to the network offline Mobility means changing point of attachment to the network online Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

12 Degrees of Mobility Walking Users Vehicles Low speed
Small roaming area Usually uses high-bandwith/low-latency access Vehicles High speeds Large roaming area Usually uses low-bandwidth/high-latency access Uses sophisticated terminal equipment (cell phones) Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

13 What is Mobility ? Initially Internet and Telephone Networks is designed assuming the user terminals are static No change of location during a call/connection A user terminals accesses the network always from a fixed location Mobility and portability Portability means changing point of attachment to the network offline Mobility means changing point of attachment to the network online Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

14 Degrees of Mobility Walking Users Vehicles Low speed
Small roaming area Usually uses high-bandwith/low-latency access Vehicles High speeds Large roaming area Usually uses low-bandwidth/high-latency access Uses sophisticated terminal equipment (cell phones) Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

15 The Need for Wireless/Mobile Networking
Demand for Ubiquitous Computing Anywhere, anytime computing and communication You don’t have to go to the lab to check your Pushing the computers more into background Focus on the task and life, not on the computer Use computers seamlessly to help you and to make your life more easier Computers should be location aware Adapt to the current location, discover services Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

16 Pengertian Nirkabel Sistem Komunikasi menggunakan frekuensi/spektrum radio, yang memungkinkan transmisi (pengiriman/penerimaan) informasi (suara, data, gambar, video) tanpa koneksi fisik Dibedakan dari sistem transmisi yang memerlukan koneksi fisik, seperti kabel/kawat tembaga atau fiber optik Bersifat tetap (fixed) atau bergerak (mobile) Dibatasi oleh ketersediaan spektrum (pita frekuensi), karena adanya interferensi (saling mengganggu) jika digunakan bersama Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

17 Komunikasi Nirkabel Dapat dilakukan “dimana saja” (mobile)
Bisa bersifat lebih personal Dibatasi oleh sifat antarmuka terminal: Layar kecil (ponsel) sampai menengah (laptop) Tombol terbatas Daya terbatas Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

18 Pemanfaatan Teknologi Nirkabel
Layanan Bersifat tetap (fixed): Penggunaan sekitar rumah (Cordless-DECT) Sambungan lokal (Wireless Local Loop-WLL) Bluetooth: jarak pendek, kecepatan rendah WiFi: jarang menengah, kecepatan cukup tinggi WIMAX: jarak jauh, kecepatan tinggi Satellite: jangkauan luas, kecepatan menengah RFID: jangkauan sangat kecil Layanan Bersifat bergerak (mobile): Limited Mobility (Flexi) Cellular (GSM, CDMA, 3G) Satellite (GMPCS) Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

19 Berbagai Teknologi Nirkabel
Degree of mobility Standing Walking Driving User data rate 10 Mbps IEEE a,d 1 100 HSDPA IEEE e WLAN (IEEE x) GSM GPRS DECT EDGE FlashOFDM (802.20) Systems beyond 3G >2010 0.1 BlueTooth UMTS CDMA EV-DO EV-DV Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

Standard Nirkabel Sensors IEEE (Zigbee Alliance) RFID (AutoID Center) (BAN) BAN: Body Area Network RAN IEEE WAN 3GPP (GPRS/UMTS) 3GPP2 (1X--/CDMA2000) GSMA, OMA IEEE IEEE e IEEE , IEEE MAN IEEE d WiMAX ETSI HiperMAN & HIPERACCESS LAN IEEE Wi-Fi Alliance ETSI-BRAN HiperLAN2 ETSI HIPERMAN following 256 OFDM mode of a IEEE UWB, Bluetooth Wi-Media, BTSIG, MBOA PAN ETSI HiperPAN Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

21 System Evolution Scenario
1st Generation Analog voice 2nd Generation Digital voice & Low rate data 3rd Generation 4th Generation ALL-IP Broadband Ubiquitous & Seamless Generation (Cellular) Voice & High speed data Multimedia WLAN++ 1000 WLAN+ 802.11n, etc. Maximum transmission rate Trmax - Mbps 4G 100 WiMAX UWB, etc. WLAN 802.11a,HiSWANa, HIPERLAN2, etc. 3G+ HSDPA, cdma2000(3X), etc. 10 Nomadic Bluetooth, etc. 3G W-CDMA, Cdma2000, etc. 1 Local 0.1 2G+ PDC,GSM,PHS, etc. Mobile 2G PDC,GSM,PHS, etc. 0.01 ~1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Year Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

22 GSM Evolution GSM CS Up to 9,6 Kbps GSM GPRS Up to 115 kbps UMTS Up to 2 Mbps or 384 in mobility GSM HSCSD Up to 38,4 kbps 2G 3G 2.5G EDGE Operators prefer choose direct going to GPRS technology rather than going to GSM HSCSD technology because no HSCSD handset availability and short time stage Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

23 CDMA Standards Evolution
IS X 144 Kbps 600 Kbps peak IS-95A CDMA Voice, packet- 9.6/14.4 Kbps IS-95B CDMA Voice, packet- 64 Kbps IS XEV-DO 600 Kbps; 2.4 Kbps peak IS XEV-DV 2-5 Mbps peak All IP CDMA2000 PCN/Mobile IP CDMA2000 Interworking function cdmaOne Source: CDMA2000-A world view Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

24 IMT-2000 (Family of Standards)
IMT-2000 Terrestrial Radio Interfaces IMT-2000 CDMA Direct Spread IMT-2000 CDMA Multi Carrier IMT-2000 CDMA TDD IMT-2000 TDMA Single Carrier IMT-2000 FDMA/ TDMA WCDMA (UMTS) CDMA2000 1X and 3X UTRA TDD And TD-SCDMA UWC-136/ EDGE DECT FDMA CDMA TDMA Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

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Modul 1 - Teknologi Wireless

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