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Presentasi berjudul: "BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN NEGARA BKN"— Transcript presentasi:

KNOWMENT AIE Information Technology National Civil Service Information System (NCSIS) Setup dan Pengenalan User Interface SAPK & Modul Adminitrasi

2 Agenda presentasi Pengenalan User Interface SAPK SOP Administrasi SAPK
1.1 Mekanisme pada Administrasi SAPK Administrasi SAPK 2.1 Jenis Dokumen 2.2 Pendidikan 2.3 Berkas 2.4 Formasi (Mata Pelajaran) 2.5 Institusi 2.6 Lokasi 2.7 Mutasi 2.8 Personal 2.9 Ranking 2.10 Pengadaan (Jenis Pengadaan) 2.11 Pensiun 2.12 Keamanan (Profil Pengguna) 2.13 Export Data

3 Pengenalan User Interface
Contoh halaman login SAPK

4 Pengenalan User Interface

5 Pengenalan User Interface

6 Pengenalan User Interface

7 Administrator Definisi Tugas & Tanggung Jawab
Profil utama yang mempunyai hak-hak khusus, terutama dalam mengelola aplikasi dan dapat membuat profil lainnya dengan hak yang lebih terbatas. Tugas & Tanggung Jawab Mengelola modul, fitur, hak akses, keamanan aplikasi Mengelola profil pengguna non-administrator Melaksanakan implementasi kebijaksaan BKN terkait aplikasi

8 Penggunaan Menu Aplikasi Administrasi SAPK
Semua Menu BKN Pusat Dokumen Template untuk BKN Kanreg Export Data BKN Kanreg Hierarchical Unor BKN Kanreg Instansi Jabatan Tertentu Jabatan Umum Lokasi BKN Kanreg Profil Pengguna for BKN Kanreg, BKD/Instansi BKN Kanreg Dokumen Template untuk BKD/Instansi Export Data BKD/Instansi Hierarchical Unor BKD/Instansi Instansi Administration Jabatan Tertentu Administration Jabatan Umum Administration Lokasi Administration BKD/Instansi Profil Pengguna BKD/Instansi BKD/Instansi Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah dari 2004 – 2009 merumuskan bahwasanya Agenda Reformasi Sipil adalah untuk menjadi Aparatur Negara yang profesional dan handal dengan menyediakan layanan umum berkualitas melalui pelaksanaan Good Governance. Oleh karena itu, misi dari proyek ini adalah: Untuk membangun sistem informasi manajemen terpadu mencakup semua area fungsional di BKN dan modul pertukaran yang diperlukan dengan stakeholder terkait. Untuk mengimplementasikan secara menyeluruh Rantai Strategi Manejemen, mencakup semua faktor (kepemimpinan, onganisasi, proses bisnis, keterlibatan pengguna, dan alih pengetahuan) Untuk memastikan Pembangunan Kemampuan institusi melalui Program Pelatihan yang menyeluruh dan strategi alih teknologi yang realistis

9 Administrator: Kewenangan Modul dan Informasi
No. Menu BKN Pusat BKN Kanreg BKD/Instansi 1 Jenis Dokumen 2 Pendidikan 3 Prosedur Dokumen 4 Definisi Alur Kerja 5 Jenis Kondisi 6 Kondisi 7 Log Berkas 8 Mata Pelajaran 9 Badan Usaha 10 Cups Server 11 Dokumen Template 12 Instansi 13 Kantor Regional 14 KPPN 15 KTUA 16 TASPEN 17 Lokasi

10 Administrator: Kewenangan Modul dan Informasi
No. Menu BKN Pusat BKN Kanreg BKD/Instansi 18 Jenis harga 19 Jenis Data Peremajaan 20 Agama 21 Bahasa 22 Eselon 23 Golongan 24 Jenis Pengadaan 25 Pensiun Pokok 26 Pensiun Pokok Janda Duda 27 Pokok Tewas 28 Pensiun Pembulatan 29 Profil Pengguna 30 Export data 31 Hierarchical Unor 32 Jabatan Tertentu 33 Jabatan Umum

11 Prosedur Perubahan Prosedur yang harus dilaksanakan saat melakukan perubahan : Memahami keterkaitan antara perubahan terhadap aplikasi apa saja lain saat melakukan perubahan pada aplikasi administrasi SAPK. Memahami Jenis perubahan dan dampak terhadap perubahan terhadap aplikasi apa saja yang terjadi, saat melakukan perubahan pada aplikasi administrasi SAPK. Melakukan perubahan sesuai porsi dan wewenang yang diberikan. Tidak memberikan wewenang kepada orang lain, atas wewenang yang diberikan masing-masing pengguna.

12 Alur Kewenangan Pembuatan Profil Pengguna

13 Mekanisme pada administrasi sapk
Input/Update/Delete Jenis Dokumen Input/Update/Delete Pendidikan Input/Update/Delete Berkas (Prosedur Berkas, Definisi Alur Kerja, Jenis Kondisi, Kondisi, dan Log Berkas) Input/Update/Delete Mata Pelajaran Input/Update/Delete Institusi ( Badan Usaha, Cups Server, Dokumen Template, Instansi, Kantor Regional, KPPN, Kantor Tata Usaha Anggaran, dan Taspen) Input/Update/Delete Lokasi Input/Update/Delete Mutasi (Jenis Harga, Jenis Data Peremajaan) Input/Update/Delete Personal (Bahasa dan Agama) Input/Update/Delete Rangking (Eselon dan Golongan) Input/Update/Delete Jenis Pengadaan Input/Update/Delete Pensiun (Pensiun Pokok, Pensiun Pokok Janda Duda, Pokok Tewas, dan Pensiun Pembulatan) Input/Update/Delete Profil Pengguna Export Data (Export Data, Hierarchical Unor, Jabatan tertentu, dan Jabatan umum)

14 Administrasi SAPK Jenis Dokumen Informasi yang ditampilkan:
Adalah submenu aplikasi Administrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat, mengubah, dan menghapus jenis dokumen. Informasi yang ditampilkan: Kode, Nama, Pengenal, Jenis Nomor Takah, Cetak remote, dan Max Salinan BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

15 Administrasi SAPK Jenis Dokumen (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah
Hapus Muat Ulang Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

16 Administrasi SAPK Pendidikan
adalah submenu aplikasi Administrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat, mengubah, dan menghapus pendidikan Informasi yang ditampilkan: Tingkat pendidikan, Nama, dan Kode cepat. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

17 Administrasi SAPK Pendidikan (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus
Muat Ulang Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

18 Berkas adalah submenu aplikasi Administrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat, mengubah, dan menghapus : Prosedur Dokumen, Definisi Alur Kerja, Jenis Kondisi, Kondisi, dan Log Berkas Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

19 Administrasi SAPK - Berkas Prosedur Dokumen
adalah submenu aplikasi Administrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah, dan menghapus prosedur dokumen serta menambahkan dan menghilangkan jenis dokumen dalam prosedur dokumen tersebut. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

20 Prosedur Dokumen (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Berkas
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat Ulang Administrasi SAPK - Berkas BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

21 Definisi Alur Kerja Adminis trasi SAPK - Berkas
adalah submenu aplikasi Administrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah, dan menghapus: Jenis prosedur Langkah prosedur Prosedur transisi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

22 Definisi Alur Kerja (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Tambah langkah prosedur Tambah prosedur transisi Administrasi SAPK - Berkas BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

23 Administrasi SAPK - Berkas Kondisi
Kondisi adalah submenu aplikasi Administrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah, dan menghapus kondisi yang akan digunakan untuk prosedur di aplikasi SAPK. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

24 Administrasi SAPK - Berkas
Kondisi (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat Ulang Administrasi SAPK - Berkas BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

25 Administrast SAPK - Berkas Log Berkas
Log berkas menampilkan jumlah berkas dan detil berkas yang dibuat dan jumlah kuota yang diberikan. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

26 Administrast SAPK - Berkas
Log Berkas (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Melihat detil log berkas Administrast SAPK - Berkas BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

27 Formasi (mata pelajaran)
Administrasi SAPK Formasi (mata pelajaran) Formasi (mata pelajaran) adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah, atau menghapus mata pelajaran yang terdapat pada jenis sekolah. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

28 Formasi (mata pelajaran) - lanjutan Administrasi SAPK
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat Ulang Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

29 Administrasi SAPK Institusi
Submenu institusi terdiri dari beberapa submenu antara lain : Badan usaha, Cups server, Dokumen Template, Instansi, Kantor Regional, KPPN, Kantor Tata Usaha Anggaran, dan Taspen Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

30 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi Badan Usaha
Badan usaha adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus badan usaha. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

31 Badan usaha (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat Ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

32 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi Cups Server
Cups server adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus pengamanan printing dokumen. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

33 Cups Server (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat Ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

34 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi Dokumen Template
Dokumen Template adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus dokumen template. Sebelum menampilkan dokumen template terlebih dahulu memilih instansi atau default, jika default secara otomatis menampilkan dokumen template default keseluruhan : BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

35 Dokumen Template (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus dokumen template Unggah dokumen Simpan dokumen Hapus dokumen Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

36 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi Instansi
Instansi adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah dan mengubah instansi. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

37 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
Instansi (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Tambah instansi Ubah instansi Tambah satuan kerja Ubah satuan kerja Hapus satuan kerja Unggah logo Lihat logo Hapus logo Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

38 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi Kantor Regional
Kantor regional adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus kantor regional. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

39 Kantor Regional (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

40 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi KPPN
KPPN adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

41 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
KPPN (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

42 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi Kantor Tata Usaha Anggaran
Kantor Tata Usaha Anggaran adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus Kantor Tata usaha anggaran. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

43 Kantor Tata Usaha Anggaran (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

44 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi Taspen
Taspen adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus taspen. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

45 Administrasi SAPK - Institusi
Taspen (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Institusi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

46 Lokasi Administrasi SAPK
Lokasi adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus lokasi. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

47 Administrasi SAPK Lokasi (lanjutan) Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus
Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

48 Mutasi Administrasi SAPK
Mutasi adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus : Jenis Harga Jenis Data Peremajaan Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

49 Administrasi SAPK - Mutasi Jenis Harga
Jenis Harga adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus jenis harga. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

50 Jenis Harga (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Mutasi
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Mutasi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

51 Administrasi SAPK - Mutasi Jenis Data Peremajaan
Jenis Data Peremajaan adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus jenis data peremajaan. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

52 Jenis Data Peremajaan (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Mutasi
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Mutasi BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

53 Personal Administrasi SAPK
Personal adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus : Agama Bahasa Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

54 Administrasi SAPK - Personal Agama
Agama adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus agama. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

55 Agama (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Personal Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah
Hapus Muat ulang BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

56 Bahasa Administrasi SAPK - Personal
Bahasa adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus bahasa. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

57 Bahasa (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Personal Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah
Hapus Muat ulang BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

58 Ranking Administrasi SAPK
Rangking adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengubah : Eselon Golongan BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

59 Eselon Administrasi SAPK - Ranking
Eselon adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengubah eselon. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

60 Eselon (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Ranking Aktifitas: Ubah
Muat ulang BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

61 Golongan Administrasi SAPK - Ranking
Golongan adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengubah golongan. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

62 Golongan (lanjutan) Administrasi SAPK - Ranking Aktifitas: Ubah
Muat ulang BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

63 Pengadaan (Jenis Pengadaan)
Administrasi SAPK Pengadaan (Jenis Pengadaan) Jenis Pengadaan adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengubah jenis pengadaan. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

64 Pengadaan (Jenis Pengadaan) - lanjutan
Administrasi SAPK Pengadaan (Jenis Pengadaan) - lanjutan Aktifitas: Ubah Muat ulang BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

65 Pensiun Administrasi SAPK
Pensiun adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengubah : Pensiun Pokok Pensiun Pokok janda Duda Pokok Tewas Pensiun Pembulatan Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

66 Pensiun Pokok Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun
Pensiun pokok adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus pensiun pokok. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

67 Pensiun Pokok (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

68 Pensiun Pokok Janda Duda
Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun Pensiun Pokok Janda Duda Pensiun pokok adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus pensiun pokok. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

69 Pensiun Pokok Janda Duda (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

70 Pokok Tewas Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun
Pokok Tewas adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus Pokok Tewas. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

71 Pokok Tewas (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Tambah Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

72 Pensiun Pembulatan Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun
Pensiun Pembulatan adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah, mengubah dan menghapus Pensiun Pembulatan. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

73 Pensiun Pembulatan (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Tambah Cari Ubah Hapus Muat ulang Administrasi SAPK - Pensiun BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

74 Keamanan (Profil Pengguna)
Administrasi SAPK Keamanan (Profil Pengguna) Profil Pengguna adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk menambah dan menghapus pengguna dan profil pengguna. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

75 Instansi Administrasi SAPK - Profil Pengguna
Untuk memillih instansi dengan menekan tombol ‘Pilih Instansi’, pilih instansi, kemudian tekan tombol ‘Proses’ untuk menampilkan daftar profil instansi yang dipilih. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

76 Perincian Pengguna Administrasi SAPK - Profil Pengguna
Rincian pengguna berfungsi untuk mencari dan menampilkan daftar profil pengguna, menambahkan dan menghapus profil, serta mengubah password pengguna. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

77 Perincian Pengguna (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Cari Tambah profil Hapus profil Ubah password Administrasi SAPK - Profil Pengguna BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

78 Tambah Pengguna Administrasi SAPK - Profil Pengguna
Untuk menambahkan pengguna. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

79 Tambah Pengguna (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Pilih profil Administrasi SAPK - Profil Pengguna BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

80 Export data Export data adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan data : Data PNS, Hierarchical Unor, Jabatan Tertentu, dan Jabatan Umum Administrasi SAPK BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

81 Export data Administrasi SAPK – Export Data
Export data adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan data PNS kedalam bentuk excel ataupun bentuk csv. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

82 Export data (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Export data Administrasi SAPK – Export Data BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

83 Hierarchical Unor Administrasi SAPK – Export Data
Hierarchical Unor adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan data hierarchical unor kedalam bentuk excel. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

84 Hierarchical Unor (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Export Administrasi SAPK – Export Data BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

85 Jabatan Tertentu Administrasi SAPK – Export Data
Jabatan Tertentu adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan data Jabatan Tertentu ke dalam bentuk excel. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

86 Jabatan Tertentu (lanjutan)
Aktifitas: Export Administrasi SAPK – Export Data BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

87 Jabatan Umum Administrasi SAPK – Export Data
Jabatan Umum adalah submenu yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan data Jabatan Umum ke dalam bentuk excel. BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

88 Jabatan Umum (lanjutan)
Aktifitas Export Administrasi SAPK – Export Data BKN Portal Activity Is very high and sometimes have problem and cannot be accessed. Berita Always updated with latest news. But the news entry task is better to be handled by the appropriate information owner that really knows about the content so that changes and updates can be very fast. Consultation Have an average of 500 consultation per month. The load of answering the question can be break down to smaller load if the consultation answering task delegated to the information owner or the expert in the domain. The accountability can be distributed.

89 Thank you for your attention Terima kasih atas perhatiannya Gracias por su atención


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