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CAREER PLANNING 1 How to Make Your Career Decision ?

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1 CAREER PLANNING 1 How to Make Your Career Decision ?

2 CAREER PLANNING  Apa yang akan kamu kerjakan setelah tamat SMA ? -University / College -Full time/part time job -Marriage -Mission work - unemployment In the end.. Kamu harus membuat keputusan karir ! 2

3 CAREER PLANNING 3 Jika nanti kamu bekerja dari usia 22th sampai 55th, itu artinya kamu akan bekerja selama : 33 tahun Wow… that’s a very long time... After 33 work years.. ?? A.B.

4 CAREER PLANNING 4 Tiga (3) alasan mengapa pelajar sulit membuat Keputusan karir : 1.Tidak memiliki cukup informasi 2.Bingung / conflict of talent, minat & nilai 3.Ingin keluar, jawaban mudah, satu jawaban untuk semua

5 TALENTS/BAKAT 5 Kamu tahu dengan bakatmu ? Kamu adalah ciptaan tuhan dengan suatu keunikan kombinasai antara alami dan bakat. Talent is not only about art, sport or academic.

6 TALENTS/BAKAT 6 Bakat adalah sesuatu tentang kemampuanmu / kekuatan berkomunikasi, berhubungan & berguna Do you want to know Your Natural Talents ??  Use “Talent Discovery Guide”

7 INTEREST/MINAT 7 Minat adalah tentang aktivitas yang senang akan kamu lakukan atau apa yang lebih senang kamu lakukan setiap hari. Ada 6 kategori minat yang dapat membantu pilihan karirmu : REALISTIC Enjoys working with machines / equipments. Likes to work outside.

8 INTEREST/MINAT 8 2.INVESTIGATIVE 3.ARTISTIC Enjoys solving complex problem, analytical thinking Likes to work alone Enjoys creating something new Strong in creativity & imagination

9 INTEREST/MINAT 9 4.SOCIAL 5.ENTERPRISE Enjoys working with other people to solve their problems Prefers “people” than “things” Likes to have authority (leadership) Interested in business / politics

10 INTEREST/MINAT 10 6.CONVENTIONAL Prefers to work with data (words & numbers) Likes to work indoor with organize schedule Your interests are combination from the 6 categories above.

11 VALUES/NILAI 11 Values are the things that you would be willing to dedicate significant time and energy to achieve. Examples of Values : career success, financial security, religious activity, marital harmony, etc. If your career matches with your value, then you will be SATISFIED and MOTIVATED in your life.

12 DECISION MAKING 12 Values Interests Talents Interests + Values  Bidang karir : Education, Bank, Medicine, Entrepreneur, etc. Talents  Pekerjaan : Teacher, Accounting, Psychologist, Programmer, etc.

13 200513 NoInterest / MinatJurusan di Universitas 1RealisticD.Produk, D. Interior, Arsitektur, T.Sipil, DKV, T.Industri, T.Elektro, T.Pangan 2InvestigativeFisika, Matematika, T.Pangan, Biologi, S.Informasi, Kedokteran, T.Komputer, T.Informatika, Hukum, Psikologi, Akuntansi 3ArtisticArsitektur, D.Interior, D.Produk, T.Sipil, DKV, Musik, Bahasa dan Sastra 4SocialManajemen, Psikologi, Komunikasi, Hubungan Internasional, Hukum, Bahasa dan Sastra, Perhotelan, Usaha Wisata 5EnterpriseManajemen, Komunikasi, Hubungan Internasional, Musik, Bahasa dan Sastra, Perhotelan, Usaha Wisata 6ConventionalAkuntansi, S.Informasi, T.Komputer, T.Informatika, Fisika, Matematika, Biologi

14 KEY TO SUCCESS 14 Don’t spend a great deal of energy doing what does NOT come NATURALLY DO WHAT YOU LOVE & LOVE WHAT YOU DO

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