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MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java.

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Presentasi berjudul: "MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java."— Transcript presentasi:

1 MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java Province End Slide

2 MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java Province End Slide Pengantar 5’ Praktik Pembimbingan 70 ‘ Demo Materi ajar 10 ‘ SKENARIO PELATIHAN 4 X 45 ‘ Tugas Mandiri 60 ‘ Presentasi 30 ‘ Refleksi 5’

3 MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java Province End Slide

4 MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java Province End Slide BUATLAH KARYA INOVASI SATU DARI 2 PILIHAN 1.Membuat Alat bantu Pembelajaran berbasis IT 2. Membuat Alat Peraga berbasis IT Catatan : Setiap Kab. / Kod membuat 1 karya

5 MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java Province End Slide

6 MENU UTAMA Skenario Pelatihan PKB Tugas Exit/ Keluar NEXTBACK Go To Menu The Presentation is Created by Sugeng, Drs, MM, Superintendent of Central Java Province End Slide SEKIAN TERIMA KASIH

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