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Dwi Winarni Departemen Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga 2009.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Dwi Winarni Departemen Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga 2009."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Dwi Winarni Departemen Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga 2009

2 ACTH=adrenocorticotropic hormone, LPH=Lipotropin, AL=anterior lobe, IL=intermediate lobe, CLIP=corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide.  dan  MSH bersama-sama disebut sebagai melanotropin atau intermedin

3 MSH adalah hormon yang dihasilkan hipofisis lobus intermediat

4 MSH meningkatkan sintesis melanin (pada melanosit) dan pada melanophore (melanofora) juga mengakibatkan dispersi melanosoma Melanosoma adalah organel yang mensintesis dan menyimpan melanin dan pada melanosit di epidermis mamalia, berperan juga sebagai organel yang dapat “mensekresikan” melanin Melanin dapat ditemukan terutama di kulit, rambut, mata, sisik, bulu dan kutikula hewan

5 =sel penghasil pigmen coklat hitam (melanin) contains brown black pigment contains brown red pigment


7 Schematic outline of the metabolic pathway leading to melanin formation in mammals Biochemical Journal (1997) Volume 323, 749-756 UV increases melanogenesis



10 .The four stages of melanosome development of MNT-1 human melanoma cells are shown in the upper panels. Note the dense bilayered coat (arrowhead) and intralumenal vesicles (arrow) of stage I melanosomes, the proteinaceous fibrils (arrow) of stage II, and the melanin deposition (black) in stages III and IV. The main panel shows a typical field of MNT-1 cytoplasm near the nucleus, which contains all four stages of melanosomes. M, mitochondria; N, nucleus. Scale bar represents 0.5  m.

11 Schematic diagram of the late secretory and endosomal systems, emphasizing the best characterized compartments found in a | all cell types or b | melanocytes. Secretory granules, present in only certain cell types, are also indicated in a. Arrows represent proposed directions of protein and lipid transport between organelles. 'Spikes' indicate clathrin coats; the dense clathrin-containing coat of the coated endosome in melanocytes is also indicated by black shading, as this probably contains additional components. Intralumenal vesicles are present in late endosomes and coated endosomes, as indicated by small circles; irregularly shaped intralumenal membranes tend to be present in lysosomes. The intralumenal striations of stage II and III melanosomes are indicated. In b, potential sites of action of certain proteins are also indicated. CHS, Chediaki Higashi syndrome; HPS, Hermansky– Pudlak syndrome; TGN, trans-Golgi network; AP-1/AP-3, adaptor complexes


13 HPS, Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome;

14 Melanocytes are cells located in the bottom layer (the stratum basale) of the skin's epidermis, and in the middle layer of the eye (the uvea). In the skin, melanin are transferred to keratinocytes

15 MSH aggregated dispersed MELANOFORA (MELANOPHORE) Pada berbagai invertebrata dan cold-blooded vertebrates

16 melanofora pada sisik Teleostei pigments aggregated pigments dispersed

17 A mutant zebrafish larva that fails to synthezise melanin in its melanophores, beneath a non-mutant, wildtype larva

18 melanofora umumnya berada bersama-sama dengan kromatofora lain a.l. 1.Xanthophore  mengandung pigmen kuning 2. Erythrophore  mengandung pigmen merah 3. Leucophore  pigmen putih 4. Cyanophore  biru 3. Iridophore/ guanophore  mengandung reflecting plateles yang merupakan kristal guanin

19 Urutan lapisan kromatofora pada kulit katak hijau

20 dark light A single zebrafish melanophore imaged by time-lapse photography during pigment aggregation


22 Dendrobates pumilio, a poison dart frog. Some brightly colored species have unusual chromatophores of unknown pigment compositionpoison dart frog

23 Chromatophores contain yellow and red pigments. Reflected incident light becomes the blue, yellow, green (blue plus yellow). A layer of dark melanin influences the 'lightness' of the reflected light. All these pigment cells can rapidly relocate their pigments, thereby influencing the colour of the chameleon.

24 Sekresi MSH dipengaruhi oleh:Cahaya  lewat fotoreseptor  terang-agregasi Selain oleh MSH, melanofora dipengaruhi oleh a.l. 1.Katekolamin  stimulasi reseptor a-adrenergik karena faktor stress akut mengakibatkan “excitement pallor” karena terjadi agregasi 2. Kadar cAMP intrasel

25 Lobus intermediat pada mamalia mengalami degenerasi  MSH ???  Pigmentasi ???

26 Series concept: Simple & perfect whitening by marine complex Our skin is always damaged by UV, smoke, stress and this damage increases the abnormal melanogenesis and irregular turnover. The result is pigmentation and skin aging are accelerated and the skin loses its transparency and gets freckles. 2 marine complexes work to keep your skin healthy and to make your skin brighter: - Ocean White Complex (OWC): several natural seaweed complex work to eliminate melanin and restrain melanogenesis. - Ocean Stress-free Complex (OSC): ocean Magnesium, pearl extract and natural seaweed complex reinforce barrier function of skin and make the skin which can resist external / internal stress

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