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Sales Perspective : By : Michael Porter Teknik menganalisis pasar dalam level industri.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Sales Perspective : By : Michael Porter Teknik menganalisis pasar dalam level industri."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Sales Perspective : By : Michael Porter Teknik menganalisis pasar dalam level industri

2 Michael Porter Approach Level industri / skala bisnis. melihat posisi : survivability profitability

3 Recent Rivalry (Marketing Mix: 4 P’s) Recent Rivalry (Marketing Mix: 4 P’s) Bargaining Power : Supplier Bargaining Power : New Comer Bargaining Power : New Comer Bargaining Power : Product Substitution Bargaining Power : Buyer

4 FAKTOR PENENTU PERSAINGAN SAAT INI Marketing Mix Product/Price/Placement/Promotion Product Differentiation Weak differentiation hinders survivability Brand TOM enjoys higher survivability Supplier Exchange Cost Raw Material < Parts Rivalry Complexity

5 FAKTOR PENENTU BAGI PENDATANG BARU (Entry Barrier ) Product Differentiation Brand Government Policy Learning Curves Access to distribution network Economies of Scale and Capital Needs Resistance from existing companies

6 FAKTOR PENENTU ANCAMAN PRODUK SUBSTITUSI FAKTOR PENENTU ANCAMAN PRODUK SUBSTITUSI (Entry Barier) Price and substitution product performance Biaya beralih pemasok Kecenderungan pembeli terhadap produk substitusi

7 Class Discussion Why “Siemens Mobile” business failed and finally sold to BenQ? What should they did to prevent that ?

8 Whaddya wan’em to think Me have product me want to sell me want people to buy me product others have product theirs are better me better

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