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Michael S. Sunggiardi ( Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Selling your ideas is challenging. First, you must get your listeners to agree with.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Michael S. Sunggiardi ( Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Selling your ideas is challenging. First, you must get your listeners to agree with."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Michael S. Sunggiardi (
Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Selling your ideas is challenging. First, you must get your listeners to agree with you in principle. Then, you must move them to action. Use the Dale Carnegie Training® Evidence – Action – Benefit formula, and you will deliver a motivational, action-oriented presentation. Michael S. Sunggiardi

2 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Kenapa sih VoIP mesti diperdebatkan ?
Kenapa sih VoIP mesti dipertaruhkan ? Kenapa sih VoIP mesti diatur ? Kenapa sih semua mau pakai VoIP ? Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

3 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Jawabannya Cuma SATU ! : VoIP masih merupakan barang baru, dan merupakan terobosan penghematan atas teknologi yang sudah ada Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

4 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Seperti biasanya, kalau memang sesuatu yang baru, memberikan pengharapan yang baik, memberikan impian yang baik, dan sudah tentu khayalan yang baik juga Rp …. Rp …. Rp …. harga SLJJ tiga ribu lebih, dibandingkan dengan modal hanya tiga ratus perak ! Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

5 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Tapi ingat … jangan sampai masuk penjara seperti rekan kita Pak Adrie dari Bandung ! Masuk penjara karena konyol, masuk penjara karena ambisi yang tidak jelas, dan masuk penjara karena belum ada aturan yang jelas Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

6 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Dengan perjalanan waktu, dengan kemajuan yang terus bergerak, saya yakin akan ada terobosan lain yang lebih heboh ketimbang VoIP Jadi …… kenapa mesti dipersoalkan ?? EGP ajah Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

7 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Pada akhirnya, yang effisien akan menang
Yang menguasai teknologi akan menang Dan yang hanya bisa ber-lobi-lobi bisa menjadi pecundang Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

8 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Kenyataan : Milyaran rupiah 'terbuang' setiap bulan, dan tidak sempat dikutip oleh PT Telkom, padahal PT Telkom 'deklak-dekluk' membangun infra-struktur dengan darah dan air mata Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

9 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Siapa sih yang tidak tergiur ..… modal Rp 500,- bisa dijual Rp 2.000,- Empat kali lipat dalam waktu hanya satu menit ! Bisnis yang relatif susah saja dengan mudah di duplikasi, apalagi bisnis yang 'dingin-dingin empuk' kayak VoIP Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

10 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Bagaimana penyelesaiannya ? Sederhana sekali …… banting harga supaya semurah yang ilegal … otomatis semua akan mati Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

11 Kenapa Mesti VoIP ? Acungan jempol untuk pembuatan TelkomSAVE, karena ini baru terobosan besar, ketimbang memenjarakan orang yang tidak bersalah Biarkan semua pihak berlomba-lomba bikin VoIP, karena hukum alam akan segera berlaku, cepat atau lambat Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows.

12 Info lanjutan, silakan e-mail :
Presentasi ini dapat di download : nama file : kenapa-voip.ppt TERIMA KASIH Open your presentation with an attention-getting incident. Choose an incident your audience relates to. The incidence is the evidence that supports the action and proves the benefit. Beginning with a motivational incident prepares your audience for the action step that follows. Info lanjutan, silakan

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