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Presentasi berjudul: "PENGACUAN DALAM PENULISAN ARTIKEL UNTUK JURNAL"— Transcript presentasi:


2 CARA MENGACU Pengacuan meliputi pengutipan langsung (menyalin apa adanya dari sumber yang telah diterbitkan), parafrase (menyebutkan ide orang lain dengan menggunakan kata-kata sendiri), atau menunjukkan adanya penelitian terdahulu tanpa mengutip langsung atau parafrase Ada dua cara utama dalam mengacu pustaka yang disebutkan dalam teks: (1) Gaya Harvard (Author-date), dan (2) Gaya Vancouver (Author-number) Ada gaya lain (Chicago Manual): (1) Author-date system, and (2) Documentary Note style

3 Harvard (author-date) style
This system uses the author's name and date of publication in the body of the text, and the bibliography is given alphabetically by author. There are many variations on the style - examples are below:

4 Example "The author has discussed the implications of these proposals on the National Health Service in another paper (Loft, 1991). Other writers have commented on related issues, notably Lane (1992, 1994) and Lewis (1995, p.54). " Names and dates are enclosed in parentheses unless the author's name is part of the sentence. If two papers are cited by the same author, and both are published in the same year, the first should be referenced as (Loft 1997a), then (Loft 1997b), and so on.

5 The full citation is listed at the end of the article, which is arranged in alphabetical order by author. Journal names are given in full and are italicised, as are book names. References would be cited as follows: Annas, G.J. (1997a), 'New drugs for acute respiratory distress syndrome', New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 337, no. 6, pp Grinspoon, L. & Bakalar, J.B. (1993), Marijuana: the forbidden medicine, Yale University Press, London.

6 Variations on the Harvard style
Universities (and journals) have many variations for use in their own institutions, a few examples are linked below. Leicester University (UK) Year of publication is not in brackets and is followed by a full stop; article titles are not placed within quotes, volume numbers are in bold and are not spelled out; Monash University (Aus) Article titles are in double quotes; University of Western Australia (Aus) In this recommendation, the year of publication is not in brackets;

7 Vancouver (author-number) style
The Vancouver system differs from Harvard by using a number series to indicate references. Bibliographies list these in numerical order as they appear in the text. The main advantage of the Vancouver style is that the main text reads more easily, and some editors consider this to be less obtrusive. Additionally, references in the bibliography are directly correlated to numbers, saving the reader time in searching alphabetically for the first author of a reference.

8 Vancouver (author-number) style
Vancouver style is so named as it is based on the work of a group, first meeting in Vancouver in 1978, which became the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The style was developed by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) and adopted by the ICMJE as part of their 'uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals'. The NLM's annual publication 'list of journals indexed in Index Medicus' lists journals and their accepted abbreviations. The NLM abbreviation for a journal title is commonly required by medical journals.

9 Example "The author has discussed the implications of these proposals on the National Health Service in another paper (1). Other writers have commented on related issues, notably Lane (2,3) and Lewis (4). " References in the Vancouver style would be cited in numerical order as below. This is a more economical style than Harvard, and excessive punctuation, spacing and formatting is absent. Journal names are abbreviated. (1) Annas GJ. New drugs for acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med. 1997;337: (2) Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB. Marijuana: the forbidden medicine. London: Yale University Press; (3) Feinberg TE, Farah MJ, editors. Behavioural neurology and neuropsychology. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1997.

10 The Chicago Manual of Style The Chicago Manual of Style allows for two different types of reference styles: the Author-Date System and the Documentary-Note Style.

11 Author-Date System Book - single author Citation in Text
(Holmlund 2002) Reference List Form Holmlund, C Impossible bodies: feminity and masculinity at the movies. New York: Routledge. Book - more than one author (Craton and Saunders 1992) Craton, M. and G. Saunders Islanders in the Stream: A history of the Bahamian people. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

12 Author-Date System Chapter from a book Citation in Text (Repgen 1992)
Reference List Form Repgen, K What is a 'Religious War'? In Politics and society in Reformation Europe, edited by E. I. Kouri and T. Scott, London: Macmillan. Article from journal (Herring 1998) Herring, G The Beguiled: Misogynist myth or feminist fable? Literature Film Quarterly 26 (3):

13 Author-Date System Article from electronic journal - accessed through a database Citation in Text (Yin 2003) Reference List Form Yin, Sandra Color bind. American Demographics 25, (7): Academic Search Premier, via Galileo, Newspaper article – no author (Chicago Tribune 1994) Chicago Tribune Gun injuries take financial toll on hospitals, February 24.

14 Documentary-Note Style
Book - single author Footnote form (first footnote) 2. Chris Holmlund, Impossible Bodies: Femininity and Masculinity at the Movies (New York: Routledge, 2002), 159. Bibliographic form Holmlund, Chris. ImpossibleBodies: Femininity and Masculinity at the Movies. New York: Routledge, 2002. Book - more than one author 1. Michael Craton and Gail Saunders, Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1992), 24. Craton, M. and G. Saunders. Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1992.

15 Documentary-Note Style
Chapter from a book Footnote form (first footnote) 1. Konrad Repgen, "What is a 'Religious War'?" in Politics and Society in Reformation Europe, ed. E. I. Kouri and Tom Scott, 324 (London: Macmillan, 1987). Bibliographic form Repgen, Konrad. "What is a 'Religious War'?" In Politics and Society in Reformation Europe, edited by E. I. Kouri and Tom Scott, London: Macmillan, 1987. Article from journal 1. Gina Herring, "The Beguiled: Misogynyist Myth or Feminist Fable?" Literature Film Quarterly 26, no. 3 (1998): 216. Herring, Gina. "The Beguiled: Misogynist Myth or Feminist Fable?" Literature Film Quarterly 26, no. 3 (1998):

16 Documentary-Note Style
Article from electronic journal - accessed through a database Footnote form (first footnote) 3. Sandra Yin, "Color Bind," American Demographics, 25, no. 7 (2003). Academic Search Premier, via Galileo, Bibliographic form Yin, Sandra. "Color Bind." American Demographics 25, no. 7 (2003): Academic Search Premier, via Galileo, Newspaper article - no author 1. Chicago Tribune, "Gun Injuries Take Financial Toll on Hospitals," sec. 1, February 24, 1994. Chicago Tribune, "Gun Injuries Take Financial Toll on Hospitals," February 24, 1994.

17 Form for Additional Footnote References
Use this form after the first complete reference if only one work by this author is used: 2. Kelly, 256. Use this form for additional references when more than one work by this author is used: 2. Kelly, "Double Vision," 81.

Catatan yang ditempatkan di bagian bawah halaman atau di akhir artikel disebut catatan kaki/akhir . Fungsinya adalah: Memberikan informasi bibliografis tentang pustaka yang diacu (lihat the documentary-note style in Chicago Manual of Style) Memberikan penjelasan tambahan tentang suatu hal yang disebut dalam teks utama dengan tujuan agar tidak mengganggu alur paparan dalam teks utama.

Ada 2 sistem penulisan daftar yang diacu: Bibliography dan Reference Dalam Bibliography, semua pustaka yang ditelaah oleh penulis dicantumkan dalam daftar, baik yang diacu dalam teks maupun yang tidak diacu dalam teks Dalam Reference, hanya pustaka yang diacu yang ditulis dalam daftar: yang diacu dalam teks dicantumkan dalam daftar, yang ada dalam daftar harus diacu dalam teks

Masing-masing gaya selingkung memiliki variasi dalam menulis daftar rujukan dalam hal menulis nama penulis menulis tahun penerbitan urutan informasi bibliografis penggunaan huruf kapital dan huruf miring menulis singgkatan namun sekarang, ada kecenderungan untuk lebih sederhana dan efisien.

Menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan antara hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu dalam bidang yang sedang diteliti sehingga akan jelas kontribusi keilmuan penelitian yang bersangkutan Menunjukkan garis depan perkembangan keilmuan dalam bidang tertentu sebagai hasil akumulasi temuan-temuan penelitian sebelumnya (state-of-the-art)

Mengakui adanya penelitian terdahulu yang serupa yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan pembanding Mendukung ide dan argumentasi yang dipaparkan oleh penulis artikel Menghindari plagiasi yang tak disengaja

23 Draf akhir Instrumen Akreditasi 2011:
Terbukti memuat artikel yang keseluruhannya merupakan plagiat; skor dikurangi 10 Terbukti memuat artikel berisikan bagian-bagian yg merupakan plagiat; skor dikurangi 5

Mengutip langsung sebagai cara pengacuan bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti orisinal berupa kata, frase, atau kalimat yang diambil dari pustaka rujukan yang relevan Ada 2 cara mengutip langsung, tergantung pada panjang-pendeknya yang dikutip: (1) kurang dari 40 kata (kurang dari 4 baris), atau (2) 40 kata atau lebih (4 baris atau lebih)

Jika kurang dari 40 kata atau kurang dari 4 baris, kutipan dipadukan dalam teks dan ditandai dengan tanda kutip. Jika 40 kata atau lebih, atau 4 baris atau lebih, paparkan kutipan dalam bentuk alinea tersendiri, tanpa disertai tanda kutip.

Tentukan jurnal yang akan dituju: kemana naskah Anda akan dikirim Pelajari “Petunjuk untuk Penulis” yang biasanya dimuat di bagian belakang setiap terbitan jurnal (atau diterbitkan secara terpisah) Pelajari juga bagaimana petunjuk tersebut diaplikasikan dalam terbitannya

27 Kaidah untuk Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi
Pustaka rujukan harus terdiri atas: Sumber primer (=jurnal) >80% Mutakhir (=terbit 10 tahun terakhir) >80% Selain dua kaidah tersebut, masing-masing pengelola jurnal dapat mengembangkan gaya selingkung sendiri asal ditaati/digunakan secara konsisten


29 BIBLIOGRAPHY American Psychological Association Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed.). Washington, D.C.: APA. Rifai, M.A Pegangan Gaya Penulisan, Penyuntingan, danPenerbitan: Karya Ilmiah Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Universitas Negeri Malang Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang Internet sources (see a separate sheet)


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