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From Consilience to Complexity Akhmad Fauzi. The story... “Selama 100 tahun,menuntut ilmu di tingkat s1 rata-rata perlu waktu 4 Tahun. Namun selama 100.

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Presentasi berjudul: "From Consilience to Complexity Akhmad Fauzi. The story... “Selama 100 tahun,menuntut ilmu di tingkat s1 rata-rata perlu waktu 4 Tahun. Namun selama 100."— Transcript presentasi:

1 From Consilience to Complexity Akhmad Fauzi

2 The story... “Selama 100 tahun,menuntut ilmu di tingkat s1 rata-rata perlu waktu 4 Tahun. Namun selama 100 tahun itu Pula perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan Sangat pesat, namun kita tidak Memperpanjang masa studi lebih Dari 4 tahun namun memperbanyak cabang ilmu, yang terfragmentasi (Hausamann)

3 Consilience “The greatest enterprise of the mind has always been and always will be the attempted linkage of the science and humanities. The ongoing fragmentation of knowledge and resulting chaos in Philosophy are not reflection of the real world but artifact scholarship… Consilience is the Key to Unification” (Edward Wilson) Wilson Notes on Traditional View – Newtonian – Hermetic – Heuristic Reconstruction: Hidalgo, Hausmann, McFadden Benhocker, Thaler-Sunstein Kahneman-Tversky, Geogerscu-Rogen Harford, Levitt, many others...

4 Kritik dari Pemenang Nobel Ekonomi Daniel McFadden (2013) Source: The Economist: 27/4/13 Economics should draw much More heavilly on field such As psychology, neuoscience and Anthropology” “homo economicus” a rare Species. McFadden view extends Backer view Reinforcing Consilience

5 Thwaites Factor & Hidalgo Product Space: Complexity Economics

6 Complexity Economics Brian Arthur (2013): “Economy is not necessarily in equilibrium..emphasize on contigency, determinacy, sense-making, openes to change...” Depart from Turing’s view to Hawkin’s View “It is a different way of seeing the economy” (Arthur, 2013)

7 Evolution, Complexity And Radical Remaking of Economy Example Link

8 Closing Remarks: Catatan dari Presiden Rolls Royce: Kedepan kita tidak akan lagi berbicara Mengenai Negara maju, negara berkembang dan negara kurang berkembang. Namun kita akan lebih banyak bicara pada negara pintar, lebih pintar dan sangat pintar Sir John Rose CEO Rolls Royce

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