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Diterbitkan olehHesty Heriyanto Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Project 4: Influence of the Block Size for Different Cache Sizes Oleh : Mohd Aziz Shah Bin Mohd Basir
Show the influence of the block size on the miss rate, but in this case, for several cache sizes. Development Configure a system with the following architectural characteristics: Processors in SMP = 1. Cache coherence protocol = MESI. Scheme for bus arbitration = Random.
Word wide (bits) = 32. Main memory size = 1024 KB (the number of blocks in main memory will vary).
Mapping = Fully-Associative. Replacement policy = LRU.
Configure the words by block using the following configurations: 8 (block size = 32 bytes), 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024 (block size = 4096 bytes).
For each of the configurations of words by block, configure the number of blocks in cache in order to get the following cache sizes: 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, and 32 KB. Menentukan konfigurasi Cache Memory untuk mendapatkan ukuran 4Kb
For each configuration obtain the miss rate using the memory trace: Ear.
Hasil View cache Evolution bagi words by block : 8 dan cache size : 4 kb Hasil simulasi bagi melihat Misses Rate(%) = 15,317
words by block :16 Number of blocks in cache sizes: 4 KB words by block :32 words by block :64 words by block :128
words by block :256 Number of blocks in cache sizes: 4 KB words by block :512 words by block :1024
Word by block Cache Size (Kb) 481632 1615.3178.766.06636.0475 329.7027.633.84333.824 646.5375.1242.3922.336 1285.1434.1072.261.469 2569.0053.42882.4681.055 51214.3756.2732.7311.582 102438.09313.9225.6332.378 Hasil Penelitian :
Does the miss rate increase or decrease as the block size increases? Ya Words by block Cache Size 4KB Dari hasil pengujian didapati data yang menunjukkan bahawa dengan membesarkan ukuran blok maka miss rate akan mengalami penurunan. Nilai terkecil missrate didapati pada saat words by block berukuran 128. Setelah itu miss rate mengalami kenaikkan yang cukup signifikan. Kenaikkan ini disebabkan adanya konflik dalam pemetaan langsung.
Does the pollution point appear in these experiments? Ya Pollution Point
Does the influence of the pollution point increase or decrease as the cache size increases Ya
Seterusnya lakukan perbandingan terhadap missrate dari hasil pengujian.
What does it happen with the compulsory misses when you enlarge the block size? Word by block Cache Size (Kb) 481632 1615.3178.766.06636.0475
Kesimpulan Bagi memaksimumkan prinsip locality dapat dilakukan dengan cara memperbesarkan ukuran blok. Semakin besar Cache memory akan semakin kecil terjadinya miss rate Ukuran blok diperbesarkan akan memperkecilkan jumlah miss rate pada cache memory. Jumlah blok pada cache memory yang semakin sedikit akan berpotensi menimbulkan konflik dalam pemetaan langsung. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat dibuat kesimpulan seperti berikut :
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