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Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan dan Jurnal Penutup
This chapter emphasizes the final steps in the accounting process and reviews the entire accounting cycle. We explain the closing process, including accounting procedures and the use of the post-closing trial balance. We show how a work sheet aids in preparing financial statements. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Tujuan Pembelajaran Konseptual
Menggunakan Work Sheet untuk membantu penyusunan laporan keuangan Menjelaskan maksud menutup buku besar Mengidentifikasi akun permanen dan akun temporer Membuat jurnal penutup Menjelaskan dan membuat jurnal koreksi Membuat Neraca yang diklasifikasikan © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Worksheet bukan Lap Keuangan.
Keuntungan Work Sheet Membantu penyusunan Laporan Keuangan ( financial statements). Membantu dalam pembuatan interim financial statements. Worksheet bukan Lap Keuangan. Tidak harus dibuat Mengurangi kemungkinan kekeliruan Menunjukkan transaksi yang disesuaikan. Using an electronic spreadsheet helps reduce the number of errors we may encounter. The spreadsheet is an excellent way to organize your work and review information prior to recording the adjusting journal entries. The spreadsheet is merely a tool we use; not a formal requirement of the double-entry process. Menunjukkan hubungan accounts dengan adjustment-nya. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Pertama, isi kolom unadjusted trial balance.
FastForward Work Sheet For Month Ended December 31, 2007 Pertama, isi kolom unadjusted trial balance. Here is the spreadsheet we will use for FastForward. We have a set of two columns for the trial balance information prior to making adjustments. We often refer to this as the unadjusted trial balance. The unadjusted trial balance will be combined with our adjustments to arrive at the adjusted trial balance. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra 43
Kedua, masukkan adjustments.
FastForward Work Sheet For Month Ended December 31, 2007 Kedua, masukkan adjustments. The adjustments have been entered on the worksheet in the appropriate columns. Let’s look at adjustment A. This adjustment is made to record the expiration of prepaid insurance during the month. The entry is to debit, or increase, insurance expense, and to credit, or decrease, prepaid insurance. You may want to go over the other adjustments. Notice that the total debits and total credits are equal in the unadjusted trial balance and the adjustments columns. We can now combine the balances on the unadjusted trial balance with the adjustments we prepared. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra 44
Ketiga, isi kolom adjusted trial balance.
FastForward Work Sheet For Month Ended December 31, 2007 Ketiga, isi kolom adjusted trial balance. The result of the combination is the adjusted trial balance. You can see that the prepaid insurance account balance was reduced from twenty-four hundred dollars to twenty-three hundred. The insurance expense account went from zero to one hundred dollars. We have to be careful and combine the amounts properly or an error will result. The adjusted trial balance shows that the books are still in balance. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra 45
FastForward Work Sheet For Month Ended December 31, 2007
Keempat, pisahkan saldo adjusted trial balance menurut financial statement-nya. We have added four more columns to our spreadsheet. We take the information from the adjusted trial balance and prepare the income statement. Once the income statement has been completed, we can prepare the balance sheet. Notice that we have added two rows to the bottom of our spreadsheet. Let’s see how we prepare the income statement and balance sheet. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra 45
FastForward Work Sheet For Month Ended December 31, 2007
Kelima, hitung income atau loss, jumlahkan kolom income statement dan kolom balance sheet. First, we subtract total expenses of four thousand three hundred and sixty-five dollars from total revenues of eighty-one hundred and fifty dollars to determine net income of thirty-seven hundred and eighty-five dollars. We move the income to the debit column so that our column totals will be the same. We are not implying that income has a debit balance but simply that when we put it in the debit column, we get the totals straight. You know that income will be in the owner’s equity account on the balance sheet. To make sure it appears in the proper side of the balance sheet, we place net income on the credit side of the balance columns. By doing this you can see that our balance sheet is in balance. Using an electronic spreadsheet saves us a great deal of time and effort. The math is automatically recalculated and we can make sure the books remain in balance. We encourage you to use this type of spreadsheet, where appropriate, to complete your homework assignments. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra 45
Menyusun Financial Statements
P1 Menyusun Financial Statements Menyusun Income Statement. Menyusun Statement of Owner’s Equity. After completing the income statement, we prepare the statement of owner’s equity. Once again, we add the net income and investment amounts together and subtract any withdrawals to arrive at the ending capital balance of thirty-three thousand five hundred and eighty-five dollars. We are now ready to prepare the balance sheet. Work sheet tidak menggantikan financial statements. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Menyusun Balance Sheet.
The balance in Chuck Taylor’s capital account appears on the balance sheet in owner’s equity. The assets and liabilities are taken directly from our worksheet. The balance for total assets and total liabilities plus owner’s equity do not equal the balance that appears on the work sheet. This is because we show the accumulated depreciation, a credit balance account, as a reduction in equipment, a debit balance account. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Menutup Buku Besar Identify accounts for closing. Membuat NOL saldo akun revenue, expense dan withdrawal account pada akhir periode Digunakan akun Income Summary untuk membantu proses penutupan. Record and post closing entries. Once the formal financial statements have been prepared we may begin the process of closing the books and getting ready for the next accounting period. Income is earned over a period of time. At the end of the time period, we start over and calculate income for the next period. The closing process has as its goal to reset all revenue, expense and withdrawal accounts to a zero balance at the end of the period. By doing this we can start the next accounting period fresh. We will use a temporary account called income summary to facilitate the closing process. The account will never appear on any financial statement and will have a zero balance when the closing process is complete. Prepare post-closing trial balance. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Akun Temporer dan Permanen (Temporary and Permanent Accounts)
Temporary Accounts Revenues Income Summary Expenses Withdrawals Permanent Accounts Assets Liabilities Owner’s Capital All accounts that will be closed are known as temporary accounts. Temporary accounts include revenues, expenses, withdrawals, and the income summary. These accounts should all have a zero balance at the end of the period. Permanent accounts include assets, liabilities and owner’s capital. These accounts are permanent in nature because they are carried forward from one accounting period to the next. Proses Closing hanya untuk Akun Temporer. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Membuat Jurnal Penutup (Closing Entries)
Menutup Akun Revenue ke dalam Akun Income Summary. Menutup Akun Expense ke dalam Akun Income Summary. Menutup Akun Income Summary ke dalam Akun Owner’s Capital. Menutup Akun Withdrawals ke dalam Akun Owner’s Capital. Bagaimana proses penutupan dilakukan Here are the four steps we always follow in the closing process. First, we close all revenue accounts to the income summary. We move the balance in all revenue accounts from the account to the income summary. This process will cause all revenue accounts to have a zero balance. Remember that revenue accounts normally have a credit balance. Next, we close all expense accounts to the income summary. This will zero out all our expense accounts. Expense accounts normally have a debit balance. Next, the income summary will show revenues and expense, or net income. We must close the income summary, which contains net income, to owner’s capital. This process zeroes out the income summary. The final closing entry will be to move the owner’s withdrawals to the owner’s capital account. This will cause the withdrawal account to have a zero balance. Let’s see how this process works. To prevent confusion when you first try to make closing entries, it is an excellent idea to follow these four steps exactly. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Proses Closing Saldo sebelum closing.
To illustrate the closing process we will assume that the company has only one expense account and only one revenue account. The beginning credit balance in owner’s capital account is thirty thousand dollars, and the withdrawal account has a debit balance of five thousand dollars. The first step in the closing process is to transfer all revenues to the income summary. Let’s do this now. Saldo sebelum closing. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Revenue accounts to Income Summary.
You can see that the closing entry requires a debit to the revenue account. The revenue account now has a zero balance. The credit portion of the entry is made to income summary. Revenues have been transferred from the revenue account to the income summary. The next step is to close all expense accounts. Let’s get started with that entry. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Expense accounts to Income Summary.
We close the expense account with a credit to that account and a debit to the income summary. The expense account now has a zero balance and the expenses appear on the debit side of the income summary. The balance in the income summary is fifteen thousand dollars. This amount is the difference between revenue and expense, or net income. We know it is net income because revenues are greater than expenses. Notice that all revenue and expense accounts now have a zero balance so we accomplished part of our goal. The third step is to close the income summary to owner’s capital. Let’s do that now. Saldo Akun Income Summary sama dengan net income. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Income Summary to Owner’s Capital.
In the case of a net income, the third closing entry is a debit to the income summary and a credit to the owner’s capital. (If we had a net loss, this entry would be reversed and we would debit the owner’s capital and credit the income summary.) The income summary has served its purpose and now has a zero balance. We will use the income summary again at the end of the next accounting period. Net income is now added to the beginning balance of owner’s capital. The final closing entry is to close the withdrawal account to the owner’s capital account. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Saldo Akun Temporer menjadi sama dengan NOL
We complete this closing entry with a debit, or reduction, in the owner’s capital account and a credit to the withdrawal account. The balance in the withdrawal account is now zero. The ending balance in owner’s capital is forty thousand dollars and will appear on the balance sheet. We are now ready to start accumulating revenues, expenses and withdrawals for the next accounting period. Close Withdrawals account to Owner’s Capital. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
CONTOH Let’s use the adjusted trial balance for FastForward and prepare the necessary closing entries. We will follow our four-step approach. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Revenue accounts to Income Summary.
Our first step is to close the two revenue accounts. Since they have a credit balance, we will debit the accounts to zero out the balance. Let’s look at the closing entry in the journal. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Revenue Accounts to Income Summary
To close the accounts, we debit consulting revenue for seventy-eight hundred fifty dollars and debit rental revenue for three hundred dollars. The credit to income summary is for the total of eighty-one hundred fifty dollars. Let’s see what the ledger will look like after the closing entry is posted. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Expense accounts to Income Summary.
Our second step is to close all expense accounts to the income summary. Let’s make the journal entry. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Expense Accounts to Income Summary
We credit each expense account for its adjusted balance and debit the income summary for the total of forty-three hundred sixty-five dollars. Let’s look at the ledger accounts after posting this entry. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Posting We have a zero balance in each expense account and have transferred total expenses of forty-three hundred sixty-five dollars to the debit side of the income summary. The difference between revenues and expenses is income of thirty-seven hundred eighty-five dollars. Next, we close the income summary to owner’s equity. Net Income © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Income Summary to Owner’s Capital.
Our goal is to update the balance in Chuck Taylor’s capital account for the income earning during the period. Let’s make the next closing entry. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Income Summary to Owner’s Capital
We debit the income summary for thirty-seven hundred eighty-five dollars and credit C. Taylor, capital for the same amount. Now we have increased owner’s capital for income earned during the period. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Withdrawals to Owner’s Capital.
The final closing entry is to close withdrawals to owner’s capital. Let’s take a look at the journal entry. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Close Withdrawals to Owner’s Capital
We debit, or reduce, owner’s capital by two hundred dollars and credit the withdrawal account for the same amount. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Neraca Saldo Setelah Penutupan (Post-Closing Trial Balance)
Daftar Akun permanen beserta saldonya setelah proses closing Total debet harus sama dengan total kredit Perhatikan Post-closing trial balance. After all four of our closing entries have been made, we prepare a post-closing trial balance. This trial balance should show only permanent accounts, that is assets, liabilities, and the capital account. All the revenues, expenses, and withdrawals have been reduced to zero balances. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Post-Closing Trial Balance
Take a close look at our post-closing trial balance and be sure that we have only permanent accounts. Our books are still in balance after the closing process. The owner’s capital account is shown with its updated balance of thirty-three thousand five hundred eighty-five dollars. We are now ready to move into the next accounting period. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Siklus Akuntansi SIKLUS AKUNTANSI (1) Analisis transaksi
(10) Jurnal pembalik (pilihan) (9) Neraca saldo setelah ditutup (8) Jurnal penutup (7) Membuat laporan keuangan (2) Menjurnal SIKLUS AKUNTANSI (6) Neraca Saldo setelah disesuiakan (4) Neraca Saldo sebelum disesuiakan (5) Penyesuaian (3) Posting © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Pos-pos di dalam Balance Sheet menurut kelompoknya.
Let’s complete the chapter by looking at how to construct a classified balance sheet. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Pos di dalam Balance Sheet dikelompokkan sebagai berikut:
A classified balance sheet is the most popular format used by business. On the asset side of the balance sheet we group assets as current or noncurrent. A current asset is one that is expected to be converted into cash in one year or the company’s normal operating cycle, whichever is longer. The operating cycle of a company is the time it takes to acquire inventory, sell the inventory, and collect cash. For many companies the operating is less than one year. These companies would classify an asset as current as long as that asset is expected to be converted into cash within one year. On the liabilities plus equity side of the balance sheet, we divide liabilities between current and noncurrent. A current liability is one we expect to be paid out of current assets of the company. Let’s see how new classifications appear on the balance sheet. Kelompok Current adalah assets atau liability yang diharapkan akan jatuh tempo dalam jangka waktu satu tahun atau satu siklus operasi normal perusahaan, mana yang lebih lama. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Current assets adalah assets yang akan dijual, ditagih atau digunakan dalam satu tahun tau satu siklus operasi, mana yang lebih panjang. Current assets normally include cash, short-term investments, accounts receivable, merchandise inventory, office supplies, and prepaid expenses. Short-term investments are expected to be sold within one year or the normal operating cycle, whichever is longer. Merchandise inventory contains inventory items we expect to sell to customers in the normal course of business. For a service business, like an attorney, we would not expect to find a merchandise inventory account. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Long-term investments adalah investasi yang diharapkan dimiliki lebih dari satu tahun atau siklus operasi, mana yang lebih panjang The next major section of the classified balance sheet includes long-term investments, meaning those we expect to hold for more than one year. Some common long-term investments includes notes receivable, investments in the stock or bonds of another company, and land that a company is holding for a future plant site. Companies often purchase stock of another company in order to control or own the other company. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Plant assets are assets yang memiliki masa manfaat jangka panjang, dan digunakan untuk operasional (produksi / menjual barang / jasa). The third section of the classified balance sheets shows our property, plant and equipment. This section includes productive assets of the company along with any land containing structures such as buildings. Productive assets include machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures, and buildings. Productive assets are normally depreciated over their useful life. The cost of the asset less any accumulated depreciation is called book value. We do not depreciate land. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Intangible assets adalah yang digunakan untuk operasional dan tidak memiliki bentuk fisik
The final category of assets on the classified balance sheet include intangible assets. Intangibles include long-term resources that lack physical form—accounts like patents, copyrights, trademarks, and goodwill. In general, it is very difficult to properly value intangible assets. In summary, we have current assets, and noncurrent assets that are divided among long-term investments, plant assets, and intangible assets. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Current liabilities normally include accounts payable, wages payable, short-term notes payable, and the current portion of long-term liabilities. Current liabilities adalah kewajiban yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun atau satu siklus operasi perusahaan sejak tanggal Balance Sheet, mana yang lebih panjang. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Long-term liabilities include long-term notes payable (net of current amounts due), mortgages payable, and bonds payable. We will look at the accounting for long-term liabilities later in the text. Long-term liabilities adalah kewajiban yang jatuh tempo lebih dari satu tahun atau satu siklus operasi perusahaan, mana yang lebih panjang. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Equity Klaim pemilik atas assets.
As we have seen, the equity section of the classified balance sheet includes the updated owner’s capital account. Remember that almost all companies publish a classified balance sheet. Equity Klaim pemilik atas assets. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Latihan Soal – Pilihan Ganda
1. Sebuah akun (account) akan memiliki saldo nol (zero balance) setelah jurnal penutup (closing entries) dibuat dan di-posting, adalah akun: unearned revenue service revenue supplies accumulated depreciation semua jawaban salah Berikut adalah pernyataan yang SALAH terkait dengan kertas kerja (work sheet) work sheet adalah salah satu alat akuntan untuk membuat laporan keuangan work sheet tidak dapat digunakan sebagai dasar mem-posting ke ledger work sheet diberikan kepada pihak yang memerlukan laporan keuangan laporan keuangan dapat langsung dibuat dari work sheet sebelum jurnal penyesuaian dibuat dan di-posting’ 3. Berikut ini adalah “Permanent (real) account” yang tidak ditutup pada akhir perode akuntansi, KECUALI: Semua assets accounts Semua liability accounts Owner’s capital account Owner’s drawing account Semua salah © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Debet masing masing account revenue dan kredit income summary
4. Berikut ini adalah pernyataan yang benar, terkait dengan jurnal penutup (closing entries) Debet masing masing account revenue dan kredit income summary Debet income summary dan kredit masing-masing account expenses Debet income summary dan kredit owner’s capital jika terjadi laba bersih Debet owner’s capital dan kredit account owner’s drawing Semua jawaban benar 5. Tanggal 5 Januari, sebuah pelunasan piutang dari pelanggan sebesar $100 dijurnal debet Cash $100 dan kredit Unearned Revenue $100. Tanggal 9 Januari diketahui bahwa jurnal tersebut salah. Jurnal koreksi (correcting entries) yang harus dibuat untuk membetulkan jurnal tanggal 5 Januari adalah: Unearned Revenue (Dr) $100, Service Revenue (Cr) $100 Unearned Revenue (Dr) $100, Account Receivable (Cr) $100 Cash (Dr) $100, Service Revenue (Cr) $100 Cash (Dr) $100, Account Receivable (Cr) $100 Semua jawaban salah 6. Tanggal 10 Januari, sebuah Office Equipment seharga $100 dibeli dengan kredit. Atas transaksi ini perusahaan membuat jurnal Debet Delivery Equipment $10 dan Kredit Account Payable $10. Jurnal koreksi (correcting entries) yang harus dibuat untuk membetulkan jurnal ini adalah: Delivery Equipment (Dr) $90, Account Payable (Cr) $90 Office Equipment (Dr) $90, Account Payable (Cr) $90 Office Equipment (Dr) $100, Account Payable (Cr) $100 Office Equipment (Dr) $100, Delivery Equipment (Cr) $10, Account Payable (Cr) $90 © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
7. Berikut ini adalah Account yang masuk dalam kelompok Aktiva Lancar (current assets), KECUALI:
Preapid Expenses Short-term investment Account Receivable Supplies Semua jawaban salah 8. Berikut ini adalah Account yang masuk dalam kelompok Kewajiban Lancar (current liabilities), KECUALI Account payable Taxes payable Bond payable Salaries payable 9. Berikut ini adalah account yang diklasifikasikan sebagai “Temporary (Nominal) Account”, KECUALI: Service Revenue Accummulated Deperesiation Suplies Expenses R. Neal, Drawing Semua jawaban benar © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
10. Berikut ini adala langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam siklus akuntansi, KECUALI:
Men-jurnal dan mem-posting Jurnal penutup Membuat laporan keuangan Membuat kertas kerja (work sheet) Menjurnal transaksi Semua jawaban salah 11. Berikut ini adalah account yang tetap muncul di Neraca Saldo setelah ditutup (post-closing trial balance), KECUALI: Accumulated Depreciation Cash Bond Payable Unearned Revenue 12. Neraca saldo setelah disesuaikan per 31 Januari 2006 (adjusted trial balance) menunjukkan saldo: Supplies (Dr) $800 dan Supplies Expenses (Dr) $900. Jika selama bulan Januari Perusahaan membeli Supplies $600 dan saldo Supplies Expeses tersebut adalah hasil Jurnal Penyesuaian (adjusting entries) pada tanggal 31 Januari, maka Saldo Supplies pada tanggal 1 Januari adalah: $1.400 $1.100 $1.700 $200 © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Latihan 5-1 Untuk masing-masing akun berikut ini kelompokkan ke dalam:
A. Current Assets; B. Long-term Investment; C. Plant Assets D. Intangible Assets; E. Current Liabilities; F. Long-term Liabilities; G. Equity Akun: 1. Trademarks 2. Account Receivable 3. Land not used in operation 4. Long-term note payable 5. Cash 6. Unearned revenue 7. Wages payable 8. Store Equipment 9. Account payable 10. Prepaid rent 11. Interest payable 12. Owner, Capital 13. Accumulated Depreciation 14. Office Supplies This completes our discussion of chapter four. We have introduced many new concepts and procedures. Your homework assignments will help reinforce most of what we have covered in our presentation. If you have difficulty with your homework assignments, you may want to review this presentation again. Good luck. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Latihan 5-2 Lihat latihan 4-8
Buat work sheet untuk membantu penyusunan laporan keuangan Buat laporan laba rugi, laporan perubahan ekuitas dan Neraca per 31 Desember 2005 Buat jurnal penutup untuk menutup akun temporer Susun Neraca saldo setelah penutupan. © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Latihan 5-3 1 April 2005, Jenni mendirikan Travel Agent. Transaksi selama bulan April adalah: April 1, Jenni menginvestasikan kas $ dan computer equipment $40.000 2, Dibayar sewa office space $1.700 untuk sewa bulan april 3, Dibeli tunai office supplies $1.100 10, Dibayar premi asuransi untuk waktu 1 tahun senilai $ 3.600 14, Dibayar gaji karyawan untuk 2 minggu pertama $1.800 24, Diterima pendapatan komisi dari Airlines atas hasil penjualan tiket 28, Dibayar gaji karyawan untuk 2 minggu pertama $1.800 29, Dibayar $250 untuk perbaikan komputer 30, dibayar tagihan telepon $650 30, diambil kas untuk keperluan pribadi $1.500 © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
Buat jurnal untuk setiap transaksi bulan April
Diminta: Buat jurnal untuk setiap transaksi bulan April Posting setiap jurnal ke General Ledger Buat Unadjusted Trial Balance per 30 April Buat Jurnal penyesuaian (adjusting entries) untuk informasi sbb: a) 2/3 premi asuransi per bulan telah expired b) Office supplies yang tersisa pada 30 April $700 c) Penyusutan equipment bulan April $600 d) Beban gaji yang telah terjadi dan belum dibayar $320 e) Pendapatan komisi yang telah terjadi dan belum ditagih $1.650 Buat dan selesaikan worksheet 10 kolom Buat Income statement; owners’equity statement dan Balance sheet Buat Jurnal penutup (closing entries) Buat Post-closing Trial Balance © Jurusan Akuntansi UK Petra
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