10 - Innovation Matakuliah: G0622/Bahasa Inggris 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1.01.

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1 10 - Innovation Matakuliah: G0622/Bahasa Inggris 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1.01

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Membuktikan perbedaan kalimat ‘passive’ dan ‘active’. Menulis kalimat dalam bentuk ‘passive’.

3 Outline Materi

4 Quote of the Week

5 Definition of Innovation

6 1. Introduction

7 Book Answer comprehension questions to check understanding of topic vocabulary and concepts. –What inventions or innovations do you associate with these names ? –What are the most important inventions or innovations for you at work or at home ?

8 2. Vocabulary

9 Book: Use positive and negative words to describe inventions.

10 In class / Assignment: Write a description of one important invention. –See Assignment 10-01: Web Research and Writing Assignment: Describing Important Inventions Discuss imaginary inventions. –See Assignment 10-02: Discussion Board Activity

11 3. Reading

12 Book: Read the article "Why the last shall be first" and extract information about the role of innovation in the business world.

13 4. Grammar

14 Book: Recognise and use the passive tense.

15 In class / Assignment: Present an overview of your company's major competitor. –See Assignment 10-03: Speaking Assignment: Presentation Skills

16 10 - Innovation

17 Assignments 10-01: Web Research and Writing Assignment: Describing Important Inventions 10-02: Discussion Board Activity 10-03: Speaking Assignment: Presentation Skills Due next week

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