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The process of persuasion stages and the four distinct types of communicators The process of persuasion stages and the four distinct types of communicators.

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Presentasi berjudul: "The process of persuasion stages and the four distinct types of communicators The process of persuasion stages and the four distinct types of communicators."— Transcript presentasi:

1 The process of persuasion stages and the four distinct types of communicators The process of persuasion stages and the four distinct types of communicators

2 Your Listener You communicate with a wide range of people, all are different individual. Some will be agreeable to you, others antagonistic, some essentially interested, and others unconcerned. All however have common views, which will help you persuade them: they consider and decide on whether to agree something or not in a similar way

3 Thinking process when anyone is considering another's request for action. The process moves through seven stages: 1. I am important and I want to be respected. 2. Consider my needs. 3. How will your ideas help me? 4. What are the facts? 5. What are the snags? 6. What shall I do? 7. I approve (or not).

4 Persuasion Matrix Decision SequencePersuasion ObjectivesPersuasion Stage I am important Consider my needs How will your ideas help me? To create rapport, generate interest or acceptance. To find out about them. 1. Opening What are the facts? To state a case that will be seen as balanced in favour of action. 2. Stating the case What are the snags? Preventing or handling negative reactions that may unbalance the argument. 3. Handling Objections What shall I do? I approve Obtaining a commitment to action, or to a step in the right direction 4. Injunction to act.

5 Works or Fails When persuasion works, both parties will have gone through this sequence stage by stage. If the attempt to persuade is unsuccessful, it will often be found that: The sequence has not taken place at all. Some stage has been missed out. The sequence has been followed too quickly or too slowly, which means the persuader has allowed it to get out of step with the decision process.

6 Monitoring the process Although you cannot predict exactly how things will go: Anticipating the stages as much as possible Having in mind what you want to do Recognising when things are getting off track and working consciously through the whole process is very much part of making persuasive communication work.

7 MAKING IT ACCEPTABLE There are two factors that help make your manner acceptable. They are an appropriate blend of "projection" and of "empathy". "Projection" refers to the way we come across to others, particularly the confidence, credibility and power. "Empathy" is simply the ability to put you in the other person's shoes and see things from his point of view. Not only to see them, but to be seen to do so.

8 4 distinct types of communicator Type 4: Ideal / Persuasive Low Empathy Type 3: Weak Type 2: Take it or leave it Type 1: High Pressure High Projection High Empathy Low Projection

9 Type 1: High pressure The "high pressure" communicator is over aggressive and insensitive. They may feel they win the argument but, in fact, their projection, without empathy becomes self-defeating and switches people off.

10 Type 2 : Take it or leave it The "take it or leave it" communicator has little interest in the other person, nor his own ideas. A lack of commitment to the whole process tends to let it run into the sand.

11 Take 3 : Weak They have good sensitivity to the other person, come across as essentially nice. But, take the side of the listener so much that persuasion vanishes and they achieve no commitment.

12 Type 4 : Ideal / persuasive The "ideal" communicator is seen as having a creative understanding of the listener, being well informed and producing both agreement and commitment to the satisfaction of both sides. Being seen to see the other person's point of views is crucial.

13 You can tell.: PROJECTION is.. high “Saya dari ElectroGIV, ingin memperkenalkan produk kami, mesin cuci kualitas tinggi. Pasti sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda..” low “Saya dari ElectroGIV, barangkali ibu mau lihat- lihat katalog kami..” Siapa melakukan apa?

14 You can tell.: EMPATHY is.. high “Putranya berapa Ibu? Dua? Masih kecil, ya? Aduh, pasti banyak cucian tiap hari. Yang kemarin belum habis hari ini sudah nambah lagi. Produk kami mesin cuci ElectroGIV bisa...” low “Putranya berapa Ibu? Dua? ( basa basi ) Kami punya produk mesin cuci ElectroGIV..” Paraphrase

15 Projection HI Empathy HI Saya dari ElectroGIV, ingin memperkenalkan produk kami, mesin cuci kualitas tinggi. Pasti sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda..” “Putranya berapa Ibu? Dua? Masih kecil, ya? Aduh, pasti banyak cucian tiap hari. Yang kemarin belum habis hari ini sudah nambah lagi. Produk kami mesin cuci ElectroGIV bisa...”

16 Projection LO Empathy HI “Saya dari ElectroGIV, barangkali ibu mau lihat-lihat katalog kami..” “Putranya berapa Ibu? Dua? Masih kecil, ya? Aduh, pasti banyak cucian tiap hari. Yang kemarin belum habis hari ini sudah nambah lagi. Produk kami mesin cuci ElectroGIV bisa...”

17 Projection HI Empathy LO Saya dari ElectroGIV, ingin memperkenalkan produk kami, mesin cuci kualitas tinggi. Pasti sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda..” “Putranya berapa Ibu? Dua? ( basa basi ) Kami punya produk mesin cuci ElectroGIV..”

18 Projection LO Empathy LO “Saya dari ElectroGIV, barangkali ibu mau lihat-lihat katalog kami..” “Putranya berapa Ibu? Dua? ( basa basi ) Kami punya produk mesin cuci ElectroGIV..”

19 Stereotype PL - EL Juru taksir pegadaian PL - EH Pramugari, juru rawat, concierge PH - EL Bintara pelatih PH - EH Student counselor, personal trainer

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