LOGO Manajemen Data Berdasarkan Komputer dengan Sistem Database.

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1 LOGO Manajemen Data Berdasarkan Komputer dengan Sistem Database

2 LOGO Pendekatan Manajemen Data Dengan Komputer  Pendepatan berorintasi file Memusatkan perhatian pada aplikasi individual  Pendekatan database memusatkan pada penyimpanan data terpadu yang dibutuhkan oleh semua aplikasi.

3 LOGO Kelemahan Pendekatan Orientasi File  Kelebihan Data  Inkonsistensi  Ketidakmampuan mengakses banyak data  Ketidakluwesan

4 LOGO The Database Approach to Data Storage Database  A Database is a set of computer files that minimizes data redundancy and is accessed by one or more application programs for data processing  The database approach to data storage applies whenever a database is established to serve two or more applications, organizational units, or types of users

5 LOGO Characteristics of the Database Approach  Data Independence  Data Independence - the separation of the data from the various application programs and other accesses by users  Data Standardization  Data Standardization - data elements within a database have standard definitions, thus stored data are compatible with every application program that accesses the data  One-Time Data Entry and Storage  One-Time Data Entry and Storage - individual data values are entered into the database only once; consequently, redundancy is reduced and inconsistencies between data elements are eliminated

6 LOGO Characteristics of the Database Approach  Data Integration  Data Integration - data sets integrate the data, which enables all affected data sets to be updated simultaneously  Shared Data Ownership sub-schema  Shared Data Ownership - all data within a database are owned in common by the users. The portion of the database that is of interest to each user is known as the sub-schema  Centralized Data Management  Centralized Data Management - the database management system stands guard over the database and presents the logical view to users and application programs

7 LOGO Manfaat & Kekurangan Pendekatan Database  Manfaat  Berkurangnya Kelebihan Data  Meningkatnya Keluwesan Untuk Memenuhi Permintaan yang Berubah  Meningkatnya Aksesabilitas Data  Kekurangan  Mahal  Awal yang Lambat  Peka

8 LOGO Model Data Logic Data Base Gudang Penyimpanan Data Struktur Data (Data Logic)

9 LOGO Data Logic TREE MODEL A B C D E  Hanya memiliki Satu Buluh Dasar ubungan yang simple

10 LOGO NETWORKING MODEL AB C DEF G H I  Lebih dari satu buluh dasar ebih kompleks

11 LOGO RELATION MODEL AB C WXY Z Independen, dan tidak tergantung satu sama lain

12 LOGO Database Management System (DBMS) Database Management System  A Database Management System (DBMS) is a computer program that enables users to create, modify, and utilize database information efficiently  Fuctionality :  Data Creation  Data Maintenance  Data Calling

13 LOGO Program-Data Independence Application Program A Application Program B Database Management System Database

14 LOGO DBMS Component DData Base Control System (DBCS) CControl the various component od the DBMS CControling on: Data Storage Data Calling DData Definition Language (DDL) LLogical structure of the data base DDefines the data item

15 LOGO DBMS Component (Cont’)  Data Manipulation Language Frase command in the program to :  Saving File  Manipulation File  Call Out File

16 LOGO  Query Language  Special Comment  interactive  Report Generator  Design Report  Specification  Another component  Modul

17 LOGO Pertimbangan Rancangan Data Base SSKEMA DATA BASE MModel Konseptual FFlowchart RRANCANGAN DBMS PPemilihan model data logic IImplementasi skema dengan DDL MMasukan info data sesuai skema dan aplikasi yang akan digunakan dengan DML

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