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Diterbitkan olehKrishna Chintya Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
LOGO Manajemen Data Berdasarkan Komputer dengan Sistem Database
LOGO Pendekatan Manajemen Data Dengan Komputer Pendepatan berorintasi file Memusatkan perhatian pada aplikasi individual Pendekatan database memusatkan pada penyimpanan data terpadu yang dibutuhkan oleh semua aplikasi.
LOGO Kelemahan Pendekatan Orientasi File Kelebihan Data Inkonsistensi Ketidakmampuan mengakses banyak data Ketidakluwesan
LOGO The Database Approach to Data Storage Database A Database is a set of computer files that minimizes data redundancy and is accessed by one or more application programs for data processing The database approach to data storage applies whenever a database is established to serve two or more applications, organizational units, or types of users
LOGO Characteristics of the Database Approach Data Independence Data Independence - the separation of the data from the various application programs and other accesses by users Data Standardization Data Standardization - data elements within a database have standard definitions, thus stored data are compatible with every application program that accesses the data One-Time Data Entry and Storage One-Time Data Entry and Storage - individual data values are entered into the database only once; consequently, redundancy is reduced and inconsistencies between data elements are eliminated
LOGO Characteristics of the Database Approach Data Integration Data Integration - data sets integrate the data, which enables all affected data sets to be updated simultaneously Shared Data Ownership sub-schema Shared Data Ownership - all data within a database are owned in common by the users. The portion of the database that is of interest to each user is known as the sub-schema Centralized Data Management Centralized Data Management - the database management system stands guard over the database and presents the logical view to users and application programs
LOGO Manfaat & Kekurangan Pendekatan Database Manfaat Berkurangnya Kelebihan Data Meningkatnya Keluwesan Untuk Memenuhi Permintaan yang Berubah Meningkatnya Aksesabilitas Data Kekurangan Mahal Awal yang Lambat Peka
LOGO Model Data Logic Data Base Gudang Penyimpanan Data Struktur Data (Data Logic)
LOGO Data Logic TREE MODEL A B C D E Hanya memiliki Satu Buluh Dasar ubungan yang simple
LOGO NETWORKING MODEL AB C DEF G H I Lebih dari satu buluh dasar ebih kompleks
LOGO RELATION MODEL AB C WXY Z Independen, dan tidak tergantung satu sama lain
LOGO Database Management System (DBMS) Database Management System A Database Management System (DBMS) is a computer program that enables users to create, modify, and utilize database information efficiently Fuctionality : Data Creation Data Maintenance Data Calling
LOGO Program-Data Independence Application Program A Application Program B Database Management System Database
LOGO DBMS Component DData Base Control System (DBCS) CControl the various component od the DBMS CControling on: Data Storage Data Calling DData Definition Language (DDL) LLogical structure of the data base DDefines the data item
LOGO DBMS Component (Cont’) Data Manipulation Language Frase command in the program to : Saving File Manipulation File Call Out File
LOGO Query Language Special Comment interactive Report Generator Design Report Specification Another component Modul
LOGO Pertimbangan Rancangan Data Base SSKEMA DATA BASE MModel Konseptual FFlowchart RRANCANGAN DBMS PPemilihan model data logic IImplementasi skema dengan DDL MMasukan info data sesuai skema dan aplikasi yang akan digunakan dengan DML
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