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Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram menggambarkan instance proses bisnis.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram menggambarkan instance proses bisnis."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram menggambarkan instance proses bisnis.

2 Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram menggambarkan interaksi antara proses-proses bisnis dan aktor.

3 Collaboration Diagram
Collaboration Diagram menggambarkan interaksi dan relasi antara proses-proses bisnis dan aktor.

4 Pola Perancangan Tingkat Abstraksi: Tingkat Organisasi Tingkat Sistem
Tingkat Arsitektur Tingkat Kelas Tingkat Prosedur

5 Sequence Diagram Menunjukkan prilaku dinamik (berorientasi pada waktu)
Tujuan Model alur kendali Mengambarkan skenario tertetu. Suatu sequence diagran memperlihatkan interaksi antara obyek-obyek yang diatur dalam suatu urutan waktu.

6 Sequence Diagram registration : Student math 101 form manager
Objects : Student registration form manager math 101 1: fill in info 2: submit 3: add course (joe, math 01) 4: are you open? 5: are you open? 6: add (joe) 7: add (joe) section 1 Messages Method Invocation 21

7 Contoh Lain Sequence Diagram
Objects Method Invocation Messages A sequence diagram (object interaction or event trace diagram) is used to define the logic for a use case scenario. A sequence diagram displays object interactions arranged in a time sequence It is commonly use to validate use cases by walking through the logic of the scenario. The example shows the types of objects involved in the use case, the messages they send to each other, and any return values associated with the messages. Objects are shown underlined to distinguish them from classes. The boxes on the vertical lines are method invocation boxes and they represent the running of a method in an object.

8 Sequence Diagram Menampilkan perilaku dinamis (berorientasi pada waktu)

9 Collaboration Diagram
Menampilkan perilaku dinamis (berorientasi pada pesan). Tujuan Model alur kendali Mengambarkan koordinasi struktur dan kendali obyek-obyek. Collaboration diagram memperlihatkan interkasi obyek yang diorganisasikan sekitar obyek-obyek dan kaitannya antara satu dengan yang lain.

10 Contoh Collaboration Diagram
Objects Message : Registrar course form : CourseForm theManager : CurriculumManager aCourse : Course 1: set course info 2: process 3: add course 4: new course Relationship 22

11 Contoh Lain Collaboration Diagram
Objects Return Value Relationship Message A collaboration diagram displays object interactions organized around objects and their links to one another It shows the message flow between objects and the associations between objects An example of a university application, the rectangles are the various objects and roles they take within the application. The lines between the objects are the relationships or associations between them. Messages are show as a label followed by an arrow indicating the flow direction of the message and return values are labels with arrow-circles beside them. Collaboration diagrams are useful in getting the big picture of the system, incorporating the message flow of many use case scenarios.

12 Contoh Collaboration Diagram
Menampilkan prilaku dinamis (berorientasi pada pesan)

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