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Melewati kapal kandas.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Melewati kapal kandas."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Melewati kapal kandas

2 Kadang2 Tuhan menenangkan badai, dan di waktu lain, Tuhan menenangkan anak-Nya di tengah-tengah badai.

3 1. Perkuat ikatan kapal “Mereka memasang alat-alat penolong dengan meliliti kapal itu dengan tali.” Kisah 27:17 Untuk melewati kapal kandas kita harus bertanggung jawab pada apa yang bisa kita lakukan, dan mempercayakan Tuhan melakukan apa yang tidak bisa kita lakukan.

4 2. Ringankan kapal “Mereka membuang muatan kapal” Kisah 27:18
Buang koper ekstra apapun yang sedang engkau bawa. Ibrani 12:1

5 Kadang2 kita harus mengorbankan yang baik untuk yang terbaik.

6 3. Dengarkan Otoritas “Saudara-saudara, jika sekiranya nasihatku dituruti” Kisah 27:21 Matius 7:28-29 Paulus telah berhenti menjadi hanya sekedar orang tahanan lainnya. Pemimpin yang baik memiliki pengaruh yang terus bertumbuh.

7 4. Ambil keberanian baru “Aku menasehatkan kamu, supaya kamu tetap bertabah hati” Kisah 27:22 Pemimpin yang baik menguatkan orang-orang di sekitar mereka. Mereka optimistik. Optimisme menular.

8 Jangan takut

9 5. Lihat gambaran besar “Jangan takut, Paulus! Engkau harus menghadap” Act 27:24 Paul wasn’t focused on the storm, he was focused on preaching in Rome.

10 I believe God that it will be just as it was told me

11 I urge you to take nourishment
for this is for your survival Good leaders set an example of encouragement

12 6. Take Responsible Action
Be Positive – “They observed a bay with a beach” Acts 27:39 You usually find what you’re looking to find.

13 Paul focused on objectives, not obstacles

14 Use what you have learned to make the best of bad situations.
Be Persistent – “They hoisted the mainsail to the wind and started for shore” Act 27:40 Use what you have learned to make the best of bad situations.

15 Be Patient – “The soldiers plan was to kill the prisoners” Acts 27:42
The soldiers were trying to protect themselves. Don’t try to protect yourself by discarding people you don’t like.

16 The centurion knew Paul had saved their lives.
Good leadership is invaluable – “But the centurion, wanting to save Paul” Act 27:43 The centurion knew Paul had saved their lives.

17 Leaders are courageous.
7. Take Some Risks Leaders are courageous. “Those who could swim should jump overboard first” Acts 27:43 People who are afraid of doing too much will always do too little.

18 “Some on boards and some on broken pieces of the ship” Acts 27:44
Your broken ship can become a prison in which to die;

19 Or a surfboard to ride ashore

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