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Glorious Journey. What’s Glorious Life to you? “Glorious life buat sy bicara bagaimana Allah turut bekerja didalam segala hal (baik itu yg baik maupun.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Glorious Journey. What’s Glorious Life to you? “Glorious life buat sy bicara bagaimana Allah turut bekerja didalam segala hal (baik itu yg baik maupun."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Glorious Journey

2 What’s Glorious Life to you? “Glorious life buat sy bicara bagaimana Allah turut bekerja didalam segala hal (baik itu yg baik maupun kurang baik) untuk mendatangkan kebaikan, jadi pikiran kita harus sesuai dgn Firman Tuhan.” “Glorious Life is about knowing who we are in God's eyes, finding out God's plans for us, and living our lives according to His plans =) ” “‎Glorious life: salvation, mission.”

3 What’s Glorious Life to you? “It's living a life with no regret, surrender & knowing that ur life is fully controlled by God, bad or good, it doesn't matter, as long as u know that ur life is glorifying Him.” “A life surrendered to God, not insisting to have what we want or our way of doing stuffs, but a life pursuing God's plan for us.. “

4 What’s Glorious Life to you? “What Glorious Life means to me is changing our mindset as in foremost understanding. We can be real if we understand the truth and want to work it out ( always in progress of shifting our mindset). By staying still we will easily stray away by the world. But it takes our ppl around us too to set the example for others around us to see and learn and be changed. If everyone is doing and living on it, we can together have glorious life.”

5 What’s Glorious Life to you? “For me glorious life is living our lives with understanding that God has set us free from the curse of sin (which is death) and took away all our guilt and shame so that we can live fully and bless others without feeling being accused. What I also received is that glorious life means that we always have God to whom we can rely on to go through every seasons of life. For me, i think it is a life filled with hope.”

6 What’s Glorious Life to you? “Setiap pribadi yang telah kenal Kristus bisa jadi dirinya adanya, dan komunitas yang terbentuk dari keunikan setiap pribadi, lepaskan/lupakan yang dibelakang dan kejar panggilan yang didepan dan menjadi terang dalam kebersamaan.” “‎Kehidupan yang memuliakan Tuhan karena melihat sebagaimana Tuhan melihat, mengerti secara benar identitas diri di dalam Kristus, hidup dengan tulus dan tanpa kepura-puraan, dalam suatu komunitas yang otentik di mana kita saling memberkati satu sama lain lewat perhatian dan kasih yang tulus dan dengan menggunakan karunia- karunia yang Tuhan berikan, sehingga kita makin bertumbuh dalam pengenalan akan Tuhan Yesus dan makin hari makin menyerupai Tuhan Yesus(hati, pikiran, karakter, tindakan).

7 What’s Glorious Life to you? “what glorious life means to me is having a life that our daily actions and behaviors constantly reflect our Lord's glory.” “‎For me glorious life is about living a life that is free of worry and living with a purpose by knowing that we can trust God, know ourself and finding out what we can do to contribute to our society (family, friends, and church)”


9 Lukas 17 : 11 - 19 11 Dalam perjalanan-Nya ke Yerusalem Yesus menyusur perbatasan Samaria dan Galilea. 12 Ketika Ia memasuki suatu desa datanglah sepuluh orang kusta menemui Dia. Mereka tinggal berdiri agak jauh 13 dan berteriak: "Yesus, Guru, kasihanilah kami!" 14 Lalu Ia memandang mereka dan berkata: "Pergilah, perlihatkanlah dirimu kepada imam- imam." Dan sementara mereka di tengah jalan mereka menjadi tahir. 17:15 Seorang dari mereka, ketika melihat bahwa ia telah sembuh, kembali sambil memuliakan Allah dengan suara nyaring, 17:16 lalu tersungkur di depan kaki Yesus dan mengucap syukur kepada-Nya. Orang itu adalah seorang Samaria. 17:17 Lalu Yesus berkata: "Bukankah kesepuluh orang tadi semuanya telah menjadi tahir? Di manakah yang sembilan orang itu? 17:18 Tidak adakah di antara mereka yang kembali untuk memuliakan Allah selain dari pada orang asing ini?" 17:19 Lalu Ia berkata kepada orang itu: "Berdirilah dan pergilah, imanmu telah menyelamatkan engkau."

10 Lukas 17 : 11 - 19 15 Seorang dari mereka, ketika melihat bahwa ia telah sembuh, kembali sambil memuliakan Allah dengan suara nyaring, 16 lalu tersungkur di depan kaki Yesus dan mengucap syukur kepada-Nya. Orang itu adalah seorang Samaria. 17 Lalu Yesus berkata: "Bukankah kesepuluh orang tadi semuanya telah menjadi tahir? Di manakah yang sembilan orang itu?

11 Lukas 17 : 11 - 19 18 Tidak adakah di antara mereka yang kembali untuk memuliakan Allah selain dari pada orang asing ini?" 19 Lalu Ia berkata kepada orang itu: "Berdirilah dan pergilah, imanmu telah menyelamatkan engkau."

12 Jesus knows MORE than what you need Jesus, Master, Have Pity on Us (17:12b - 13) "Yesus, Guru, kasihanilah kami!“ The phrase "have pity" translates the Greek verb eleeo, "have compassion/mercy/pity. They don't ask for healing but for pity, for whatever Jesus might give them -- food, clothing, shelter, whatever he decides to offer. Mereka hanya meminta belas kasihan, mengharapkan Yesus untuk memberi makanan, pakaian, tempat tinggal, atau apapun yg Yesus bisa berikan.

13 Jesus knows MORE than what you need They didn’t ask for healing. Mereka tidak mengharapkan kesembuhan. "When he saw them, he said, 'Go, show yourselves to the priests.' And as they went, they were cleansed." (17:14) "Pergilah, perlihatkanlah dirimu kepada imam- imam." Dan sementara mereka di tengah jalan mereka menjadi tahir.

14 Jesus knows MORE than what you need Verse 14b is the key to understanding what happened. "And as they went, they were cleansed." "in the going, they were cleansed.“ Dan sementara mereka di tengah jalan mereka menjadi tahir. Faith is exhibited in what we actually DO. Iman terlihat dari perbuatan kita. Because these lepers believe, they begin to obey and in the going, they were cleansed.


16 Your faith has made you Whole (17:19) "Then he said to him, 'Rise and go; your faith has made you well.' " (17:19) "Berdirilah dan pergilah, imanmu telah menyelamatkan engkau." Healed Vs Made Well. The phrase "made you well" (NIV) or "made thee whole" (KJV) is Greek sozo, the word commonly translated "to save."

17 Your faith has made you Whole (17:19) Healed Vs. Made Well. Glorious Event Vs. Glorious Journey This passage hints at the fact that Jesus offers this leper more than others. They received healing, but this Samaritan receives a deeper salvation in addition. His faith has prompted him to return to the feet of Jesus in thanks, and that personal contact, that personal submission signifies a soul healing that is more than skin deep.


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