MICROSOFT EXCEL 2000 Bagian #1 Konsep, Editing & Formating.

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Presentasi berjudul: "MICROSOFT EXCEL 2000 Bagian #1 Konsep, Editing & Formating."— Transcript presentasi:

1 MICROSOFT EXCEL 2000 Bagian #1 Konsep, Editing & Formating

2 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 2 Worksheet MS EXCEL

3 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 3 Worksheet MS EXCEL

4 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 4 Worksheet MS EXCEL

5 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 5 Sistem Menu MS EXCEL menu pulldown [Ctrl+..] click-kanan

6 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 6 Formula bar

7 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 7 Toolbar

8 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 8 Worksheet & Workbook sel/cell membentuk baris & kolom Nama lembar/sheet : Worksheet Nama file : Workbook Beberapa nama file : Workspace

9 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 9 Worksheet & Windows Working with Workbook Windows

10 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 10 Worksheet & Windows Working with Sheets Inserting and Deleting Sheets in a Workbook

11 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 11 Worksheet & Windows Working with Sheets Naming and Renaming Sheets in a Workbook Moving and Copying Sheets in a Workbook

12 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 12 Worksheet & Windows Splitting Sheets into Panes Freezing Panes Zooming Worksheets

13 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 13 New Workbook  File, New Workbook/file baru

14 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 14 Saving a File for the First Time Creating Backup Files Automatically Selain mengaktifkan backup file, juga bisa file di PASSWORD. File  Save As  Tools  General Options 

15 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 15 Save Your Workbooks Automatically Forget to save your files regularly. AutoSave on the Tools menu :

16 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 16 Saving the Entire Workspace

17 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 17 Membuka Workbook

18 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 18 Pergerakan pointer & blok sel (Mouse & Keyboard)

19 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 19 Blok Multiple-Area

20 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 20 Blok Columns & Rows

21 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 21 Entering Data

22 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 22 Entering & Editing Data Via Formula Bar Undo

23 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 23 Editing Worksheet Editing Directly in Cells (edit isi sel)  [F2] atau double-click sel atau click via Formula Bar

24 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 24 Editing Worksheet Moving & Copying with the Mouse Moving : dragging Copying : [Ctrl-dragging]

25 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 25 Editing Worksheet Inserting, Deleting, and Clearing Cells with the Mouse

26 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 26 Editing Worksheet Dragging with the Right Mouse Button  muncul sub-menu [Drag dg click- kanan], arahkan ke sel tujuan, tombol mouse dilepas, muncul sub-menu

27 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 27 Editing Worksheet Mengcopy & Membuat data urut (data terurut dengan interval tertentu) copy dg drag Arah drag bisa ke bawah atau kanan drag dengan click-kanan

28 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 28 Editing Worksheet Dragging the Fill Handle with the Right Mouse Button

29 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 29 Editing Worksheet Creating Custom Lists

30 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 30 Formatting a Worksheet

31 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 31 Formatting Numbers and Text The General Format, salah satu kategori Format Cells. Sebelum sel diformat tertampil berdasarkan General Format. Mis. angka 123.45, tertampil 123.45. Kecuali 3 kasus berikut : Angka terlalu panjang : mis. angka 12345678901234 (integer/bil. bulat) akan tertampil 1.23457E+13. Angka 123456.7812345 (standard-width cell) akan tertampil 123456.8 Angka NOL tidak tertampil setelah pemisah desimal. Angka 123.0 akan tertampil 123. Sebelum pemisah desimal bila diketiknya diawali pemisah desimal, maka akan ditambahkan NOL di depan pemisah desimal. angka.123 akan tertampil 0.123.

32 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 32 Formatting Numbers and Text The Number Formats The Currency Formats The Accounting Formats

33 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 33 Formatting Numbers and Text The Percentage Formats Format Percentage tanpa decimal : 0.1234 akan tertampil 12% ; Bila 2 desimal : 0.1234 akan tertampil 12.34%. The Scientific (Exponential) Formats 98765432198 tertampil 9.88E+10. 0.000000009 tertampil 9.00E-09

34 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 34 Formatting Numbers and Text The Fraction Formats (format pembilang penyebut  pembagian)

35 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 35 Formatting Numbers and Text The Text Format Data NUMERIK/ANGKA normalnya rata kanan (right-aligned) di cell. Bila di Format Text akan tertampil RATA KIRI (left-aligned) seperti TEKS. Sifat ANGKA tetap.

36 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 36 Formatting Numbers and Text The Special Formats

37 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 37 Formatting Numbers and Text Creating New Formats

38 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 38

39 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 39

40 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 40 Formatting Numbers and Text Custom formats : Positive format; Negative format; Zero format; Text-value format "Amount due: "$#,##0.00_);"Credit: "($#,##0.00);"Let's call it even.";"Please note: "@

41 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 41 Formatting Numbers and Text Contoh Custom formats : Merubah WARNA data entri berdasarkan POSITIP NEGATIP-nya. [Blue]$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) [Blue];[Red];[Yellow];[Green] displays positive values in blue, negative values in red, zero values in yellow, and text in green.

42 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 42 Formatting Numbers and Text Custom Format Condition Operators To display accounts with a balance of more than $50,000 in blue, negative values in parentheses and in red, and all other values in the default color : [Blue][>50000]$#,##0.00_); [Red][<0]($#,##0.00); $#,##0.00_) Convert from milliliters to liters and kiloliters when you budget the usage : [>999999]#,##0,,_m"kl"; [<999]##,_k_m "L"; #_k"ml"

43 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 43 Formatting Numbers and Text Aligning Cell Contents

44 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 44 Formatting Numbers and Text The Horizontal & Vertical Text Alignment

45 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 45 Formatting Numbers and Text

46 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 46 Formatting Numbers and Text The Shrink-To-Fit Option

47 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 47 Formatting Numbers and Text Formatting Fonts 1 pt = 1/72 inch, 1 inchi = 2,54 cm

48 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 48 Formatting Numbers and Text Adding Custom Borders (garis)

49 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 49 Formatting Numbers and Text Adding Custom Pattern (arsir)

50 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 50 Formatting Numbers and Text Merge Cell

51 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 51 Formatting Row & Column

52 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 52 Formatting with Styles (lanjut)

53 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 53 Editing Worksheet Entering and Editing

54 MS Excel 2000 #1 – Haryoso Wicaksono 54 LATIHAN Kerjakan data INTECH COMPUTER, DAFTAR SEWA KENDARAAN, BANK JOGYAKARTA & DAFTAR UPAH HARIAN Perhatikan tipe data angka Format tampilan sesuai dengan contoh di latihan  lebar kolom, tabel/border, perataan, font, dsb. Tampilan hitungan/rumus boleh nanti saja, dahulukan format tampilan. Isi dengan rumusan perhitungan

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