We are in search of passionate and driven individual to become one of the few Management Associates who will be developed to become bright leaders in the.

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Presentasi berjudul: "We are in search of passionate and driven individual to become one of the few Management Associates who will be developed to become bright leaders in the."— Transcript presentasi:

1 We are in search of passionate and driven individual to become one of the few Management Associates who will be developed to become bright leaders in the future Please send your update resume to: sli_recruitment@sunlife.com

2 Our Management Associate Program (SUN MAP) aims to attract, accelerate and challenge talents to achieve their full potential. We are hiring a selected group of talented individuals to develop them as future leaders for our business in Asia. You will be part of a 24-month rotational program in one of the selected functions, such as distribution, actuarial, finance, legal & compliance, pension, IT and operations. The program is designed to provide you with regional exposure to one of the most exciting areas in the financial industry: protection and wealth accumulation. The insights you acquire from our business will help you build and achieve your career goals and create valuable contributions to the organization. Who are we looking for? Individuals who have the talent, passion and desire to succeed! Bachelor degree holders with four years working experience or Master degree holders with two to three years working experience from multi -national company. Experience in the financial sector, sales, service or hospitality industry is preferred Willing and committed to undergo 24 months development Proficiency in English and fluency in second Asian language is preferred Open to intra-Asia mobility Mature, self – confident, collaborative, enthusiastic and self-motivated


4 Management Associate Program (SUN MAP) merupakan program yang bertujuan menarik, meningkatkan dan menantang para talenta untuk mengembangkan seluruh potensi mereka. Kita mencari individu yang memilki talenta, bakat dan potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi pemimpin masa depan bisnis kami di Asia. Anda akan menjadi bagian dari program training dan rotasi selama 24 bulan, di salah satu dari beberapa fungsi seperti distribusi (distribution), aktuaria (actuary), keuangan (finance), hukum dan kepatuhan (legal & compliance), pensiun (pension), teknologi informasi (information technology (IT)) dan operasional (operations). Program ini di desain untuk memberikan kesempatan individu memiliki karir di salah satu area yang paling menarik dalam industri keuangan, yakni protection and wealth accumulation. Yang kami cari? Individu yang memiliki potensi, bakat dan keinginan untuk sukses! Minimal pendidikan formal S1 dengan pengalaman 4 tahun atau lulusan S2 dengan pengalaman 2 – 3 tahun di perusahaan multinasional. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di sektor keuangan, penjualan, jasa atau industri perhotelan dan pariwisata (hospitality industry) Bersedia dan berkomitmen menjalani program pengembangan selama 24 bulan Diutamakan mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris Terbuka terhadap mobilitas di Asia Kirimkan CV terbaru anda ke email sli_recruitment@sunlife.com


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