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Human Resource Management MSDM strategis M-2 1Tony Soebijono
Organization's Objectives + Environmental Influences Human Resource Planning (HRP) + Recruitment + Selection + Socialization = Competent employees who have adapted to the organization's culture + Training and Development + Career Development = Competent employees with up to date skill and knowledge + Motivation + Performance Appraisal + Reward and Punishment = Competent employees who desire to expert high effort + Benefit and Services + Safe and Healthful working conditions + Satisfactory union Relations = Competent employee who are committed to the organization and satisfied with their jobs = Value of life Effective Human Resource Management High productivity, Low turnover, Low absence High job satisfaction Changing conditions require on-going research and concern for the future Changing conditions require on-going research and concern for the future (organizational vision and missions) Human Resource Management Model
Langkah awal dalam MSDM Mengidentifikasi pekerjaan... job analysis Struktur organisasi Mendeskripsikan pekerjaan Job desc Tony Soebijono3
Job? Sekelompok posisi yang agak serupa dalam hal elemen-elemen pekerjaannya, tugas-tugas dan tanggung jawab yang dicakup oleh deskripsi pekerjaan yang sama. Similar, but different concepts: – position: kombinasi kewajiban2 yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang dalam menunaikan suatu pekerjaan. – occupation: kategori pekerjaan yang dijumpai pada perusahaan-perusahaan.
Bedakan Job Analysis: Proses yang sistematis dari menghimpun informasi dari tugas, kewajiban dan tanggung jawab dari pekerjaan tertentu. Job Description: pernyataan faktual dan terorganisasi perihal kewajiban dan tanggung jawab pekerjaan tertentu. Job Specification: menunjukkan kualitas yang disyaratkan bagi pelaksanaan yang dapat diterima. Job Evaluation: proses sistematik dan beruntun untuk menentukan nilai suatu pekerjaan (menentukan kompensasi).
Job analysis? Proses yang sistematis dari menghimpun informasi dari tugas, kewajiban dan tanggung jawab dari pekerjaan tertentu. Provides a summary of a job’s duties and responsibilities, its relationship to other jobs, the knowledge and skill requires and working conditions under which it is performed (R. Wayne Mondy)
Questions Job Analysis Should Answer What physical and mental tasks does worker accomplish? When is job to be completed? Where is job to be accomplished? How does worker do job? Why is job done? What qualifications are needed to perform job?
Job Analysis: A Basic Human Resource Management Tool TasksResponsibilitiesDuties Job Analysis Job Descriptions Job Specifications KnowledgeSkillsAbilities Staffing Training and Development Performance Appraisal Compensation Safety and Health Employee and Labor Relations Legal Considerations © 2009 by Prentice Hall
Reasons For Conducting Job Analysis Staffing - Haphazard if recruiter does not know qualifications needed for job Training and Development - If specification lists particular knowledge, skill, or ability, and person filling position does not possess all necessary qualifications, training and/or development is needed Performance Appraisal - Employees should be evaluated in terms of how well they accomplish the duties specified in their job descriptions and any other specific goals that may have been established Compensation – Value of job must be known before dollar value can be placed on it
Reasons For Conducting Job Analysis (Cont.) Safety and Health – Helps identify safety and health considerations Employee and Labor Relations – Lead to more objective human resource decisions Legal Considerations – Having done job analysis important for supporting legality of employment practices
Summary of Types of Data Collected Through Job Analysis Work Activities - Work activities and processes; activity records (in film form, for example); procedures used; personal responsibility Worker-oriented activities - Human behaviors, such as physical actions and communicating on job; elemental motions for methods analysis; personal job demands, such as energy expenditure
Summary of Types of Data Collected Through Job Analysis (Cont.) Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids used Job-related tangibles and intangibles - Knowledge dealt with or applied (as in accounting); materials processed; products made or services performed Work performance - Error analysis; work standards; work measurements, such as time taken for a task Job context - Work schedule; financial and nonfinancial incentives; physical working conditions; organizational and social contexts Personal requirements for job - Personal attributes such as personality and interests; education and training required; work experience
Job Analysis Methods Questionnaires Observation Interviews Employee recording Combination of methods
Siapa yang melakukan Pakar job analysis (HR, IT consultant etc.) Supervisor Manager
Manfaat Analisis penyusunan formasi kepegawaian Desain organisasi Redesain pekerjaan : untuk perbaikan kinerja. Telaah dan Perencanaan Kerja Suksesi Manajemen Pelatihan dan pengembangan Jalur karir Kriteria seleksi Evaluasi pekerjaan
Masalah dalam JOB ANALYSIS Ketakutan karyawan (ancaman pekerjaan, tingkat gaji, tingkat produksi). Mengumpulkan informasi yang mutakhir.
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