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Sumber: Weber2009
IMR – URBAN/RURAL Closing the gap
IMR – ISLAND GROUPS Widening the gap
U5MR – ISLAND GROUPS Widening the gap
Day-1 39% Day 0-3 >44% 0-7 days 79.4% Source: Baseline Survey & BPS Neonatal Death Situation
Underlying Cause L B W
Source: GARUT HEALTH PROFILE 2007 Infant Mortality 336 PROFILE 2007 +/- 1 infant per day
StudyProvider Home visit to do ENC inContent of Home Visit NMR Red SEARCH (India) Pekerja kesehatan masyarakat/ kader (diberi upah plus insentif kinerja) Prenatal, Persalinan, Hari 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 dan 28 Konseling prenatal Asuhan kelahiran (resusitasi) Kunjungan postnatal (asuhan & konseling) Manajemen infeksi Asuhan bayi BBR (kunjungan ekstra) 57% ANKUR (India) Pekerja kesehatan masyarakat/ kader (diberi upah plus insentif kinerja) Prenatal, Persalinan, Hari 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 dan 28 Konseling prenatal Asuhan kelahiran (resusitasi) Kunjungan postnatal (asuhan & konseling) Manajemen infeksi Asuhan bayi BBR (kunjungan ekstra) 51% Projahnmo (Bangladesh) Pekerja kesehatan masyarakat/ kader (diberi upah ) Prenatal, Hari 1, 3, dan 7Konseling Prenatal Kunjungan Postnatal (asesmen dan konseling BBL) Perawatan infeksi BBL (jika rujukan ditolak) 34% Shivgarh (India) Pekerja kesehatan masyarakat (diberi upah ), diubah menjadi relawan masyarakat/ kader Prenatal, Hari 1 dan 3Konseling Prenatal Kunjungan Postnatal (konseling) 50% Hala (Pakistan) Pekerja/kader kesehatan perempuan (diupah pemerintah) Prenatal, Hari 1, 3, 7, 14 dan 28Konseling Prenatal Kunjungan Postnatal (asesmen, konseling BBL, rujukan jika perlu) 29% GLOBAL EVIDENCES
Up to 2010 Policy 1. KN-1: 0-7 days 2. KN-2: 8-28 days
1.Inserting Day-3 home visit a.KN-1: 6-48 hrs b.KN-2: day 3-7 c.KN-3: day 8-28 2.Bring IMCI to newborn via home visits
Supportive Materials National Guideline of Essential Newborn Care National Action Plan for Child Survival District Action Plan (started by Garut) Riskesdas (2010)
1. Increasing the coverage of Child Survival essential package Services packageindicatortarget Increasing high- quality delivery services coverage % delivery by SBA90% % delivery in health facilities70% Managing Neonate Health % neonate receiving early initiation of breastfeeding70% % neonate received three post-natal visit: within 48 hours, 3-7 days and 8-28 days (cord care, vit K, topical eyes antibiotic, thermoregulation, hep B) 60% % uncomplicated LBW who recieved thermoregulation40% % neonate with local infection who receive oral antibiotic60% % sick neonate who early recognized and referred20% Managing Infant Health % of infant who exclusively breastfeed50% % of 6-24 months infant who received appropriate and timely complementary feeding?? % of infant who received measles immunization90% Management of Childhood illnesses % U5 child with diarhea who receive oralit and Zinc80% % U5 child with pneumonia who received appropriate AB80% % U5 child with bloody diarhea who receive appropriate antibiotics60% %u5 child with malaria who receive ACT30%
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