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Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network Identify problems Through the Symptoms that arise HOME
COMPETENCE MAPING Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network 23 Mendiagnosis permasalahan pengoperasian PC yang tersambung jaringangnosis Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang koneksi jaringan an Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi jaringan berbasis GUI (Graphical User Interface) dan Text Melakukan instalasi perangkat jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area Network) Mendiagnosis permasalahan perangkat yang tersambung jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area Network) Membuat desain sistem keamanan jaringan Mendiagnosis permasalahan pengoperasian PC dan periferal Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang sistem PC Melakukan perbaikan periferal Melakukan instalasi software Melakukan perawatan PC Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi berbasis graphical user interface (GUI) dan command line interface (CLI) Melakukan instalasi perangkat jaringan lokal (Local Area Network) Menerapkan teknik elektronika analog dan digital dasar Menerapkan fungsi peripheral dan instalasi PC Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang koneksi jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area Network) Mengadministrasi server dalam jaringan Merancang bangun dan menganalisa Wide Area Network Merancang web data base untuk content server Lulus Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi dasar Menerapkan K 3 LH Merakit Personal Komputer Dasar KejuruanLevel I ( Kelas X ) Level II ( Kelas XI ) Level III ( Kelas XII ) 1 Mendiagnosis permasalahan perangkat yang tersambung jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area Network) Klik Disini HOME
What symptoms appear is an indication that problems related to hardware or software, so that efforts can be focused on improvements to the software or hardware depending on this the symptoms. Factors that could cause damage such as: 1. Electricity voltage 2. Dead or not functioning of the components in the wireless device 3. Software Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network
1. Electricity voltage Voltage electricity can cause interference if the voltage produced when the unstable, often going up and down or from the sudden death of PLN. This is influence because all the equipment that we use electricity comes on. 2. Dead or not functioning of the components in the wireless device Dead or not functioning component supporting device Wireless ganguan Thunderstorms caused by the (natural interference), occurs due to natural factors and lightning in the rain when the weather and blustery winds that caused the device will also use the burn is too long without a regular care. Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network
3. Tool Software Disturbances can also occur from the software on the server or client PC, ganguan this may be caused not by the way in wireless applications, conflict IP (Internet Protocol), does not detract from the proxy server on the server, and many more types of software ganguan other, the solution is the standard must Admin server and client. Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network
Find problem based on the group Modul 14 : Diagnose problems connected device that broad-based network (Wide Area Network) HOME
After the case, then, the problem in kelompokan to other similar problems, this will speed up efforts to repair. Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network HOME
Located local damage Modul 14 : Diagnose problems connected device that broad-based network (Wide Area Network) HOME
Regional network of localized damage to the efforts made to repair, the other areas that are not damaged, so that the effort to continue to work to serve the communication of data between hosts. Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network HOME
Isolate the problem Modul 14 : Diagnose problems connected device that broad-based network (Wide Area Network) HOME
The section has been mengalammi or damage, should diisolasi when he berungsi again, this is to seek improvement quickly, based on previous conditions. For example, devices that have been damaged, then restored after it is used again, but at the time it is used again, should be monitored because of their performance even though he was functioning, but their performance will not be as effective as new condition. Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network HOME
Solve the problem arising Modul 14 : Diagnose problems connected device that broad-based network (Wide Area Network) HOME
Problems that occur must be repaired as soon as possible so that the network can return berfugsi for the purpose of communication. In this improvement efforts, that effort should be going down time may be minimal, even if the repair can be done, the user does not feel any improvement connection. For example, when the problem appeared when the network is identified, repair the problem requires that the replacement component on the router it was working, then the improvement efforts should be done using the steps : 1.Prepare a backup router 2.Enable the router is a standalone (no network connection). Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network HOME
3. After replacement enabled router, the next steps to move live network cable connections from the old router to router recently. Module 14. Diagnose device problems that connected to the Wide Area Network
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