Situasi Terkini tentang Penelitian dan Pelaksanaan Test danTreat di 28 Oktober 2014 Lecture Series Pusat Penelitian HIV dan AIDS.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Situasi Terkini tentang Penelitian dan Pelaksanaan Test danTreat di 28 Oktober 2014 Lecture Series Pusat Penelitian HIV dan AIDS."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Situasi Terkini tentang Penelitian dan Pelaksanaan Test danTreat di Indonesia @America, 28 Oktober 2014 Lecture Series Pusat Penelitian HIV dan AIDS

2 Topik Latar Belakang, tujuan Study design; KAPs of interest, sample, sites, intervention package Project governance structure Progress

3 Jumlah Infeksi Baru per tahun, per sub-populasi (2012 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING ) 3


5 Indonesia: Cumulative cross-sectional* HIV Care Cascade *Cumulative data up to Dec 2012 Source: Monthly ART report, MoH

6 Tingkat Retensi ART selama 12, 24 & 60 bulan di beberapa negara, 2011 84% 78% 72% Source: WHO-HQ

7 Test & Treat, Tujuan: ↓ HIV Immediate linkage to care and offer ART

8 Implementasi Test & Treat: perlu telaah lanjutan Intervensi2 meningkatkan kualitas cascade of care? – Perhatikan konteks lokal – Perhatikan KAP – Berkelanjutan Partisipasi aktif masyarakat sipil terdampak? – Epidemi terkonsentrasi, KAP tidak mudah dijangkau? Inisiasi awal ART, perhatian khusus: – Kepatuhan rendah – resistance

9 The HATI Project HIV Awal (Early) Testing & Treatment Indonesia Project Implementation of ‘Test and Treat’ strategies for HIV treatment and prevention in key populations in Indonesia: a prospective implementation research study

10 Study design: key objectives KAPs of interest: MSM, FSW, Waria Primary : To assess the impact of enhanced community based intervention compared with current practice, on: – The number of people from each key population started on ART and retained in treatment at 12 months. – The proportion of people from each key population who are virologically suppressed 12 months after HIV diagnosis. Secondary: – To quantify and compare the HIV treatment cascade/continuum of care. – To assess safety of ART and acceptability of early ART initiation. – To assess behavioural aspects of a T&T strategy, including impact on risk behaviours. Research capacity building objectives – To enhance the capacity of senior local researchers as research leaders. – To increase the research skills and experience of early career researchers.

11 Study design: Schema YEAR-1: Pre-intervention phase (No intervention at all sites) -ART regardless of CD4 count -Set up data management and monitoring systems -Design and plan interventions YEAR-2: Implement selected interventions at selected sites Or, Selected interventions in a selected KAP at all sites YEAR-3: Full intervention package at all sites and all KAPs Year-4: Follow-up Assess outcomes at the end of 1 year of follow-up of patients recruited in each year

12 Recruitment and Sample Total sample size across 3 sites in 3 years: 600 HIV positive MSM and 600 HIV positive FSW No specified target for waria All sites may recruit all KAPs

13 Sites: Bali, Yogya, Bandung Primary and Satellite Sites; the Roles (Bali)

14 Development of Package Intervention

15 Project Governance Structure

16 Progress MoU between WHO and Kirby will be signed by both parties soon Draft MoU between Kirby and 3 universities (UGM, Padjajaran, Udayana) are being finalized Draft detailed protocol is being finalized


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