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Program Penelitian, Pengmas dan Publikasi di UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA
PERSIAPAN RAKERPIM 25-26 JANUARI 2012 Program Penelitian, Pengmas dan Publikasi di UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Djoko Agus Purwanto Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Airlangga
TIGA PILAR UTAMA ROADMAP PENELITAN DAN PENGMAS UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA HEALTH SCIENCE BIO SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
RIP Institusi – Topik - Road Map
TOPIK -TOPIK PENELITIAN Kebijakan Senat Universitas Kebiijakan Renstra Institusi Kebijakan Lain-lain, evaluasi diri RIP: Riset Unggulan Institusi 2018- R &D Teknologi Produk Market ROAD MAP PENELITIAN Level Pusat Penelitian/ Fakultas/Individu Level Institusi
17 Tema Riset Unggulan Universitas
Bidang Prioritas PERTANIAN 1. Pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir dan feriferal 2. Ketahanan pangan 2 Bidang Prioritas KESEHATAN DAN OBAT 3. Pengembangan obat bahan alam 4. Kanker dan Autoimun 5. Penanggulangan penyakit tropis 6. Pengembangan Stem cell 3 Bidang Prioritas SOSIAL, EKONOMI DAN HUKUM 7. Sistem pengelolaan layanan kesehatan penduduk miskin 8. Pengembangan regulasi dan model kebijakan 9. Pemilu dan demokrasi 4 Bidang Prioritas MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM 10. Pengembangan material maju 11. Produksi tanaman transgenik 12. Produk hasil fermentasi mikro-organisme 13. Bioremidiasi lingkungan dan pengelolaan limbah 14. Pemodelan di bidang life science, ekonomi dan industri berbasis ict 5 Bidang Prioritas PSIKOLOGI DAN SASTRA 15. Integrasi dan Harmonisasi Nasional 16. Seni dan budaya untuk menunjang industri kreatif 17. Pembangunan manusia dan daya saing bangsa Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
ROADMAP PENELITIAN DAN PENGMAS Acuan pengembangan kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa di lingkungan Universitas Airlangga Inovatif, unggul dan kompetitif hingga tingkat internasional wujud dari model pendidikan yang terintegrasi antara proses akademik, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
ALUR IMPLEMENTASI ROADMAD TEMA RISET UNGGULAN UNIVERSITAS LPT , FAKULTAS , PUSAT STUDI TOPIK PENELITIAN ROADMAP TIAP TOPIK Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
Integrasi PENELITIAN DAN PENGMAS Permasalahan di masyarakat - Scientific mind - Prepared mind Perumusan Riset Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Hasil Riset Pengmas
TOPIK/TEMA RISET Top-down: Unggulan, Unggulan Strategis.
Semi-Top-down: Desentralisasi DP2M, Ristek, LIPI Bottom-up: Hibah Riset di Fakultas, Mandiri, kerjasama, NON-Desentralisasi Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
Implementasi Roadmap Penelitian dan Pengmas
RIP Roadmap untuk 17 Tema Riset Unggulan Unair hasil rapat dg wakil semua fakultas tgl 30 Juni 2011 Mengacu pada 7 Focus Agenda Riset Nasional (ARN) Isu yang diusung: Global Warming Legalitas: disyahkan oleh Rektor Topik : Top-down (70% riset Unggulan) Semi Top-down (50% riset DP2M) Bottom-up (100% Hibah Riset Unair) Renstra Pengmas Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. 9
Perkembangan Jumlah Judul Riset
Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Sumber: SE Unair 2011 10
Profil Jumlah Riset Sumber: SE Unair 2011
Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Sumber: SE Unair 2011 11
Profil Dana Riset Unair 2011
Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Sumber: SE Unair 2011 Total dana Riset 2011 : M 12
Jumlah Riset/Dosen Aktif Unair 2011
Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Sumber: SE Unair 2011 Keterangan: Dosen aktif tahun 2009 = 1327; Dosen aktif tahun 2010 = 1092; 2011 =1199 13
Jumlah Pengmas Unair 2011 Sumber: SE Unair 2011
Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Sumber: SE Unair 2011 14
Profil Kerjasama Tridharma PT Unair 2011
Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. Sumber: SE Unair 2011 15
Pengembangan Jurnal Ilmiah
No. Program Kegiatan 1. Meningkatkan akreditasi Jurnal Penelitian dan pengenalan oleh provider internasional dan portal Garuda 1. Sosialisasi Tata cara Akreditasi Jurnal 2.Melakukan pendampingan untuk mendorong akreditasi jurnal. 3.Memberikan insentif/bantuan untuk akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah. 4.Melakukan pelatihan untuk mendorong jurnal ilmiah dapat diindeks oleh provider internasional (SCOPUS) dan portal Garuda. 5.Memberi insentif/Award Jurnal Ilmiah yang terbaik 1,2, dan 3. 6.Lesson learn untuk pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah 7. Benchmark ke UGM dan UI Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
PROGRAM Penelitian dan Publikasi
No. Program Kegiatan 1. Meningkatkan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Penelitian 1. Sosialisasi Penelitian ke Fakultas dan LPT 2. Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian 3. Pelatihan Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian 4. Pembentukan Pusat Unggulan Riset 5. Riset Unggulan Universitas top-down dengan roadmap yang jelas 6. Resarch Week, seminar dan expo riset Unair dg mengundang masyarakat dan industri untuk meningkatkan kerjasama penelitian. 2. Meningkatkan Publikasi pada Jurnal terakreditasi/ Internasional 1. Pemberian hibah untuk publikasi di jurnal terakreditasi dan jurnal internasional 2. Mensyaratkan penelitian DP2M, Unggulan Unair, dll untuk dipublikasikan atau paten 3. Artikel ilmiah untuk penelitian Hibah Riset Unair (didanai oleh RKAT Fakultas) 4. Mendorong jurnal UNAIR agar terakreditasi (sharing dg program Jurnal) Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
PROGRAM PENGMAS LPPM No. Program Kegiatan 1.
Meningkatkan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Pengmas 1. Sosialisasi Pengmas ke Fakultas dan LPT 2.Pelatihan dan Pendampingan dalam Penyusunan proposal Pengmas 3. Menyelenggarakan KKN-BBM 4. Membangun Kerjasama untuk pelaksanaan Pengmas 2. Membangun Sistem Manajemen Pengelolaan Pengmas 1.Menyusun database pelaksanaan Pengmas di Unair 2.Mendorong dan memfasilitasi pengemba-ngan Pengmas di fakultas 3.Menerapkan sistem pencatatan Pengmas on line(Registrasi Pengmas) Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
No. Jurnal pagu Besaran Hibah Total 1. Nasional Terakreditasi 100 artikel Rp ,- Rp ,- 2. Internasional dengan impact fator > 0.0 50 artikel Rp ,000,- Rp ,- 3 Translate dan pendampingan artikel Internasional Rp ,- Rp ,- Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. * Target 100 artikel jurnal Nasional terakreditasi dan 50 artikel jurnal internasional
No. Status Jurnal pagu Besar Bantuan Total 1. Belum Terakreditasi (terbit > 5 edisi) 10 jurnal Rp ,- Rp ,- 2. Belum Terakreditasi (terbit < 5 edisi) Rp ,- Rp ,- 3. Program Pendampingan Jurnal 20 jurnal Rp ,- Rp ,- 4. Pelatihan Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah dan Akreditasi 1 kegiatan Rp ,- 5. Pelatihan mengindeks jurnal pada provider Internasional dan Portal Garuda Rp ,- Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean. *1. Target terakreditasi dlm waktu 1 tahun **2. Target terakreditasi dlm waktu 2 tahun
No. AWARD Terbaik Besar Bantuan Total 1. Jurnal 1 Rp ,- 2 Rp ,- 3 Rp ,- 2. Artikel riset pada jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi Rp ,- Rp ,- Artikel riset pada jurnal Internasional Rp ,- 4 Pengmas Rp ,- Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
Dalam rangka AIMS perlu registrasi riset, pengmas, publikasi kerjasama dg DSI. Peneliti Ketua Departemen Dekan Registrasi on line nomor registrasi Peneliti Penerbitan jurnal dapat terpantau Recent time, langsung dapat diolah, penelitian Unair, penelitian per fakultas, judul penelitian yang dilakukan fakultas, jumlah dana, peneliti yang terlibat dan sebagainya. Capaian tahun lalu --- capaian sekarang --- target Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
Perubahan Komisi menjadi PUSAT STUDI
Kebutuhan untuk dikenali secara NASIONAL Lebih dikenal sebagai Unggulan Pengembangan Keilmuan perlu target dan roadmap yang jelas Perlu SK REKTOR yang baru Masalah Tempat ?? Pembiayaan?? Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
Pendampingan penyusunan PROPOSAL
Benarkah proposal kita kurang bagus? Mengapa tidak bagus? Bagaimana sistemnya? CARI AKAR PERMASALAHAN Memanfaatkan skripsi untuk pencapaian target Fakultas perlu disusun roadmap untuk skripsi Pada tiap: Fakultas Departemen Fokus Group ENTERPRENEUR UNIVERSITY YANG BERBASIS RISET Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
Kebijakan LPPM sebagai REVENUE CENTER menyebabkan konsentrasi LPPM banyak tersita pada aktivitas-aktivitas yang terkait dengan BENEFIT PROGRAM disamping menjalankan yang COST PROGRAM Perlu adanya Koordinator Bidang yang menangani secara Teknis Pelaksanaan Lapangan: - Koordinator Bidang KKN - Koordinator Bidang Riset dan Pengmas - Koordinator Bidang Kerjasama Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
Terima Kasih Atas Perhatiannya
Authors, please select example graphs which are appropriate for your presentation. Sources: Nitrogen: Vitousek PM (1994) Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology 75: Species Extinction Reid WVC, Miller KR (1989) The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity. World Resources Institute, Washington DC. Note: temperature graph shows temperature anomaly of global average temperature from the mean.
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