Modul 3: Tanggapan Cepat

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1 Modul 3: Tanggapan Cepat
Keuangan Mikro dan Manajemen Bencana Modul 3: Tanggapan Cepat SLIDE 1: Module 1: MFI Preparedness Estimated Duration: 3 hours total Resources needed: Flipchart paper and markers Digital projector Module 1 – Presentation (.PPS) Module 1 – Handouts (.DOC) (One copy for each participant) Most Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) cannot ignore the possibility of being impacted by natural disasters. Many operate in communities and regions where severe natural events are seasonal and, to some extent, predictable. It behoves such an MFI to make preparations for the impact of natural disasters on their clients and on the MFI itself. MFIs will be better placed to respond effectively when a disaster strikes if it has worked through the issues, designed policies and products, and negotiated collaboration with disaster management agencies (DMAs), before disaster strikes rather than in the midst of it. Glossary Items: Disaster Preparedness

2 Tujuan Untuk memahami:
berbagai fase dari tanggapan cepat untuk LKM, dan berbagai kegiatan berkatian dengan masing-masing fase bagaimana melakukan penilaian paska bencana untuk LKM, para pelanggannya, dan lingkungan ‘tanggap bencana’ pilihan untuk memodifikasi berbagai produk saat ini dan/atau menawarkan produk-produk baru peran LKM dalam penyelamatan bencana SLIDE 2: Objectives Following completion of this module, participants should understand how a natural disaster might affect an MFI, and the strategies an MFI can implement to mitigate the risks.

3 Topik yang dibahas Tanggapan Cepat – Pandangan Umum
Tanggapan Cepat – Fase 1 Tanggapan Cepat – Fase 2 Tanggapan Cepat – Fase 3 LKM dan Penyelamatan Bencana Rangkuman SLIDE 3: Topics Note that the first three topics in the discussion are for learning and background. However, there is little point simply understanding these things if it does not result in a concrete action plan. Therefore, the Key Output of this module is that the MFI prepares a Disaster Preparedness Plan (Topic 4).

4 1. Tanggapan Cepat – Pandangan Umum
Fase 1 Minggu 1: Konfirmasi dan periksa lingkup bencana, bentuk satuan tugas krisis, kaji kembali rencana kesiapan menghadapi bencana, lakukan penilaian dampak bencana Fase 2 Minggu 2-4: Pantau dan tindak lanjuti dengan para pelanggan, rancang modifikasi produk dan produk baru Fase 3 Minggu 5 dan selanjutnya: Manajemen likuiditas, manajemen portofolio, pengkajian kembali penawaran produk SLIDE 7: Quantifying impact in accounting terms Facilitator Note: This is an introductory slide only. The discussion that follows uses the two categories – Impact on Cashflow and Impact on the Balance Sheet - to discuss ways of quantifying the impact of a disaster in accounting terms.

5 2. Tanggapan Cepat - Fase 1 Konfirmasi dan periksa lingkup bencana
Bentuk Satuan Tugas Krisis Lakukan inventarisasi awal dari aset - aset kunci Pastikan keamanan dari aset - aset kunci Tentukan tindakan yang perlu dilakukan dengan cepat Kaji kembali dan perbaiki kebijakan bencana Informasikan pada karyawan mengenai kebijakan dan prosedur Aplikasikan rencana komunikasi Prakarsai penilaian dampak/kebutuhan secara rinci SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

6 Bentuk Satuan Tugas Krisis
Tujuan : Untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh departemen kunci dari LKM memahami sifat dan dimensi krisis. Dipimpin seorang ‘manajer krisis’ dengan ketrampilan berorganisasi dan manajemen yang kuat, dan akan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada pemimpin LKM. Termasuk di dalam tim adalah wakil dari masing-masing departemen – termasuk kredit, sistem informasi, akuntansi, operasional, dll. Rapat harian selama periode awal krisis, dan selanjutnya sesering mungkin sesuai kebutuhan. Berfungsi sebagai badan ad hoc, menyelenggarakan rapat bila diperlukan untuk mengkaji kembali situasi dan merencanakan strategi. SLIDE 7: Quantifying impact in accounting terms Facilitator Note: This is an introductory slide only. The discussion that follows uses the two categories – Impact on Cashflow and Impact on the Balance Sheet - to discuss ways of quantifying the impact of a disaster in accounting terms.

7 Mengkaji Kembali dan Memperbaiki Kebijakan Bencana
Jika LKM memiliki ‘Rencana Kesiapan Menghadapi Bencana’ kajilah kembali, dan jika bisa diterapkan segera terhadap bencana, ikutilah kebijakan yang telah ditentukan (contingency policy). Perhatikan perubahan/tambahan apa saja yang perlu dilakukan terhadap ‘Rencana Kesiapan Menghadapi Bencana’ sewaktu anda mengkajinya kembali sehubungan dengan bencana sekarang. SLIDE 4: Topic 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

8 Prakarsai Penilaian Dampak/Kebutuhan secara rinci
Penilaian lengkap terhadap konteks dibutuhkan sebelum merancang produk baru dan/atau memodifikasi produk. LKM perlu memahami kekuatan dan kelemahannya sendiri, untuk menentukan apa yang dapat dilakukannya dan apa yang tidak. Sewaktu melakukan penilaian, penting untuk mempertimbangkan: para pelanggan LKM lingkungan SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

9 Penilaian: Para Pelanggan, LKM, Lingkungan
Kegiatan kelompok: Bersama-sama, susunlah suatu skenario bencana. Bagilah dalam 3 kelompok – masing-masing sebagai ‘pelanggan’. ‘LKM’ dan ‘lingkungan’. Setiap kelompok membuat daftar stakeholder dan topik, serta menyiapkan presentasi singkat dari hasil penilaiannya.

10 Penilaian: Tingkat pelanggan
Apakah para pelanggan masih hidup? Apakah keluarga dekat para pelanggan masih hidup? Berapa banyak pelanggan yang mengalami kerusakan? Bagaimana sifat kerusakannya? Jika ada pelanggan yang meninggal dunia, apakah yang bersangkutan merupakan peminjam perorangan atau peminjam kelompok? Apakah ada sumber pendapatan lain dalam rumahtangga yang bersangkutan? Apa saja mekanisme penanganan keuangan oleh pelanggan? Apakah pelanggan masih tergabung dalam suatu jaring pengaman sosial – kelompok penabung (arisan), kelompok pemakaman? Apa saja sikap pelanggan dalam membayar pinjaman, dan bagaimana kemampuan mereka untuk terus melakukannya? SLIDE 4: Topic 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

11 Penilaian: Tingkat LKM
Sumber Daya Manusia: Apakah para karyawan/manajemen masih hidup, terluka, trauma? Portofolio: Apa saja dampak terhadap usaha di mana para pelanggan memiliki pinjaman, dan berapakah sisa dari portofolio? Sistem: Apakah data portofolio hilang? Apakah data tersebut disimpan juga (back up) di tempat lain? Informasi akurat dan terkini apa saja yang masih tersedia? Aset lainnya: Apa saja yang tersisa dari kendaraan, kantor, komputer, di kantor cabang/lapangan dan dikantor pusat? Berapa nilainya? Keamanan: Apakah ada perampasan? Apakah kantor perlu ditutup untuk seterusnya dan jika demikian, mulai kapan dan oleh siapa? SLIDE 4: Topic 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

12 Penilaian: Tingkat lingkungan
Uraikan penurunan kondisi hidup. Apakah ada mobilitas penduduk dari satu tempat ketempat lain? Bagaimana situasi keamanannya? Apakah terdapat kerusakan di pasar berada? Apa saja sumber utama usaha dan perdagangan serta bagaimana kondisinya? Sampai seberapa gangguan terhadap alat produksi? Apakah ada inflasi dan/atau devaluasi? Siapa saja para pelaku kunci lain terkait dalam kegiatan paska bencana dan apa saja yang mereka lakukan? Dengan siapa saja organisasi anda dapat membentuk kemitraan? SLIDE 4: Topic 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

13 3. Tanggapan Cepat - Fase 2 Satuan tugas krisis:
Mengadakan pertemuan setiap hari Mengenali permasalahan, mengambil tindakan Mengkaji kembali indikator kunci kinerja dan menentukan implikasi dari kecenderungan yang ada secara harian Merancang modifikasi produk Merancang produk-produk baru SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

14 Merancang Modifikasi Produk
Penyesuaian Pinjaman Penjadwalan ulang Pembiayaan ulang Pemutihan pinjaman Fleksibilitas dalam metodologi pemberian pinjaman Tabungan Akses mudah dan segera atas simpanan Menghubungkan antara produk tabungan dengan program kerja-untuk-uang (cash-for-work) SLIDE 4: Topic 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management Berbagai modifikasi produk ini dibahas dengan lebih rinci dalam Modul 4 – Peran Keuangan Mikro dalam Pemulihan Penghidupan

15 Merancang Produk Baru (1)
Diskusi: ‘Produk keuangan baru’ apa saja yang Anda pikir relevan dalam konteks paska bencana? SLIDE 12: Impact on the Balance Sheet (2) BRAINSTORM: Distribute the handout “Sample Balance Sheet”. Lead the participants through some of the following: Following a major natural disaster, What might happen to the figures for “Cash and bank accounts”, “Short-term investments”, “Loan Portfolio”, “Loan Loss Reserve”, “Property and Equipment”, “Short-term borrowing”, “Client Savings”. Indicate where funds flow from one item to another. Which items would you expect to not change? (e.g. Long-term investments, Long-term debt) See following slide for suggested answers.

16 Merancang Produk Baru (2)
Produk keuangan baru dalam konteks paska bencana dapat termasuk: Pinjaman darurat (atau pinjaman pengganti aset) Pinjaman rekonstruksi rumah atau bangunan Leasing Hibah Berbagai produk baru ini dibahas dengan lebih rinci dalam Modul 4 – Peran Keuangan Mikro dalam Pemulihan Mata Pencaharian SLIDE 12: Impact on the Balance Sheet (2) BRAINSTORM: Distribute the handout “Sample Balance Sheet”. Lead the participants through some of the following: Following a major natural disaster, What might happen to the figures for “Cash and bank accounts”, “Short-term investments”, “Loan Portfolio”, “Loan Loss Reserve”, “Property and Equipment”, “Short-term borrowing”, “Client Savings”. Indicate where funds flow from one item to another. Which items would you expect to not change? (e.g. Long-term investments, Long-term debt) See following slide for suggested answers.

17 4. Tanggapan Cepat - Fase 3 Negosiasikan likuiditas cadangan jika dibutuhkan. Dapatkan jaminan atau sisihkan cadangan, untuk memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan. Bantu pelanggan mengakses sumber bantuan lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan non-keuangan seeprti membangun kembali tempat berlindung, memperoleh sumbangan pakaian dan makanan dll. Pertimbangkan mengenai pengenalan produk-produk baru untuk memenuhi perubahan kebutuhan dari pelanggan. SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

18 5. LKM dan Pertolongan Bencana
Tahap keadaan darurat dan penyelamatan yang mengikuti terjadinya bencana alam memerlukan berbagai pihak untuk menyediakan atau mengkoordinasikan logistik serta sumber daya untuk memberi dukungan kepada mereka yang terkena dampak. Ketika terdapat sebuah LKM yang beroperasi di daerah yang terkena bencana, kecenderungannya LKM tersebut akan dihubungi pertama kali sebagai pemberi pertolongan pertama sampai instansi penolong dan organisasi pemerintah tiba di tempat bencana. Upaya pertolongan untuk LKM semestinya tidak termasuk membagikan selimut, obat dan makanan selama keadaan darurat, atau mengoperasikan tempat penampungan bagi para pengungsi. Sesuai dengan bentuknya, LKM tidak dispesialisasikan untuk menyediakan jenis pertolongan seperti itu. SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

19 Mengapa LKM perlu Dilibatkan dalam Pertolongan Bencana?
Membina hubungan kembali dengan pelanggan mereka. Membantu orang yang terkena bencana dengan penarikan tabungan dan memfasilitasi transfer uang Membantu organisasi penyelamatan dengan logistik dan informasi. Memudahkan peralihan yang lancar dari penyelamatan ke pemulihan. Menghindari distorsi pasar. Membantu menelusuri arus masuk dan menilai kebutuhan atas jasa keuangan. Menampung tabungan dari transfer uang. Mengembangkan usaha keuangan mikro. SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

20 Apa saja yang dapat Dilakukan oleh LKM dalam Pertolongan Bencana? (1)
Diskusi: Menurut pendapat anda, dengan cara apa saja LKM dapat membantu dalam upaya penyelamatan bencana? SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

21 Apa saja yang dapat Dilakukan oleh LKM dalam Pertolongan Bencana? (2)
LKM dapat memberikan bantuan paling besar selama tahap penyelamatan dalam bidang sebagai berikut: menemukan anggota masyarakat yang terkena bencana dan menghubungkan mereka dengan upaya pertolongan; mengatur transportasi ke daerah yang lebih aman; menggunakan jaringan komunikasi LKM untuk memberitahu kantor pusat mengenai situasi di daerah bencana; mengirimkan pesan kesehatan kepada masyarakat; mengkoordinasi dengan organisasi penyelamatan dan menyediakan informasi mengenai daerah bencana; mengorganisasi anggota LKM untuk memberikan upaya penyelamatan kepada masyarakat, misalnya membersihkan reruntuhan; membantu untuk penilaian kerusakan dan membuat rencana pertolongan serta rekonstruksi. SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

22 6. Rangkuman Membangun struktur kelembagaan tangguh dengan pengelolaan yang kuat dan sumber daya manusia yang trampil. Menciptakan MIS yang bagus bagi pemberian tanggapan cepat, dan menjaga portofolio pinjaman dan para pelanggan. Kontrol internal yang kuat untuk menghindari kemungkinan penipuan pada waktu krisis. Menyesuaikan tanggapan dengan kerentanan dan kapasitas yang dimiliki pelanggan, serta menawarkan fleksibilitas dan pilihan produk. Memiliki kebijakan sumber daya yang jelas tetapi fleksibel yang disesuaikan dengan trauma serta kebutuhan karyawan dan manajemen. Koordinasi efektif dari para stakeholder selama waktu normal dan memiliki pilihan produk dan strategi yang relevan untuk meringankan dan menangani bencana. SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask participants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the participants reflections.

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