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Latar Belakang Lahirnya Konsep e-Gov
Era Globalisasi (Isu HAM, hukum, transparansi, GCG, perdagangan beba, pasar terbuka, supply side menuju demand side) Kemajuan teknologi informasi (komputer & telekomunikasi) Peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat krn semakin membaiknya kinerja industri swasta
Proses Lahirnya Konsep e-Gov
3 Faktor yg melatari e-Gov Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) di Inggris Adalah bagaimana melalui media elektronik & digital, pemerintah dpt menyediakan jasa pelayanan kpd masyarakat ESD merupakan cikal bakal e-Gov Proses Lahirnya Konsep e-Gov
Definisi e-Gov Menurut Lembaga Non-Pemerintah
e-Gov refers to the use by government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the internet and computing) that have the ability to transform relation with citizens, business, and other arms of government. World Bank e-Gov is the aplication of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by government agencies. UNDP (United Nation Development Programme) e-Gov is nothing short of fundamental transformation of government and governance at a scale we have not witnessed since the beginning of the industrial era. Janet Caldow (IBM Corporation) ia
Definisi e-Gov Menurut Lembaga Pemerintah
e-Gov refers to the delivery of government information and services online through the internet and other digital means. Pemerintah Federal AS e-Gov is a way for government to use the new technologies to provide people with more convenient access to government information and services, to improve the quality of services and to provide greater opportunities to participate in our democratic institutions and processes. Pemerintah New Zeland The use of modern ICT in the modernization of our administration, which comprise the following classes of action: Computerization design to enhance operational efficiency within individual department and agencies. Computerization of services to citizens and firms, often implying integration among the services of different department and agencies. Provision of ICT access to final users of government services an information Pemerintah Italy
Merupakan suatu mekanisme interaksi baru (modern) antara pemerintah dg masyarakat & kalangan lain yg berkepentingan (stakeholder) Melibatkan penggunaan teknologi informasi (khususnya internet) Bertujuan memerbaiki mutu (kualitas) pelayanan Karakteristik e-Gov
Manfaat e-Gov Memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan pemerintah Meningkatkan transparansi, kontrol & akuntabilitas dlm rangka implementasi GCG Mengurangi biaya administrasi, relasi & interaksi yg dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah maupun stakeholder-nya
Manfaat e-Gov Membuka peluang pemerintah untuk mendapatkan sumber pendapatan baru melalui interaksinya dg stakeholder Menciptakan lingkungan masyarakat baru yg dpt dg cepat & tepat menjawab berbagai permasalahan terkait perubahan global & trend yg ada Memberdayakan masyarakat & pihak2 lain sbg mitra pemerintah dlm kebijakan publik secara merata & demokratis
Visi E-Gov di Inggris (Tony Blair)
Joined-up costumer focused services will be available over a range of channels, delivered by public, private and voluntary sector providers in a new “mixed economy market”, as a part of a modernised and re- invented approach to service delivery
Visi E-Gov di Inggris (Tony Blair)
Dept/ Agency/ LA Government Gateway Web enable physical government channel Government e-service Private, voluntary sector, value added services Joined-up back office Multiple channel, mixed economy delivery Citizen-focused service delivery
Skema e-Government (Anwar & Oetojo, 2004)
Kota Desa E-Government Pelayanan Terpadu Informasi Perizinan Perpajakan Kependudukan dll Good Governance Debirokratisasi Keterbukaan Kemudahan pelayanan Partisipasi masyarakat Menjembatani antara produsen, konsumen, penjual & pembeli, dll Peningkatan PAD Kesejahteraan rakyat
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