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Modul 2: Persiapan pelanggan
Keuangan Mikro dan Manajemen Bencana Modul 2: Persiapan pelanggan SLIDE 1: Module 1: MFI Preparedness Estimated Duration: 3 hours total Resources needed: Flipchart paper and markers Digital projector Module 1 – Presentation (.PPS) Module 1 – Handouts (.DOC) (One copy for each Topicicipant) Most Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) cannot ignore the possibility of being impacted by natural disasters. Many operate in communities and regions where severe natural events are seasonal and, to some extent, predictable. It behoves such an MFI to make preparations for the impact of natural disasters on their clients and on the MFI itself. MFIs will be better placed to respond effectively when a disaster strikes if it has worked through the issues, designed policies and products, and negotiated collaboration with disaster management agencies (DMAs), before disaster strikes rather than in the midst of it. Glossary Items: Disaster Preparedness
Tujuan Untuk memahami: dampak bencana alam terhadap rumahtangga miskin
strategi manajemen risiko yang digunakan rumahtangga miskin berbagai produk keuangan yang dapat membantu rumahtangga miskin guna mengurangi kerentanan terhadap bencana SLIDE 2: Objectives Following completion of this module, Topicicipants should understand how a natural disaster might affect an MFI, and the strategies an MFI can implement to mitigate the risks.
Topik - topik Goncangan dari luar yang dihadapi rumahtangga miskin
Dampak ekonomi goncangan dari luar terhadap rumahtangga miskin Mekanisme penanganan ekonomi oleh rumahtangga miskin Berbagai produk keuangan untuk mengurangi risiko pada tingkat pelanggan Pengembangan Produk untuk Persiapan Menghadapi Bencana Rangkuman SLIDE 3: Topics Note that the first three topics in the discussion are for learning and background. However, there is little point simply understanding these things if it does not result in a concrete action plan. Therefore, the Key Output of this module is that the MFI prepares a Disaster Preparedness Plan (Topic 4).
1. Goncangan Dari Luar yang dihadapi Rumahtangga Miskin
Perorangan Penyakit/luka yang diderita anggota keluarga, khususnya oleh si penghasil pendapatan utama Wafatnya anggota keluarga, khususnya si penghasil pendapatan utama Pencurian Kebakaran Lain-lain Masyarakat Bencana alam – kekeringan, kelaparan, gempa bumi, banjir, topan, letusan gunung api , tsunami, dll. SLIDE 4: Topic 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that Topicicipants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy Topicner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management
2. Dampak Ekonomi Goncangan dari Luar terhadap Rumahtangga Miskin
Latihan studi kasus: Baca skenario di handout Bagaimana dampak banjir besar terhadap keadaan ekonomi rumahtangga Singh? SLIDE 6: Topic 2. The Impact of Disasters on MFIs Estimated Duration: 50 minutes Technique: Lecture, Interview, Brainstorm We now consider the possible impacts of disasters on MFIs. If we understand the areas of risk, it will then possible to design and implement strategies to mitigate these risks. Direct impact refers to physical damage on computers, information systems and data, etc. Indirect impact includes disruptions in general services that impact how an organization operates. This includes disruptions to electricity, telecommunication and transport infrastructure. Macroeconomic damage refers to broader impact felt by the region, and includes inflationary pressure, disruptions to means of production, social unrest, etc. INTERVIEW: (Facilitator Note: You should either identify a suitable interviewee, or ask the Topicicipants to construct a scenario) Describe the direct, indirect and macro-economic impacts suffered by one of your branch offices following a natural disaster: How was the office building and/or equipment damaged? Was the equipment insured? How was it replaced? Did you lose client data? How did these losses impact the microfinance operations? Did you lose electricity? Telephone? Were your officers able to travel to the clients’ communities as before? How did these losses impact the microfinance operations? Were there Topicicular social problems that impacted your microfinance operations? REMEMBER TO KEEP THE FLIPCHART FOR THIS EXERCISE, AS YOU WILL USE IT AGAIN LATER
Dampak Ekonomi (2) Ketidaksanggupan sementara dalam menghasilkan pendapatan Dampak bencana terhadap pelanggan/majikan Hancurnya persediaan perdagangan Kenaikan pengeluaran dasar Kenaikan harga makanan, bahan bakar dll., karena kurangnya pasokan Kenaikan risiko kesehatan (dan biaya-biaya setelahnya) Kerusakan pada, atau kehancuran dari, berbagai aset penghasil pendapatan Kerusakan/kehancuran/kehilangan hasil panen, ternak, peralatan Kerusakan pada, atau kehancuran dari, aset-aset rumahtangga SLIDE 5: External risks faced by MFIs There has been a growing interest and body of literature on legal and regulatory environments that are conducive to microfinance operations. Many governments have Topicicipated in policy dialogue on this issue and several countries have adopted specific microfinance legislation. In recent times, there has also been some interest in the subject of “Microfinance in Conflict-affected Communities”. From the beginning, microfinance providers have had to work in contexts impacted by natural disasters. In fact, many of the oldest MFIs were formed Topicly as a disaster recovery intervention. Bangladesh, for example, is one such country where many of the MFIs were formed as a response to natural disaster. In spite of this, the microfinance sector in general has not ‘mainstreamed’ Disaster Risk Management as a key governance issue. The 2004 Asian Tsunami, as well as subsequent natural disasters has provided new emphasis for this subject.
3. Mekanisme Penanganan Ekonomi oleh Rumahtangga Miskin
Latihan studi kasus: Bagaimana rumahtangga Singh dapat menanggulangi dampak ekonomi dari banjir dahsyat? Golongkan jawaban anda sebagai mekanisme ketegangan rendah, ketegangan sedang dan ketegangan tinggi. SLIDE 6: Topic 2. The Impact of Disasters on MFIs Estimated Duration: 50 minutes Technique: Lecture, Interview, Brainstorm We now consider the possible impacts of disasters on MFIs. If we understand the areas of risk, it will then possible to design and implement strategies to mitigate these risks. Direct impact refers to physical damage on computers, information systems and data, etc. Indirect impact includes disruptions in general services that impact how an organization operates. This includes disruptions to electricity, telecommunication and transport infrastructure. Macroeconomic damage refers to broader impact felt by the region, and includes inflationary pressure, disruptions to means of production, social unrest, etc. INTERVIEW: (Facilitator Note: You should either identify a suitable interviewee, or ask the Topicicipants to construct a scenario) Describe the direct, indirect and macro-economic impacts suffered by one of your branch offices following a natural disaster: How was the office building and/or equipment damaged? Was the equipment insured? How was it replaced? Did you lose client data? How did these losses impact the microfinance operations? Did you lose electricity? Telephone? Were your officers able to travel to the clients’ communities as before? How did these losses impact the microfinance operations? Were there Topicicular social problems that impacted your microfinance operations? REMEMBER TO KEEP THE FLIPCHART FOR THIS EXERCISE, AS YOU WILL USE IT AGAIN LATER
Mekanisme Penanganan Ketegangan Rendah, Sedang dan Tinggi (1)
Penanggulangan ketegangan rendah Mengubah pola konsumsi Anggaran Melunasi hutang kecil Menagih klaim asuransi Penanggulangan ketegangan sedang Gunakan tabungan Jual aset rumahtangga yang kurang penting Pinjam dari teman/ keluarga Pindah kerja kota lain Mulai pekerjaan baru Penanggulangan ketegangan tinggi Jual aset produktif Gagal bayar pinjaman Mengurangi konsumsi secara drastis SLIDE 7: Quantifying impact in accounting terms Facilitator Note: This is an introductory slide only. The discussion that follows uses the two categories – Impact on Cashflow and Impact on the Balance Sheet - to discuss ways of quantifying the impact of a disaster in accounting terms. LKM-LKM sebaiknya menawarkan produk-produk yang dapat membantu para pelanggan guna menghindari mekanisme penanggulangan ketegangan tinggi
Mekanisme Penanggulangan Ketegangan Rendah, Sedang dan Tinggi (2)
Berapa harga serta dampak dari berbagai strategi penanggulangan ini terhadap rumahtangga? Mengurangi konsumsi: Kesehatan fisik menurun Pindah kerja ke lokasi lain: Keutuhan keluarga kurang terjalin Meminjam: Beban hutang bertambah Menjual aset (produktif): Mengurangi potensi pendapatan Menarik dana tabungan dan memanfaatkan transfer dana adalah strategi penanggulangan yang lebih baik. SLIDE 7: Quantifying impact in accounting terms Facilitator Note: This is an introductory slide only. The discussion that follows uses the two categories – Impact on Cashflow and Impact on the Balance Sheet - to discuss ways of quantifying the impact of a disaster in accounting terms.
4. Berbagai produk Keuangan untuk Pengurangan Risiko di Tingkat pelanggan
Berikut adalah berbagai produk keuangan umum untuk persiapan penanggulangan bencana oleh para pelanggan keuangan mikro: Tabungan Transfer Kredit Asuransi SLIDE 9: Impact on cash flow and liquidity The impact on cash flow and liquidity is as follows: First, there will be an immediate decline in inflow of cash. Clients are likely to stop depositing savings and they may opt to reduce loan repayments to the minimum required. Second, there will be an increase in outflow of cash. Clients are likely to withdraw savings and they may request additional loans. In the medium term, repayment rates may decline even further, if clients have lost, or are forced to sell, productive assets. There may be a significant loss of capital if large numbers of clients default on their loans. Furthermore, while group-lending methodologies can ensure high repayment rates under normal conditions they can also serve to magnify capital losses in times of widespread economic stress. The result of all of the above is that MFIs may face a serious liquidity crisis in the wake of a natural disaster. Since MFIs pride themselves on their ability to deliver financial services to poor households, it would be both ironic and unfortunate if an MFI was unable to maintain these services at a time when their clients need them most. NOTE: The assumptions of decreasing savings deposits and increased withdrawal of savings are generally true in post-crisis situations where there are no relief agencies distributing grants or conducting cash-for-work programs. However, following the 2004 Asian Tsunami it was observed that in contexts where there were relief grants and cash-for-work programs, client savings actually increased. For further information, read Research Brief #5 “Savings for Risk Mitigation and Crisis Recovery”.
Tabungan Rumahtangga yang telah memiliki tabungan akan lebih siap dalam menanggulangi masalah keuangannya setelah bencana alam. Apakah mereka sendiri yang menggalang simpanannya atau bukan, LKM dapat mendorong para pelanggan mereka untuk memiliki tabungan sebagai penopang terhadap kejadian bencana. LKM dapat mencapai ini dengan mendidik para pelanggan mengenai keuntungan dari memiliki tabungan, merancang dan menerapkan pemberian insentif, dan menyediakan layanan menabung yang efektif. Tabungan harus bisa ditarik pada waktu bencana. Brainstorm: Bagaimana LKM dapat mendorong para pelanggannya untuk memiliki tabungan? SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Transfer Di dalam kelompok masyarakat dimana LKM-LKM berada, sebagian anggota keluarga bekerja di tempat lain (misalnya luar negeri), dan mentransfer dana untuk menyokong keluarga mereka. Transfer adalah satu peluang bagi LKM untuk menggalang tabungan pelanggan. Di banyak negara, hanya lembaga keuangan resmi atau perusahaan yang memiliki izin pentransferan dana secara elektronis yang diperkenankan untuk melakukan transfer dana. LKM-LKM harus mencari tahu cara-cara bagaimana dapat berhubungan dengan mereka. Brainstorm: Jelaskan sifat dasar buruh migran ditengah masyarakat anda. Dimana saja mereka pergi bekerja? Bagaimana mereka mentransfer dana? SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Kredit Pinjaman untuk Persiapan menghadapi Bencana
Untuk membantu pelanggan mempersiapkan diri menghadapi bencana, di wilayah dimana sering terjadi bencana secara teratur dan yang bisa diramalkan, seperti banjir. Tawarkan suku bunga yang rendah untuk menarik pelanggan. Tingkatkan kesadaran diantara para pelanggan untuk merencanakan persiapan dalam menghadapi bencana. Pinjaman yang dirancang untuk menghadapi Bencana Kalau peristiwa alam yang dahsyat bisa diantisipasi, jadwal pembayaran kembali dikurangi selama musim banjir. Bukan reaksi paska bencana, tetapi sudah dimasukkan dalam akad pinjaman asli. LKM merencanakan dampak bencana, berpikir kedepan tentang arus kas dan likuiditas. SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Pinjaman untuk Kesiapan menghadapi Bencana
Brainstorm: Untuk maksud apa saja para pelanggan LKM di daerah anda memanfaatkan pinjaman ‘pencegahan’? SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Asuransi Mikro Asuransi Mikro adalah perlindungan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah terhadap berbagai bahaya khusus dengan imbalan pembayaran premi secara teratur yang sebanding dengan mata pencaharian dan biaya dari risiko bersangkutan. SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Fitur Asuransi Mikro Relevan dengan risiko rumahtangga berpenghasilan rendah Seinklusif mungkin Premi sesuai kemampuan dalam jumlah kecil Manfaat dalam jumlah kecil Uraian yang jelas serta aturan dan pembatasan yang sederhana Akses yang mudah atas persyaratan dokumentasi klaim Pembayaran manfaat dengan cepat Pendidikan pelanggan Sikap asuransi mikro: menolong orang mengelola risiko SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Produk-produk Asuransi Mikro (1)
Brainstorm: Produk asuransi apa saja yang anda dapat pikirkan? SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Produk-produk Asuransi Mikro (2)
Definisi Jiwa Menyediakan jasa perlindungan terhadap kerugian ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh meninggalnya orang yang diasuransikan. Sisa Pinjaman Membayar kembali sisa pinjaman sehubungan dengan meninggalnya si peminjam. Terkadang, cakupan cacat jasmaniah sebagian atau menyeluruh juga termasuk didalamnya. Pemakaman Membayar seluruh pengeluaran yang terkait dengan pemakaman orang yang diasuransikan. Kadang kala asuransi tersebut telah diatur melalui penyelenggara pemakaman. Pinjaman Membayar kembali sisa pinjaman yang sudah macet (gagal bayar)lewat suatu jangka waktu tertentu, tanpa menghiraukan sebab kemacetan. Jangan keliru dengan sisa pinjaman pada asuransi jiwa. Aset Mengganti barang-barang spesifik– misalnya peralatan dan gedung – jika mereka hilang atau rusak. Barang-barang yang diasuransikan, dan setiap pengecualian, diuraikan dalam kontrak. SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Tantangan Keuangan Mikro
Semua asuransi, kecuali yang paling sederhana, berada diluar kemampuan mayoritas LKM. Sulit mencapai skala secukupnya (perlu kemungkinan nihil semua pelanggan serempak terkena dampak bencana). Menetapkan prosedur untuk menentukan kapan suatu pembayaran harus dilakukan, untuk kerugian apa dan untuk berapa besar, adalah sulit. Biasanya biaya menjadi penghalang karena premi sebanding dengan risiko, dan rumahtangga miskin menghadapi risiko tinggi. Tidak mudah dipasarkan. Acapkali yang paling baik adalah jika LKM bertindak sebagai mata rantai antara para pelanggan/kelompok dan perusahaan-perusahaan asuransi yang bereputasi yang sanggup menyediakan asuransi umum. SLIDE 10: Impact on the Balance Sheet (1) The balance sheet provides a snapshot of everything the company owes (liabilities) and owns (assets) at a specific point in time. A “strong” balance sheet is one where liabilities are considerably outweighed by assets. Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Facilitator Note: This is an informational slide. With this slide, and the following slide, the facilitator should get a ‘feel’ for how well Topicicipants understand what a Balance Sheet is. Some will be very familiar with it; others may not be familiar at all. Glossary items: Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
5. Pengembangan Produk untuk Persiapan Menghadapi Bencana
Barbagai langkah utama harus meliputi: Menyelenggarakan penilaian risiko bencana dan kerentanan pelanggan LKM Melatih pelanggan dalam persiapan menghadapi bencana, misalnya menggunakan modul ini sebagai landasan. Jika mungkin, bermitra dengan berbagai lembaga pelatihan yang khusus sehingga penawaran layanan ini tidak berdampak kepada kelangsungan LKM. Gunakan langkah pendekatan secara sistematis terhadap pengembangan produk dalam persiapan menghadapi bencana. Direkomendasikan untuk memanfaatkan metodologi MicroSave untuk menyelenggarakan riset pasar dan pengembangan produk (lihat slide berikut). SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask Topicicipants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the Topicicipants reflections.
Riset Pasar dan Pengembangan Produk
Pandangan Umum Proses Rencana Riset Kualitatif Riset Kualititatif: FGD/PRA Pengenalan Masalah Memahami kebutuhan pelanggan Pengembangan Konsep Riset Kuantitatif: Pengujian Prototip Produk Siap untuk Uji Coba Penghalusan Konsep kedalam Prototip SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask Topicicipants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the Topicicipants reflections. Uji Coba/Memperbaiki prototip produk prototip Sumber: Microsave
6. Rangkuman Mendengarkan dan belajar dari pengurangan risiko pelanggan dan mekanisme penanggulangan dalam menghadapi bencana. Mengenali berbagai produk dan jasa yang dapat ditawarkan LKM untuk meringankan dampak bencana. Mengembangkan berbagai produk yang cocok, menyelenggarakan penilaian kerentanan dan pemetaan krisis. Meningkatkan kesadaran pelanggan tentang strategi pengurangan risiko bencana. SLIDE 8: Impact on cash flow BRAINSTORM: Ask Topicicipants to consider each of the above – declining inflows, increasing out-flows, declining repayment rates and increasing loan default. Ask them to explain how/why these phenomena occur. Write the answers on the flip chart. Finally, display the next slide, and confirm the Topicicipants reflections.
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