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Unika Soegijapranata 2011.  Rumah tangga  konsumsi  Perusahaan  Investasi.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Unika Soegijapranata 2011.  Rumah tangga  konsumsi  Perusahaan  Investasi."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Unika Soegijapranata 2011

2  Rumah tangga  konsumsi  Perusahaan  Investasi


4  Fungsi konsumsi adalah hubungan antara pengeluaran konsumen dan disposable income. I  nduced consumer expenditure adalah bagian dari pengeluaran konsumen yang bervariasi seturut dengan disposable income.  Fungsi tabungan adalah hubungan antara tabungan dan disposable income. Jika tabungan negatif, disebut Dissaving.

5  Avarrage propensity to consume adala ratio pengeluaran konsumen terhada disposable income.  Marginal propensity to consume adalah rasio suatu perubahan dalam pengeluaran konsumen terhadap suatu perubahan dalam disposable income.  Avarage propensity to save adalah ratio tabungan terhadap disposable income.  Marginal propensity to save ratio suatu perubahan dalam tabungan terhadap suatu perubahan dalam disposable income.

6 slide 6 1. 0 < MPC < 1 2. APC falls as income rises where APC = average propensity to consume = C/Y 3. Income is the main determinant of consumption.

7 slide 7 A consumption function with the properties Keynes conjectured: C Y 1 c c = MPC = slope of the consumption function C = C* + cY C*

8 slide 8 C Y slope = APC As income rises, the APC falls (consumers save a bigger fraction of their income). APC = C/Y = C*/Y + c

9 slide 9  Business fixed investment: businesses’ spending on equipment and structures for use in production  Residential investment: purchases of new housing units (either by occupants or landlords)  Inventory investment: the value of the change in inventories of finished goods, materials and supplies, and work in progress.

10  Pendekatan pengeluaran agregat  AE = Y = C + I AE = Y C + I C I Y C, I E

11 CIAEYKeterangan 100.00 112.50 125.00 137.50 150.00 162.50 175.00 187.50 200.00 50.00 150.00 162.50 175.00 187.50 200.00 212.50 225.00 237.50 250.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 225.00 250.00 275.00 300.00 ekspansi keseimbangan kontraksi

12  Pendekatan Suntikan Dan Bocoran  Y = C + S  Y = C + I  C + S= C + I  S = I → kondisi keseimbangan

13 Ye S E I Y S,I

14 YCSIKeterangan 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 62.5 75 87.5 100 112.5 125 137.5 150 162.5 175 187.5 200 -37.5 -25 -12.5 0 12.5 25 37.5 50 62.5 75 87.5 100 50 ekspansi keseimbangan kontraksi

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