Introduction to MANAGEMENT Prepared for MM UNSOED 2013

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1 Introduction to MANAGEMENT Prepared for MM UNSOED 2013
Presented by: AGUNG PRAPTAPA

2 What is Management? Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan manajemen ?

3 Getting work done through others
Management is… Effectiveness Efficiency Getting work done through others Management is getting work done through others. Managers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. Efficiency is getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste. Effectiveness is accomplishing tasks that help full organizational objectives, such as customer service and satisfaction. 1

4 Classical Management Functions Updated Management Functions
Planning Controlling Organizing Leading Making Things Happen Meeting the Competition Organizing People, Projects, and Processes Classical Management Functions Updated Management Functions Classical functions of management are planning, controlling, organizing, and leading. Planning is determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them. Controlling is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when progress isn’t being made. Organizing is deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom in the company. Leading is inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals. Old-style managers think of themselves as the “manager” or the “boss.” New-style managers think of themselves as sponsors, team leaders, or internal consultants. Old-style managers follow the chain of command (reporting to the boss, who reports to the next boss at a higher managerial level, etc.), while new-style managers work with anyone who can help them accomplish their goals. Old-style managers make decisions by themselves. New-style managers ask others to participate in decisions. Old-style managers keep proprietary company information confidential. New-style managers share that information with others. Old-style managers demand long hours. New-style managers demand results. Note that these new functions do not replace the classical functions of management; they build on them. The textbook is organized around the four updated management functions, as shown on this slide, which have evolved out of the classical functions. 2

5 Managers manage: Function Resources Processes
Product (or service) development Operation Marketing/Sales Finance People Money Machines Information Objective Setting Strategy formulation Management control

6 Levels of Management CEO COO CIO General Mgr Plant Mgr Regional Mgr
Office Manager Shift Supervisor Department Manager Team Leader Top Level Management Middle Level Management The jobs and responsibilities of the four kinds of managers are shown in Exhibit 1.2. First-Line Management 3

7 Organizational Structure
Top management Middle First-line Worker

8 Tall versus Flat Structure

9 Top Managers Responsible for… Creating a context for change
Developing attitudes of commitment and ownership in employees Creating a positive organizational culture through language and action Monitoring their business environments Top managers hold positions like chief executive officer (CEO) or chief operating officer (COO) and are responsible for the overall direction of the organization. 3.1

10 Middle Managers Responsible for…
Setting objectives consistent with top management goals, planning strategies Coordinating and linking groups, departments, and divisions Monitoring and managing the performance of subunits and managers who report to them Implementing the changes or strategies generated by top managers Middle managers hold positions like plant manager, regional manager, or divisional manager. Note how middle managers’ responsibilities are influenced by those of top managers. Note also how their responsibilities are more narrowly focused than of top managers. 3.2

11 First-Line Managers Responsible for…
Managing the performance of entry-level employees Teaching entry-level employees how to do their jobs Making schedules and operating plans based on middle management’s intermediate-range plans First-line managers hold positions like office manager, shift supervisor, or department manager. First-line managers are the only managers who don’t supervise other managers. They are closest to employees and have daily contact with employees. 3.3

12 Team Leaders Responsible for… Facilitating team performance
Managing external relationships Facilitating internal team relationships This is a relatively new kind of management job that developed as companies shifted to self-managing teams, which, by definition, have no formal supervisor. Instead of directing individuals’ work, team leaders facilitate team activities toward goal accomplishment. They have less formal authority, so they lead more through relationships and respect. Mention the experiences of Hewlett-Packard mentioned in the text. 3.4

13 Managerial Roles

14 What Challenges Do Managers Face?
Developing the appropriate skills for managerial work Avoiding “typical” managerial mistakes Making the transition from individual contributor to manager

15 What Companies Look for in Managers
Technical Skills Human Skill Conceptual Skill Motivation to Manage Technical skills are most important for lower level managers, because these managers supervise the workers who produce products or serve customers. Team leaders and first-line managers need technical knowledge and skills to train new employees and help employees solve problems. Technical skills become less important as managers rise through the managerial ranks, but they are still important. Human skills are equally important at all levels of management, from first-line supervisors to CEOs. However, because lower level managers spend much of their time solving technical problems, upper level managers may actually spend more time dealing directly with people. Conceptual skill is the ability to see the organization as a whole, how the different parts of the company affect each other, and how the company fits into or is affected by its external environment. Conceptual skill increases in importance as managers rise through the management hierarchy. Managers typically have a stronger motivation to manage than their subordinates, and managers at higher levels usually have stronger motivation to manage than managers at lower levels. Furthermore, managers with stronger motivation to manage are promoted faster, are rated by their employees as better managers, and earn more money than managers with a weak motivation to manage. 5

16 Mistakes Managers Make
1. Insensitive to others 2. Cold, aloof, arrogant 3. Betrayal of trust 4. Overly ambitions 5. Specific performance problems with the business 6. Overmanaging: unable to delegate or build a team 7. Unable to staff effectively 8. Unable to think strategically 9. Unable to adapt to boss with different style 10. Overdependent on advocate or mentor Exhibit 1.5 lists the top 10 mistakes managers make. These mistakes make the difference between “arrivers” and “derailers.” Both groups were very similar and had enjoyed past success. The biggest difference between the two were how they managed people. Arrivers were much more effective in their interpersonal skills than were derailers. Use this fact to reinforce the importance of being able to manage people rather than just processes, when it comes to management effectiveness. 6 Adapted from Exhibit 1.5 McCall & Lombardo, “What Makes a Top Executive?” Psychology Today, Feb 1983

17 The First Year Management Transition
Exercise formal authority Manage tasks, not people Help employees do their jobs Hire and fire Cannot be “bossy” Manage people, not tasks Coach employee performance Fast pace, heavy workload Initial Assumptions Reality 7

18 Thank You Silakan baca buku-buku atapun artikel yang menjadikan Saudara memiliki keyakinan untuk menjawab: “Apa itu Manajemen?” “Bagaimana menjadi manajer yang sukses?”

19 Tugas 1: Setelah mengikuti beberapa sesi tentang management, Saudara diminta mengajukan minimal 1 pertanyaan berkaitan tentang manajemen. Kirim pertanyaan sebagai COMMENT di

20 Tugas 2 BM: Berikan kontribusi kepada dunia:
“bagaimana menjadi pemimpin yang sukses” Tugas dikumpulkan melalui elearning web blog sbb: www.

21 Tugas 3 BM: Berikan kontribusi kepada dunia:
“kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh pemimpin” Tugas dikumpulkan melalui elearning web blog sbb: www.

22 Terima Kasih Tips for today: Untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan dalam menjalankan pekerjaan kita, selalu canangkan visi mulia atas pekerjaan yang kita lakukan. Agung Praptapa Your Success Partner

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