Slide 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Alan Dennis, Barbara Wixom, and David Tegarden John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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1 Slide 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Alan Dennis, Barbara Wixom, and David Tegarden John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

2 Slide 2 Chapter 1

3 Slide 3  Analysts tried to build wonderful systems without understanding the organization  The primarily goal is to create value for the organization

4 Slide 4 Systems analyst adalah orang utama yang menganalisa proses business, mengidentifikasikan kesempatan perbaikan, dan pendesainan sistem informasi untuk menerapkan konsep ini. Merupakan hal yang penting untuk memahami dan mengembangkan melalui melatih skill yang diperlukan untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan sistem informasi baru yang sukses

5 Slide 5

6 Slide 6 The project Bergerak sistematis pada fase – fase dimana setiap fase memiliki output Menghasilkan project deliverables Menggunakan deliverables pada implementasi Hasil pada actual information system menggunakan gradual refinement

7 Kenapa sistem informasi harus di bangun? Bagaimana project team menanganinya? ? Slide 7

8 Step #1 (P roject initiation) Slide 8

9 Step #2 (Enters project management ) Slide 9 Help the project team control and direct the project

10 Slide 10 Siapa yang menggunakan sistem tersebut? Apa yang dilakukan sistem tersebut? Dimana sistem tersebut digunakan? ?

11 Slide 11

12 Slide 12

13 Slide 13 Bagaimana sistem akan beroperasi Hardware, software, network infrastructure, user interface.... ?

14 Slide 14

15 Slide 15 Construction System is built and tested to ensure it performs as designed Construction System is built and tested to ensure it performs as designed Installation Direct customer approach Parallel convertion approach Phase conversion strategy Installation Direct customer approach Parallel convertion approach Phase conversion strategy Support plan Forma and informal post-implementation review Support plan Forma and informal post-implementation review

16 Slide 16 A “Simple” Process for Making Lunch

17 Slide 17 Processes and Deliverables ProcessProduct Planning Analysis Design Implementation Project Plan System Proposal System Specification New System and Maintenance Plan

18 Slide 18 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Methodologies

19 Slide 19 Pendekatan formal pada rangkaian tahap Menulis code tanpa kejelasan mungkin berhasil untuk program yang kecil, tapi apakah berhasil pada sistem yang besar?

20 Slide 20 Berpindah secara metodis dari satu langkah ke yang lain Secara umum, sebuah langkah selesai sebelum masuk ke langkah berikutnya

21 Slide 21

22 Slide 22 ProsCons Identifies systems requirements long before programming begins Design must be specified on paper before programming begins Long time between system proposal and delivery of new system

23 Slide 23

24 Slide 24 Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phased Development Prototyping Throw-Away Prototyping

25 Slide 25 Critical elements CASE tools JAD (Join Application Design) sessions Fourth generation/visualization programming languages Code generators

26 Slide 26 Phased development A series of versions Prototyping System prototyping Throw-away prototyping Design prototyping Agile Development Extreme Development

27 Slide 27

28 Slide 28

29 Slide 29 Clarity of User Requirements Familiarity with Technology System Complexity System Reliability Short Time Schedules Schedule Visibility

30 Slide 30

31 Slide 31

32 Slide 32 Business analyst System analyst Infrastructure analyst Change management analyst Project manager

33 Slide 33

34 Slide 34 The Systems Development Lifecycle berisi 4 tahapan: Planning, Analysis, Design, and Implementation The major development methodologies: Structured design  the waterfall method  Parallel development RAD development  Prototyping (regular and throwaway) Agile development  XP streamline SDLC

35 Slide 35 Ada 5 peran penting dalam team: business analyst, systems analyst, infrastructure analyst, change management analyst dan project manager.

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